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    1. in the 1840s to promote the annexation of what is now the

    2. The Cuban will not hear of forcible annexation; it will precipitate insurrection

    3. Annexation by force he will resent; but with Cuban institutions founded, and the Island pronounced free and independent, he will desire the closest ties with the United States, if not admission in some form to the Union

    4. As President, Tyler pushed for the annexation of Texas as a slave state, though the war to expand slavery would be provoked by Polk

    5. The initial cause of the war was the US annexation of Texas, and “Texans” (most of them had been in the state less than one year) in turn tried to break away to become a US state with slavery

    6. ) One of Tyler's last major acts as president was to push through Congress an annexation bill to take over Texas

    7. prompted Congress to support the annexation of the Republic of Texas to the United

    8. The government of Mexico resented the annexation movement

    9. senators called for the annexation of all of

    10. How long would it last? It lasted in Austria until 1938 when the Germans forced the Anschluss (annexation), but the idea of heavy welfare state or wealth redistribution is continuing in Germany, France, and Scandinavia and to a lesser extent in Austria

    11. before him had almost succeeded in his annexation of Hamble

    12. Timor dead since the Indonesian annexation in the mid-1970s–

    13. “If I remember my recent history,” said Carlucci, “Hawaii twice applied for annexation to the United States, and was twice refused before establishing itself as a republic

    14. Formation of the Madras Presidencyafter the annexation of the kingdoms of Tanjore and Carnatic

    15. Third Maratha War (1817-1818) – abolition of Peshwaship and annexation of all his territories, and creation of the Bombay Presidency (1818)

    16. Deposition of the Raja of Mysore and annexation of his territories (1831)

    17. Conquest and annexation of Sind(1843)-War with Gwalior (1843)

    18. Second Sikh war (1848-49) and annexation of the Punjab

    19. Second Burmesewar (1852) and annexation of Lower Burma

    20. Annexation of Oudh (1856)

    21. So be it, but what is the motivating factor that underscores the ‘core issue of Kashmir’ as Pakistan would put it – welfare of the Kashmiris or annexation of their valley?

    22. Thus, they all ended up with a King, a Kingdom, taxation, occupation, subjugation, annexation, and finally annihilation

    23. annexation of some of its neighbours

    24. candidates for city annexation over time, as they can be separated from the whole of the Kibera

    25. The philosophical ideology behind Britain and Americas’ support for Russian domination of Eastern Europe – the soviet annexation and harsh occupation of the Baltic countries after the war continued for almost 50 years, until the downfall of communism - after World War II, appeased and excused tyranny, and sacrificed freedom, in pursuit of stability and security for particular countries

    26. This aggressive annexation was, countered by Bosnia and Croatia, from which Serbia sought to ‘steal’ territory, both of which, along with two other states, Slovenia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, attempted to protect their territorial integrity, and establish their independence

    27. The annexation of Nice to France, Lorraine to Germany, the Czechs to Austria, the partition of Poland, the subjection of Ireland and India to the English rule, the waging of war against China, the slaughter of Africans, the expulsion of the Chinese, the persecution of the Jews in Russia, or the derivation of profits by landowners from land which they do not cultivate, and by capitalists from the results of labor performed by others,—none of all this is done because it is virtuous, or because it will benefit mankind and is essentially opposed to evil, but because those who hold authority will have it so

    28. After deliberating with other chiefs, Kakabo made up his mind to apply to the Queen of England, at first merely asking her to take the islands under her protection, but afterwards requesting definite annexation

    29. The first section of the bill only contains an annexation of the territory in question to the Orleans Territory—this the proclamation has already done

    30. But Congress, as has been shown, has already made this annexation the limits of the Orleans Territory, as prescribed by Congress, comprehending the country in question

    31. Clay (Speaker) said that in offering this amendment to the committee, he confessed he was actuated rather by a disposition to accommodate the views of other gentlemen, than from any difficulty which he felt on the subject himself; for, with respect to our title to West Florida, he thought it utterly impossible that any gentleman could examine that question without suffering other considerations to mingle in the investigation, and not be thoroughly convinced that the title was in the United States: and he confessed that were he to consult his own views only, he should not hesitate a moment in making an unqualified annexation of that territory to the States to be formed of the Orleans and Mississippi Territories

    32. It gave to the State of Louisiana about three-fourths, perhaps four-fifths, of the population of the whole territory—a population homogeneous to the character of the country—American in principle and feeling; and with pleasure he had seen the convention of the Orleans Territory, in requesting this annexation, display a liberality of sentiment in desiring a further American population, which he trusted would be reciprocated by Congress

    33. Although the State of Louisiana could not be gratified by the annexation of the whole territory, their desires would be gratified to a considerable extent by giving them all that portion of it lying west of Pearl River

    34. The proviso under consideration, whilst it could not in any degree invalidate our claim, did away the objections in his mind to the proposed annexation of territory

    35. Clay said he had understood that a memorial was in the city, and would be presented to the House at the first opportunity, from the Convention of Orleans, praying the annexation of the territory in question to the new State

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    Synonyme für "annexation"

    annexation appropriation addition merger