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    at times Beispielsätze

    at times

    1. those who believe that times of supernatural acts of God

    2. your daughter (and all children need discipline at times!), try to

    3. bit poor at times but I was sure that I had been here before

    4. As is often the case at times like these, he woke while dark still gripped the land

    5. Kira’s emotional ‘computer’ was not flaw-free, and at times appeared to have the calendar set at the year 1850, when honour and duty were still in vogue

    6. like believing that times of signs and wonders are over

    7. “I know that times have been hard for you since your mom passed

    8. He could talk with her about anything and her business advice gave him perspective at times

    9. doostEr hadn't really signed up for this responsibility with Estwig, in fact the boy did crimp his style at times, but he couldn't help feeling the responsibility

    10. "Water gets short out there at times and places

    11. At times she felt guilty that she was privileged to live on in heaven while they had simply ceased

    12. ’ Stephen said as it occurs to me, not for the first time, how small the world is at times

    13. ---> This I did at times confusing, my other personal-

    14. ‘Motherhood is a mixed blessing at times

    15. This means at times Christians must stand up to rebuke the bullies who try to take

    16. At times we’d ride the bikes down the slope of Wavering Down there, seeing who would hit a rabbit hole first

    17. Mind you, Rose pulls things out of the air at times

    18. At times I felt as though I could burst through the fabric of the building, but I always came back to the same singular realisation

    19. She was a worrier at times

    20. He did want to please her and would try a little too hard at times, but he was such a kid he couldn't help getting carried away in it, so he wasn't all studied

    21. used to wander off at times n the hilarious

    22. She watched as he scanned the items, his eyebrows rising almost comically at times

    23. but strangely sad now that times

    24. I made him pretty mad at times and several times he just withdrew into himself

    25. Sound man … a little light-hearted at times, but that is no bad thing

    26. The more they spoke, the more they saw how alike they were, which at times both found kind of spooky

    27. As if I would recognise them if they were waving flags! Honestly, Lintze, you are a complete prat at times

    28. I started addressing my mother as Miriam at times

    29. She was very charming and quite funny at times

    30. "She's a bit headstrong at times

    31. At times the landscape seemed bleak and then I'd come upon the plane trees and they were different from the others

    32. The incident with Barrie has brought home to me how difficult it may be at times for both of us … but especially you

    33. Now, see what times have come to, kicked out of our own homes,'

    34. He thought she might even like it, the tug of one gee could get boring at times

    35. ‘Katie, I think you’re my precious daughter and, although you’re very grown up in lots of ways, you’re still only fifteen and I’m responsible for protecting you – even if it’s from yourself at times!’

    36. At times it seemed that she couldn’t get enough of him; rising up to meet his thrusts, she had pulled him to her with wild abandon

    37. His knowledge of that fact is what made him feel so futile at times

    38. has some kind of internal conversation at times

    39. She wished he was less knobby, and she wished his language was more svelte at times

    40. ’ Jo piped up, ‘and believe me musicians can be pretty ‘interesting’ at times!’

    41. Cold-heartedness at times provides an unmatched liberty

    42. At times we are responsive to past experience, most of which was

    43. I’m not particularly into gadgets and have a natural resistance to new ones which can be a bit of a nuisance at times

    44. Alchemists are also at times skillful in the

    45. it used to worry me, but I read somewhere that the blood supply tends to concentrate on the digestive system at times like this

    46. ‘Yes, we do and that is extremely distressing at times

    47. From the road, the houses look quite small, even though they are three storeys in height … okay, so I deliberately took a detour on my way back from Ann Connaught’s place just so I could drive past and have a look … you are a complete idiot at times, Sarah Grey! What sort of decor would he choose

    48. and he could be a bit moody at times, but I’m sure he did his best

    49. “At times when I’m here, I can’t help but think that there’s too much tension around the house

    50. I try to visualise a meeting between the two of them … Dave would have been polite and appropriately deferential, I think, I can almost see him asking Dad if he has permission to marry me … oh Sarah, you are a complete idiot at times!

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