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    chemical element Beispielsätze

    chemical element

    1. An absorption line appears when a chemical element or compound

    2. entirely of the chemical elements hydrogen and helium

    3. Nothing happened but the abrogation of time in association with the celestial assembly of the chemical elements requisite for the elaboration of the wine

    4. Sea-water with its high salinity and highly erosive chemical elements would have created havoc among the Romanov

    5. They are just a couple of the seventeen chemical elements found in the periodic table that Sergei's firm mines

    6. 'It's a chemical element

    7. We shall notice that varia-tions of any chemical element differ in the number of neutrons in an atomic nucleus so it has a feature of iso-topy

    8. a collection of various arrangements of natural chemical elements

    9. some arrangement of one or more of the primary chemical elements

    10. Rotation Cycles of Forms of the Collective Consciousnesses of atoms of chemical elements are practically infinite according to our Conceptions

    11. The fact that scientists can’t repeat the creation of life energy from non-life energy in the laboratory, alludes to the fact that begetting life from non-life is a result of extremely complex interactions of atom-energy structures (chemical elements) that have been pre-programmed by some ‘divine’ design and order

    12. The atom-energy of the bio-chemical elements of the brain and nervous system are designed to be capable of interacting with the spirit-energy of Self, consciousness, will, and thought etc

    13. There is no fixed proportion in quantity between the chemical elements required for nutrition, and those which are found in the complex food allotted to vegetables and animals

    14. In science, chemical elements are the “atoms”

    15. When scientists began to open up and explore the chemical elements, they were the same indivisible elementary units, the existence of which spoke the ancient Greek philosophers

    16. We call the fundamental particles and chemical elements of science "stuff

    17. Elementary particles build the chemical elements

    18. The chemical elements itself - are the tiny formations, compared such as the human body

    19. The simplest representatives of the Logoic Plan are the chemical elements of the vegetable kingdom

    20. "49 Fires of Brahma" – it is the totality of existing in the Universe the elementary particles of varying quality, as well as the chemical elements that combine all sorts of particles

    21. As a result, the violet ones better attracted by the action of the Force of Attraction of the chemical elements of the material through which they pass, after what there is a spectrum

    22. In conglomerates of particles, for example, in the composition of chemical elements, those particles Yang (emitting information) that are farther from the center, i

    23. The particles Yang with emitted by them Ether literally loosen the connection between the chemical elements and molecules

    24. However, in any organism, such as a chemical element, which is the smallest organism, there is its own, permanent, not disappearing source of information - in the form of present in it particles Yan

    25. They heat the body, to which are joined – all the particles in its chemical elements

    26. And all of this leads to an increase in overall temperature of the chemical elements of the body of a human being

    27. There is no one chemical element

    28. Chemical element – the representative of the Logoic Plan, is the basis on which are strung particles of all Plans

    29. Fields of Attraction and Repulsion - these are the mechanisms of convergence with each other and further away of particles and chemical elements

    30. The same can be said about chemical elements and bodies

    31. Ablution of kid (or adult) by connecting two chemical elements – this is only the symbol

    32. Moscow it had borne within itself, as it were, the chemical elements of dissolution

    33. {192} Krebs, The history and use ofour Earth’s chemical elements, p

    34. {482} Krebs, The history and use of our Earths’s chemical elements, p

    35. Since the battle of Borodinó and the pillage of Moscow it had borne within itself, as it were, the chemical elements of dissolution

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