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    1. you will invite further punishment, far severer than what you have

    2. Indeed, you cannot imagine the state of that profligate and the anguish and hardship he feels, or conceive the distress of the prisoners and their suffering in their prison, for the status of those sinners who are confined to their deeds is severer and harder than one can think

    3. whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter,

    4. How much severer punishment do you think he wil

    5. How much severer punishment do you

    6. How much severer punishment do you think he will deserve who has trampled under foot the Son of God, and has regarded as unclean the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know Him who said, ‘vengeance is mine, I will repay’ and again, ‘the Lord will judge His people

    7. But we can also imagine the existence of an age in which a severer conception of truth has either banished or transformed them

    8. For we mean to employ for our souls' health the rougher and severer poet or story-teller, who will imitate the style of the virtuous only, and will follow those models which we prescribed at first when we began the education of our soldiers

    9. Clare determined that he would no longer believe in her more recent and severer regard of him, but would go and find her immediately

    10. Hitherto I have known few pleasures save of the severer kind: my satisfactions have been those of the solitary student

    11. Yet some ten years later the same unsound practices were introduced once again, but on a larger scale and with correspondingly severer losses to investors

    12. The schoolmaster, always severe, grew severer and more exacting than ever, for he wanted the school to make a good showing on "Examination" day

    13. As we may infer that our domestic animals were originally chosen by uncivilised man because they were useful, and because they bred readily under confinement, and not because they were subsequently found capable of far-extended transportation, the common and extraordinary capacity in our domestic animals of not only withstanding the most different climates, but of being perfectly fertile (a far severer test) under them, may be used as an argument that a large proportion of other animals now in a state of nature could easily be brought to bear widely different climates

    14. For in the larger country there will have existed more individuals, and more diversified forms, and the competition will have been severer, and thus the standard of perfection will have been rendered higher

    15. The men in official position were severer, the general treatment more rigorous than in the two other classes; the men were never out of irons, an escort of soldiers was always present, you were always, or nearly so, within stone walls; and things were quite different in the other classes, at least so the convicts said, and there were those among them who had every reason to know

    16. ) And, notwithstanding that this occurrence was well known in New-Haven, the same accident, only under a severer form, has again occurred in that town

    17. In the palace front were also severer columns inscribed with scenes, and with capitals imitating gigantic jewellery

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