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    ter примеры предложений


    1. king a m stake comes with the ter

    2. es with the ter itory

    3. ter or gravy can be heavily saturated with fats that you do not need

    4. "'Ave ter leave soon, I reckon

    5. Yer'll need ter spike it," he said around a mouthful of fingers

    6. "Get us some more beers while yer there will yer? I've a feeling we're going ter need some afer the night's out

    7. "As me old dad used ter say - God rest 'is soul

    8. Looking up at me with misty eyes, he confided, "I'm just glad that me poor old Gertie weren't 'ere ter see this day

    9. 'Ow come I have ter share a room with someone else? Why can't I 'ave me own?"

    10. "It's nice ter see yer too

    11. "Yer know, there were a time when yer used ter keep up with the latest fashions, Peter boy

    12. Tell yer what, why don't we 'ang on ter it fer a bit?"

    13. "I was only trying ter get some money tergether," he explained, staring at the floor, moving the tip of one shoe in small circles through the dirt


    15. "Martha's going ter 'er sisters termorrer," he said, cutting through my thoughts

    16. "It's raining fit ter bust out there," he smiled mischievously

    17. "Tell yer what, why don't ter borrow me brolly? Or 'ow about I fetch yer a soup bowl?"

    18. "If yer thinking what I think yer thinking," he told me, "then I'm off ter get meself a beer

    19. "If yer going ter use the Juicy Coozy, watch out fer the 'andle

    20. Call a spade a spade, that's what me old dad used ter say

    21. "And they tried ter tell me yer was brain dead when yer were born!"

    22. "What's up with yer? Anyone would think yer don't want ter make money, the way yer carry on sometimes

    23. What's up with yer? It were strong enough ter stop deer, weren't it?" I broke off a particularly rusty piece of the netting, holding it out for him to see

    24. "Not yet, I were just on me way ter feed it

    25. "I'll just tie this 'ere rope ter yer ankles, see? That'll leave yer 'ands free, won't it?" Handing me a battered tin hat, he continued, "'Ere, put this on

    26. Listen Peter boy, it ain't been done in generations and yer can be first ter start it up again

    27. "But yer agreed it were a good idea ter buy 'em, so why're yer complaining now?"

    28. "Away ter me," I called, watching in horror as Midge ran straight through the middle of the gaggle, scattering them in all directions

    29. "Not trying ter back out on me are yer?" he checked with a frown

    30. "The one I'm converting ter run on gas

    31. "Do yer 'ave ter take the piss like that?" he demanded, pressing a button on the side of the box

    32. "Sure," he replied, "there's loads o' money ter be made out o' skunk

    33. "There's no need ter be so bleedin' 'eavy 'anded," he chastised me

    34. "Rat, mouse, don't make no odds ter me," he replied, shrugging

    35. "I found out 'ow ter do it, yer know," Uncle Hobart suddenly piped up

    36. "The computer," he explained, "I found out 'ow ter win that stupid game

    37. "All we wanted were a sandwich and a couple o' beers, not ter buy the bleedin' train as well

    38. "Look at 'em, bleedin' cretins! Don't know 'ow the 'ell we ever managed ter win the war with that lot 'elping us!" Raising his voice a few notches, he continued: "Couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery

    39. "Yer'll 'ave ter fergive 'im," he continued, doffing his cap at the attendant

    40. "We can't afford ter go loosing stock like that

    41. "I'll nip back ter the graveyard and stick it by the monument

    42. "I need an 'and ter collect the pig

    43. It went back ter the graveyard during the night and its dead

    44. "It ain't as though yer got ter do it by 'and, like I 'ad ter, is it?" he remonstrated

    45. "The vicar wants ter 'ire the back field, but he insisted that the ditches are cleaned out first," Uncle Hobart admitted, still studying the photograph with avid interest

    46. "They're closed fer repairs so they ain't going ter miss it fer a couple o' days, are they?" We manoeuvred the brush up to the opening of the large land-drain and then Uncle Hobart sat on it recovering his breath

    47. I didn't even 'ave ter disconnect it

    48. "'Ang on a mo, the tractor's slipping in the mud, I'm going ter get some straw ter put under the wheels

    49. It were meant ter be fer me, weren't it?"

    50. Don't see the point o' wasting money when yer don't 'ave ter

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