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    be able to

    1. You need to be able to expect yourself to do what you said you would do when you said you would do it

    2. She should be able to talk to you now, if you insist

    3. “You have to be able to sense where your body is and when you’re unstable

    4. When you’re trying to grasp something for support, you have to be able to see it

    5. But a person with Alzheimer's will put things in inappropriate places—an iron in the refrigerator, a wristwatch in a sugar bowl—and will not be able to retrieve them

    6. Explain what the person may or may not be able to understand, and that he or she may tire easily

    7. and bless, that He cannot be able to reach without you

    8. "I'm sorry but a businessman with his connections might possibly be able to handle four tons of aluminum

    9. First there’s the matter that you wouldn’t be able to fathom my explanations

    10. You need not belong to any caste, class or region to be able to pray

    11. She wasn't sure he would be able to get thru there at anything but the highest tide

    12. “I just hope I’ll be able to find it after,” he said to himself as he closed the closet door

    13. When screwed down children or pets will not be able to enter

    14. We should be able to live with or without them

    15. Remember: without Listen, you won’t be able to use the other parts properly

    16. While it is best to start off organically, you may not be able to

    17. In soil where the PH is too high it will not be able to assimilate certain minerals resulting in a trace mineral deficiency that invites a pest or disease attack

    18. Doctor Salvatore told him that he wouldn’t be able to sing and would have to rely on antibiotics

    19. I daresay he’ll be able to find out who the guy in the bar was … as I said, I think he was a local

    20. Kitchen Composting: It pays to be able to save all of your kitchen wastes

    21. she doesn’t think that she’ll be able to get another tenant the way things are

    22. ‘I said that I thought it unlikely that you would be able to return her call before this evening

    23. between the wars to be able to fight in neither one of them, I watched most of the

    24. Put even a small bed into their room and you’d not be able to walk across the room … no, that’s not workable

    25. What would you pay for the ability to do just that, to be able to

    26. The décor in the living room is pretty dire and tatty too, but once the wallpaper is removed, I’ll be able to paint the walls and then it won’t look too bad

    27. Emma’s hoping to go back to work once he starts school – she’s a primary teacher and should be able to get a part time job … at least that is the intention

    28. be able to understand it, but God created us in a way that we are able to

    29. world, so that this world would not be able to kill us with its diseases

    30. microbe will be able to stick to me, for the Holy Spirit will kill it”

    31. They will pass us the first time in just about a year but won't be able to dock with us for quite a few more years

    32. My husband was told: “Take her home, she will not be able to stand it any

    33. "You've done a real good job with your outdoors here, I would be glad to be able to share it with you

    34. she would be able to tell her new born of a father

    35. The real proof of intelligence was to be able to think deep thoughts while straight like the great whales," the bartender said

    36. may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width

    37. you do it, you will be able to hold him under your feet where he is

    38. It occurred to her that with her new brain, as she referred to it, she might be able to track her mother down somehow

    39. It was rather an impressive achievement, to be able to place specific thoughts into someone else's mind in their own voice, such that it was indistinguishable from their own self-generated ideas

    40. To be able to enter those words into a device and transmit those thoughts into a specific target

    41. He must know the truth (Acts 20:28), and he must be able to, by sound doctrine, teaching, both exhort and convict the gainsayers (Titus 1:9)

    42. His strange new work colleague Moses Tah, an immigrant from the battle-scarred West African state of Liberia claims the ability to give him these powers, but is he for real? If Moses does possess the powers that Michael wants, will he be able to gain them? If he can learn them in time, will they be enough to change the destiny of the people around him? Lives are at stake; families, friends, colleagues, innocent bystanders

    43. Will he be able to save them from the impending disaster that looms in the corridors of the Boston Monitor newspaper?

    44. Will this be enough to protect him from the hatred of those he has disappointed? Will he be able to prevent the terrible disaster that looms in the corridors of the Boston Monitor? Will he run and hide or will he match brave words with brave actions? Sometimes knowing what's coming next just isn't enough

    45. If they knew they were simulating a cell in a larger organism, they would not be able to perform their function in the larger organism that is the Haad of Al-Harron

    46. (19) The preacher is in a unique position to be able to instruct the men of the

    47. I think I may be able to do something about it:

    48. They knew it was a triangular pyramid a thousand feet on a side, he knew they would be able to find it

    49. ’ He said deliberately seriously understating the case, ‘In the summer, I tend to get my breakfast and bring it up to eat in bed, and, on the odd occasion when I’ve been ill, it has been a great comfort to be able to see that lot from the bed

    50. ‘Gran would have my guts for garters if I abandoned you, Kate … not to mention the fact that I wouldn’t be able to live with myself either

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