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    antithetic Beispielsätze


    1. Satan does not ―hate‖ in the conventional sense understood by most individuals for the simple reason that the manifestation of this emotion necessarily implies the (potential) existence of an antithetical emotion called ―love;‖ that is to say, extremes provide meaning to diametrical concepts or ideas

    2. The biblical account seems to imply that it indicates behavior antithetical to the instructions that they had already received or were in the process of acquiring

    3. Many people find these two areas of life in conflict – each seems, on the surface, antithetical to the other

    4. There was a suggestion of scaliness about it, as if the owner had dwelt long under conditions almost antithetical to those conditions under which human life ordinarily thrives

    5. your LMS an “e-coach”—in my opinion, that’s antithetical to the

    6. Well our cultures were completely antithetical

    7. Mystery and the sense of not knowing are antithetical to the need to

    8. These are common nonsense compromises between mutually exclusive antitheticals, i

    9. [111] And many Muslim clerics across the globe (including India) have given religious decrees declaring terrorism to be antithetical to Islam

    10. [112] Particularly in our Indian context, the Muslims of Mumbai, by refusing to bury the dead bodies of nine terrorists responsible for the 26/11 terrorist attacks, won international appreciation, and they carried out a massive demonstration against terrorism, declaring it to be antithetical to Islam[113]

    11. Shourie’s book enumerates several illogical and regressive fatwas (though he has also ridiculed several fatwas, which may not be considered regressive by believers of any faith, such as those enumerated in pages 673 to 677 (which are about whether it’s appropriate to cut nails on a certain day or travel on a certain day, and by the way, as Shourie himself mentions, there are ulema (Muslim clerics) who themselves branded most of such queries to be baseless in the light of Islam, but there are indeed Hindus with such beliefs too), among several others mentioned in the book, and certain fatwas he has highlighted are based on the clergy’s own cultural notions – for instance, there is nothing in the Islamic texts prohibiting celebrating birthdays, but since Prophet Muhammad did not do so, a cleric has dismissed it as a European practice antithetical to Islam, though having said that, very many Muslims enjoy celebrating their birthdays, and different clerics also have different perspectives!), and though he acknowledges the existence of progressive clerics, he contends, like that apostate of Islam, that the latter are the ones who are not correctly interpreting Islam, while the regressive folk are

    12. How far can any process go when the operating system are parties of opposite polarities with no intention of synthesis? A system that is built upon multiple parties holding identical in essence, but antithetical in voice, positions is destined for stagnation and the diseases it breeds

    13. As the result of that alternative system, I realized that the only way to liberate myself was to become a monetary abolitionist, which is categorically antithetical to economic terrorism

    14. “You cannot serve both of the Two Masters, because they are antithetical to each other

    15. Furthermore, the whole concept and process of religion is completely antithetical to the search for

    16. “Deriving the meaning of each of the two parts of a compound idea from it antithetical fellow, how could it be objected to stating the case presented thus: ‘He affirms the ‘death’ threatened to the wicked to mean a ‘miserable existence,’ which is a compound idea, and antithesis of which must also be a compound idea, each part agreeing antithetically to its fellow in the first part—therefore, the life promised the righteous must mean a happy death

    17. The whole concept of royalty is antithetical to the American way of life

    18. At first glance, those two ideas appear to be antithetical, but Marks says that’s not the case

    19. This is antithetical to all conventional approaches, in which the perceived primary goal of financial accounting is a statement of periodic income from operations that is as correct as possible

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