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    succumbed примеры предложений


    1. He was long dead by these troubled times, having succumbed to the extremes of AIDS in the mid-eighties, to outraged popular disgust, especially amongst his former female admirers

    2. Sadly, their condition by then was not very good due to damage from candle soot and expectedly, some areas had succumbed to damp, but I was amazed at the depth of the ochre, the rusts and the blues, all given life by the sunbeams streaming in through the apsidal windows

    3. I had no idea Tdeshi might have succumbed to shonggot at the time so it didn’t connect

    4. I would have succumbed to the poverty and diseases in my homeland

    5. succumbed to copious quantities of what Tom’s Granny would have

    6. Harry went to the far back of the grounds and saw straight away where the earthen levee had succumbed to the river, he then inspected the house proper and was surprised to see that the foundation's piers were remarkably undisturbed

    7. Yolanda Spelman had succumbed to an incidence of cholera during a trip with her husband to Japan

    8. Another ten had succumbed to fire and Papa’s men had taken out a further twenty

    9. Zarko felt guilty, but also glad that he had not succumbed to her charms

    10. interaction between believers and thus succumbed to

    11. crosses that marked the graves of those who succumbed and

    12. His wife had succumbed to his power

    13. I read on in it he said that Rosie had been transferred to the infirmary but despite the most arduous efforts she had succumbed to the disease that had afflicted her at 10:15hrs on the date of my Courts Martial

    14. He had succumbed to anger, killed Seraphia and been sent to prison

    15. Then, after a year in prison, he had succumbed again, attacked Millicent and been sent to the dark room

    16. I was sad, and I succumbed to the bullying of this demon chicken

    17. raisins the babies have succumbed to sleepiness, and it is Peggy who

    18. Through the blockade, and during the weary negotiations for peace, when anarchy reigned in Cuba, the residue of the reconcentrados and hundreds of the lower classes in the cities succumbed to privation

    19. Whenever I reflect on the ―Holocaust‖ (one of many since the latter half of the twentieth century), I am reminded of how many of its victims succumbed to the loss of life as well as the untold indignities that many individuals were (otherwise) subjected to in one manner or another

    20. I believe that many of us could use a little bit more of that old-fashioned-styled ―Fire and Brimstone‖ conspicuously absent from today‘s sermons inasmuch as many of our priests have succumbed to politically correct manners inconsistent with church teachings

    21. “Seems our old friend Frank Collins has succumbed to temptation,” he said thoughtfully

    22. As it turned out, his assignment to the division came at a most opportune time: Costa Rica had recently succumbed to US pressure insisting that it expand its efforts against cocaine

    23. To gain conviction against him, Edgar was fighting more than just a highly skilled defense lawyer: also to consider were corrupt judges and public attorneys, all of whom, even the semi-honest, succumbed to political pressure

    24. Four thousand succumbed to yellow fever, malaria, and snakebite during the construction

    25. “Enough! I’ve heard enough!” His words startled Truman, who had been going on trance-like with his story – just as he had as a child, talking into the dark until he succumbed to his sleep

    26. He defeated evil for thousands of years, until he succumbed to old age

    27. ” She succumbed, feeling an empty pit of fear where her stomach should be

    28. It must have been an additional comfort to the inheritors of this morality tale as they viewed the remains of once viable settled communities that had succumbed simply because the land that they had killed for had refused to support them any longer

    29. There’s only one place that could be: Candor headquarters, where I succumbed to the truth serum

    30. The Western Roman Empire lasted about five hundred years and succumbed to the invaders from central Europe

    31. ” Her voice begged as she succumbed to another wave

    32. recognised her immediately, and succumbed to the same unusual

    33. Having almost succumbed to the veil of weariness that had

    34. They were presumed to have succumbed to some freak accident, but the bodies were never found

    35. he succumbed to his injuries

    36. Jiva, I had noticed in dread, had already succumbed to her wounds, but as I saw her chest lift up and down ever so slightly, I knew in my soul that she would be okay

    37. felonious activities are not practices of which I make a habit, but I have succumbed to the

    38. Back in Tarrasa, Roger succumbed to the stress that normally accompanies and scourges candidates for a doctoral degree after they finish writing their dissertation

    39. He succumbed, instead, to bitterness and anger, and then yelled at her in reaction to some comments she made about her new life

    40. Agatha’s husband succumbed to heavy drinking, winding up in jail for driving under the influence of alcohol, lost his job and much weight, abandoned his children and fell into a life of debauchery

    41. friends had succumbed to the cold of the night

    42. Unpredictably, I had been forced to rent a still larger house from our realtor (owner was a Coast Guard CDR in Alaska who was lowering the price by several grand per month until it sold in April 1992), so when Will succumbed to homesickness at Christmas time, we had plenty of room for him while he attended UConn’s Avery Point branch in Groton spring and summer semesters before daring to live in the notorious Jungle on the Storrs campus that Fall

    43. Selma told me that Paul succumbed to the

    44. succumbed to Roman arms, it would have fallen to Roman culture as a result of the non-Jewish population and the then-equivalent of today’s culturally suicidal Jewish Left

    45. Earlier, his Philistine wife had used the same ploy to get him to reveal the answer to a riddle and he had succumbed, but vice being what it is, tends to spring the same trap time and again

    46. circumstances, she succumbed to the infantile Leftism that was as prevalent as the

    47. Fire tracked through his thoughts as they had the first time he’d met Gelahn, the first time he’d succumbed to him

    48. Palms that had been planted or taken root closer and lower than that would have succumbed to the stronger surge of the current that was apparent as it swirled around and through the tightly tied flotilla

    49. that would have succumbed to the stronger surge of the current that was apparent as it swirled

    50. Lorna regained consciousness during the night, asked groggily for some yoghurt and the whereabouts of Rick, and then succumbed to the drugs that would keep her sedated for a few days because of the concussion she had suffered from fall on the hard cement

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