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    clearinghouse Beispielsätze


    1. would be a central clearinghouse for our entire health care industry – public and

    2. This was the clearinghouse for Jesus' work on earth and the relay station for the messenger service which David carried on between the workers in various parts of Palestine and adjacent regions

    3. Clearinghouse Review 14(6):538-40

    4. Thomas persuaded them to scatter, every man for himself, with the understanding that David Zebedee would remain at the camp to maintain a clearinghouse and messenger headquarters for the group

    5. All 222 websites under Rogerdonia’s umbrella become the clearinghouse for the new reorganization of society

    6. As for the technical issues which must be addressed, I propose we use a centralised / clearinghouse approach that will allow fixed-line and mobile number portability

    7. Since my blog is the clearinghouse for all my online activity, it gives me a lot of

    8. The money you pay for a stock goes to the seller, but in futures your margin money stays at the clearinghouse as a security, to ensure you'll accept delivery when your contract comes due

    9. This will make you long one contract of silver at $4 and short one at $5 which will be canceled out by the clearinghouse and show a profit of $5000 on your statement

    10. Even the contrarians at Interpol, the international clearinghouse for police information, agreed with us

    11. However, once an option trade is made, there are additional risks that the clearinghouse must consider

    12. Is the risk to an option position limited or unlimited? If unlimited, how should the clearinghouse protect itself ?

    13. When the risk of an option position is limited, the margin that must be deposited with the clearinghouse will never be greater than the maximum risk to the position

    14. The buyer of an option can never have risk greater than the premium paid for the option, and the clearinghouse will never require a margin deposit greater than this amount

    15. For such positions, the clearinghouse must consider the risk associated with a wide variety of outcomes

    16. Once this is done, the clearinghouse can require a margin deposit commensurate with the perceived risk of the position

    17. Unlike futures margining, where the clearinghouse sets a fixed margin deposit for each open futures position, there is no single method of determining the margin for a complex option position

    18. The clearinghouse then uses this array to determine a reasonable margin requirement

    19. This may be true, but the clearinghouse will still require a margin deposit for each short option

    20. To maintain the same relationship between each exercise price and the stock price, as a result of the split, the clearinghouse will divide all the exercise prices by 2

    21. The underlying contract will remain 100 shares of stock, but in order to maintain equity, the clearinghouse will double the trader’s position at each exercise price

    22. The problem here is that the clearinghouse does not allow fractional option positions (+1½ May 40 calls)

    23. In order to eliminate the fraction, the clearinghouse will replace each May 60 call before the split with one May 40 call after the split

    24. Unless the trader immediately sells the March future, the position will be subject to a margin requirement that the trader must deposit with the clearinghouse

    25. A trader could always borrow margin money and deposit the money with the clearinghouse

    26. Because the borrowing and lending rates are assumed to be the same, and because the clearinghouse, in theory, pays interest on the margin deposit, there would never be a problem obtaining margin money, nor would there ever be a cost associated with it

    27. A trader who borrows margin money at one rate will almost certainly receive a lower rate when he deposits this money with the clearinghouse

    28. Automatic Exercise The exercise by the clearinghouse of an in-the-money option at expiration unless the holder of the option submits specific instructions to the contrary

    29. Clearinghouse The organization that guarantees the integrity of all trades made on an exchange

    30. Clearing Member A member firm of an exchange that is authorized by the clearinghouse to process trades for its customers and that guarantees, through the collection of margin and variation, the integrity of its customers’ trades

    31. Out-Trade A trade that cannot be processed by the clearinghouse due to conflicting information reported by the two parties to the trade

    32. Clearinghouse, 10, 11, 541

    33. That knock on the door may be the Big Bad Wolf or Ed McMahon with the Publisher’s Clearinghouse check

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