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    acts of the apostles Beispielsätze

    acts of the apostles

    1. in the Gospel of Luke and also in Acts of the Apostles

    2. Since the days of the Jerusalem Council in the Acts of the Apostles, there have been elements of disagreement

    3. The Acts of the Apostles

    4. The acts of the apostles, Christian Bible 3

    5. In the Acts of the Apostles it is reported that when the first Christians prayed together they raised their

    6. and the other in the Acts of the Apostles

    7. One could rightly rename the first historical Book of the Church from Acts of the Apostles to Acts of the Martyrs

    8. The work of the Spirit in the Church is set forth in the promises of Jesus on the eve of His departure, and demonstrated in the Acts of the Apostles

    9. The Gospels tells of “all that Jesus began to do and to teach until the day He was taken up to heaven,”1015 and the Acts of the Apostles tells of all that He continued to do and to teach after the day in which He was received up

    10. The Acts of the Apostles gives us an account of a Church destitute of the Spirit

    11. 94 Originally rendered: Acts Of The Apostles Back to page

    12. Now that we have had a little taste of the thoughts of philosophers and before we go further let's listen to the Acts of the Apostles (100 AD) regarding this matter of providence:

    13. As the “Acts of the Apostles” affirms: In about the year AD 30 in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, Peter made a proclamation to the Jewish pilgrims gathered together for the festival:

    14. We discover several traces of this in the gospel histories; and the book of the Acts of the Apostles contains no intimation that they were then compelled to promulgate the doctrine for the first time amongst the people of Israel

    15. Luke’s design to represent our Lord as proving the resurrection, and not simply survival, is certain from his use of the verb ejgei>rw both in his gospel and in the Acts of the Apostles, which is strictly confined to denote resurrection

    16. (2) Secondly, there is the internal evidence of John’s striking individuality as depicted in the three synoptic gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, and his undoubted Epistles and Apocalypse; and which appears in every line of this gospel also, at least to those who possess the critical dramatic faculty that qualifies them to form a judgment

    17. Luke (that is what I did), and then from the Acts of the Apostles the conversion of St

    18. Besides this, several verses from the Acts of the Apostles were read by the deacon in a peculiarly strained voice, which made it impossible to understand what he read, and then the priest read very distinctly a part of the Gospel according to St

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