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    car park

    1. ‘Yes … are they always like that?’ I asked, shielding my face with my hand as he drives out of the car park and the cameras flash yet again

    2. She scurried across the car park as if it were the

    3. Leaving the car parked in a visitor’s space, I stroll along a path bordered by rather nicely kept shrubs towards the entrance to the offices

    4. the Waitrose car park seemed ambrosially soft compared to this hard, cold, terminal

    5. Tom managed to catch a glimpse of her leaving the car park

    6. Floating on air, I make my way back to the car park and, in a glow of pride and happiness at a job well done, I drive home singing along to the songs on the radio in the car

    7. So, while Betty and I drag the boxes of decorations out of the cupboard where they live during the rest of the year, the men bring in the barrel used for the tree which is kept in Fred’s shed for some reason I cannot fathom, and the tree itself which has been lying in my drive for the last two days resulting in me having to park in the car park but that was a minor inconvenience, though I didn’t think so when I left my mobile in the car and only discovered it an hour later by which time the rain was pouring down

    8. His car is parked in the car park on Sunday – I see it from my bedroom window as I am dressing … it hits me so hard that I throw myself onto the bed and sob into the pillow … I wish, oh how I wish I could see him

    9. The diabolic driver of the Aston Martin pulled up alongside the Metro and peered through the passenger window at the wreck of a car parked on the hard shoulder

    10. The usual horrors of the Waitrose car park seemed ambrosially soft compared to this hard, cold, terminal descent

    11. Despite being a little wobbly after spending several days in bed, not to mention carrying the after effects of what she’d heard described as a nasty case of concussion, she still managed to summon sufficient willpower to be curious about what she saw as they walked through the interminable corridors of the hospital towards the car park

    12. Instead they went back to the pub, via a local car park, and didn't come home until the wee small hours

    13. Clothes, of course, were something that Cyberia did know about and despite the unearthly hour of her rising and the wonky wheels on the shopping trolley that she had to use to transport her uncharitable apparel down to the local football club’s car park, she made a good fist of the first hour

    14. Cyberia soon realised that the normally confused menace presented by a group of teenagers in a crowded car park was nothing like the real, in your face, blade wielding menace that they could deliver on the corner of a quiet, backwater city street

    15. At the end of the meal the two men said their goodbyes to the landlord and headed for the car park, the businessman promising to drop his friend a line shortly to confirm the details discussed

    16. As his friend and benefactor walked over to a luxuriously large red saloon, the fisherman stood quite still in the middle of the car park and stared open mouthed at the space where he had parked his car

    17. up and fled towards the local multi-story car park to regroup

    18. by a group of teenagers in a crowded car park was nothing like the

    19. The pub car park is pretty packed by the time I get there and it takes me a couple of minutes to find a parking space

    20. Goodness knows how long we’d have stood there in the car park of the pub if someone hadn’t walked past and giggled … it was probably nothing to do with us, but all the same, we’d very quickly got into his car and he’d driven me home

    21. goodbyes to the landlord and headed for the car park, the

    22. Walking to the office from the car park, I concentrate on calming down so that I present a sensible and, above all, normal face to the world as represented by Bill and Graham

    23. ‘Going on holiday?’ he asked as we cross the car park

    24. 'Is he in?' I asked, 'I didn't see his car in the car park

    25. A silver Ford Mondeo pulls in to the deserted weekend car park of the Traveller's Inn at Roundswell services

    26. A Mondeo in a cheap hotel's car park

    27. Alex Berisa parks his hire car in Bideford’s main car park at the far end of the quay, by a park filled with hassled parents watching kids on bikes and swings

    28. Dave checks the slip way and nudges the car out of the car park

    29. The glare of flashbulbs is the last thing Billy expects as he heads down the walkway from the car park towards the main hospital entrance, and he takes a few seconds to realise that his name is being called

    30. He watches the minor fracas at the hospital entrance from the edge of the car park, and once he is sure that the poor unfortunate soul who sparked off the flash bulbs has gone for good, he follows the signs to the main enquiries desk in Out Patients

    31. The car park

    32. Once outside Billy stops and turns, but Alex ignores him and walks straight out towards the car park

    33. Billy is out of breath as he reaches the top of the short rise to the car park, and stumbles, catching his shoulder on the edge of one of the car park ticket machines

    34. As they walk to the far end of the car park Billy fires question after question at Alex but gets no real answers

    35. Thinking about the white and grey porcelain figures waltzing under a G-Plan spotlight brings Billy back to the conversation he had in the hospital car park

    36. He snaps his head away from the view, changes gear, accelerates slowly and pulls into a small car park in the woods, the sort of place frequented by dog walkers in daylight and hurried lovers by night

    37. He walks out into the car park and fumbles in his jacket for his keys, feeling slightly muzzy, but he can still function

    38. He drives out of the car park and heads slowly into town looking for an old comic who is having trouble walking

    39. At the back of the traveller’s hotel at Roundswell, across a thin strip of grass and beyond a six foot high chain link fence, beyond a car park full of new model Peugeots waiting for eager buyers, the dark hulls of low rise industrial units lie at anchor

    40. Bex and drugs and wild stories in a car park, but last night’s urge to hurt, to exact vengeance in blood, has been replaced by a desperate urge to pee

    41. His head is clearing and he is, for the first time, starting to think about the story he was told yesterday in the hospital car park

    42. There is a patrol car parked across the entrance to Sillick Farm, and a traffic cop leans against the door with his arms folded across his chest

    43. In a squad car parked over by the far barn wall two detectives are talking to a sallow-skinned youth, who is taking long drags on a bottle of still mineral water

    44. The car’s parked by St Mary Redcliffe Church, not the closest car park to the museum but by far the easiest for me to drive to

    45. It being a sunny day, the car park was filling up but we found a space without too much trouble and between us we carried the rug and picnic baskets into the grounds of the Abbey

    46. down and round and round the car park until she found an

    47. climbed the hill back to the car park, sweat pouring off

    48. In the small square next to the car park I found a

    49. The view from the top storey of the car park

    50. We found a gravel car park by the side of the road

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