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    sense of humor

    1. If your date has a sense of humor, try to laugh at some of their jokes

    2. “He is quite intelligent, and has a most peculiar sense of humor

    3. I want her to be a good cook, fun, exciting, willing to try different things and have a good sense of humor

    4. Nicola was in no mood to tolerate the man's simple sense of humor

    5. Ironic, isn’t it? The gods have a sense of humor, it seems

    6. A sense of humor that far outdoes mine, I’m afraid

    7. If you have a sense of humor, then put that in your

    8. He was a President with a sense of humor

    9. Wife of Jupiter, queen of the gods in the Roman pantheon, but without much of a sense of humor

    10. He was joking, of course, but it was nice to think someone enjoyed her weird sense of humor

    11. you are an accountant reading this, I’m sure that you have a good sense of humor, too

    12. depreciating sense of humor of a man who could laugh at himself

    13. “Djinn are known for their…interesting sense of humor

    14. the issues facing community participation, all with a keen sense of humor and enthusiasm

    15. ) whereas high frequency (UV part) is more related to our conscious activity such as thinking, creativity, intentions, sense of humor and emotions

    16. “And the rest of us could be spared your dry sense of humor as well

    17. Their sense of humor may also be impaired

    18. remarkable sense of humor

    19. My cousin Padraig remembered my mother as his favorite aunt, happy, laughing all the time, with a wonderful sense of humor and something of a tease

    20. It was fortunate they had a good sense of humor

    21. “Yes and I’m Jesus Christ” he teased and I chuckled in spite of myself, that’s another thing he countered me with, his sense of humor

    22. He still kept his sense of humor in spite of how weak he was

    23. Needless to say, only a Spaniard with a great sense of humor could arrive to such a conclusion, and sense of humor is one of Jaime’s greatest qualities

    24. Ed had no sense of humor; whereas, Kalven actually gave me a ride to Wrigley several times Spring 3L

    25. With a dry sense of humor of

    26. “All that, and a sense of humor too, good

    27. “Lieutenant, I don’t know how you can keep your sense of humor when you know they’ll probably try and hang you for this one

    28. As I departed for my new life, I carried with me a couple of valuable lessons learned growing up in Ithaca: humility helps keep things in proportion and a sense of humor keeps you from taking yourself too seriously

    29. Three occasions come to mind: At Cornell, after bombing out with the Freshman Queen, I struck up a close relationship with another very popular and attractive coed who had a great sense of humor

    30. Encounters like this also brought out her sense of humor, which was a match for mine

    31. He also had a great sense of humor, so the time we spent together was lively and entertaining

    32. In social situations, my father had a great sense of humor

    33. I suspect that it was my father’s keen, and sometimes warped, sense of humor that helped sustain him because, although he loved what he did, he took over far too many responsibilities at any given time

    34. Procter said, “There are things of deadly earnest that can only be safely mentioned under cover of a joke,” but I think his sense of humor carried him through

    35. There are also three traits you should bring with you in all of your sales contacts: a sense of humor and the traits of humility and honesty

    36. I also urged them to continue to deal fairly and honestly with our suppliers and customers, to maintain humility in their dealings, and above all, to keep a sense of humor at all times

    37. Was there the hint of a smile again? Moshe wondered, A sense of humor?

    38. She has a sense of humor

    39. We spent many occasions laughing at my bizarre sense of humor and the characters I created in the stories I wrote

    40. should add that the wolf had a wonderful sense of humor

    41. Me: “Because I have a wonderful sense of humor and that must

    42. him and an easy sense of humor the made her feel comfortable in his company

    43. they shared the same twisted sense of humor

    44. and always with a light sense of humor that gave them an avenue of hope

    45. He has a peculiar sense of humor

    46. But how many times would it take him to learn? His misplaced or mistimed sense of humor caused him as much trouble in life as his hot temper—perhaps more

    47. your great sense of humor or let them in on the struggles you had when you were

    48. Why? You don't think GOD has a sense of humor? What? You think

    49. Why? You don't think GOD has a sense of humor? What? You think you're gonna

    50. "I didn’t think Germans had a sense of humor

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