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continuance Beispielsätze
1. The council slipped to another space to deliberate, they soon announced that they would need a continuance till next week
2. Robbie was staying with us, which meant a continuance of that other relationship, the one with his fist and his boot cap, but it was no matter
3. Neither of their applications for audience came to anything that day, and she invited the merchant to tea and a continuance of their discussion
4. the continuance of the apprenticeship, the whole labour of the apprentice belongs to his
5. If such violent methods are necessary to keep up the present price of tobacco, the superior advantage of its culture over that of corn, if it still has any, will not probably be of long continuance
6. The plenty not only obliges him to sell cheaper, but, in consequence of these improvements, he can afford to sell cheaper; for if he could not afford it, the plenty would not be of long continuance
7. During the continuance of this abuse (which prevailed chiefly in 1762, 1763, and 1764), while the exchange between London and Carlisle was at par, that between London and Dumfries would sometimes be four per cent
8. A capital lent at interest may, in this manner, be considered as an assignment, from the lender to the borrower, of a certain considerable portion of the annual produce, upon condition that the burrower in return shall, during the continuance of the loan, annually assign to the lender a small portion, called the interest ; and, at the end of it, a portion equally considerable with that which had originally been assigned to him, called the repayment
9. The course of human prosperity, indeed, seems scarce ever to have been of so long continuance as to unable any great country to acquire capital sufficient for all those three purposes; unless, perhaps, we give credit to the wonderful accounts of the wealth and cultivation of China, of those of ancient Egypt, and of the ancient state of Indostan
10. During the continuance of those confusions, the chiefs and principal leaders of those nations acquired, or usurped to themselves, the greater part of the lands of those countries
11. The subsistence of both is derived from his bounty, and its continuance depends upon his good pleasure
12. It is in this set of men, accordingly, that I have observed the greatest zeal for the continuance or renewal of the bounty
13. Whatever may have been, at any particular period since the establishment of the act of navigation, the state or extent of the mercantile capital of Great Britain, the monopoly of the colony trade must, during the continuance of that state, have raised the ordinary rate of British profit higher than it otherwise would have been, both in that and in all the other branches of British trade
14. The bounties upon the importation of tar, pitch, and turpentine, underwent, during their continuance, several alterations
15. During the continuance of this state of things, therefore, the corruption of justice, naturally resulting from the arbitrary and uncertain nature of those presents, scarce admitted of any effectual remedy
16. The competition, however, of which they gave this doleful account, had not been allowed to be of long continuance
17. The security of this revenue must depend, first, upon the security of the funds in which it is placed, or upon the good faith of the government which has the management of them; and, secondly, upon the certainty or probability of the continuance of peace with the debtor nation
18. cultivation, and a certain succession of crops, during the whole continuance of the lease
19. during the continuance of the minority, devolved to the superior, without any other charge besides the maintenance of the minor, and the payment of the widow's dower, when there happened to be a dowager upon the land
20. They are commonly dissatisfied with the return of peace, which puts an end to their amusement, and to a thousand visionary hopes of conquest and national glory, from a longer continuance of the war
21. The most profound peace, of 17 years continuance, had taken no more than £8,328,354, 17:11¼ from it
22. A war, of less than nine years continuance, added £31,338,689:18: 6 1/6 to it
23. During a peace of about seven years continuance, the prudent and truly patriotic administration of Mr
24. During a war of nearly the same continuance, a new debt of more than seventy-five millions was contracted
25. It is only during the continuance of war, however, that the system of funding has this advantage over the other system
26. The people feeling, during continuance of war, the complete burden of it, would soon grow weary of it; and government, in order to humour them, would not be under the necessity of carrying it on longer than it was necessary to do so
27. The seasons during which the ability of private people to accumulate was somewhat impaired, would occur more rarely, and be of shorter continuance
28. In consequence, however, of a diligent and faithful application of the public revenue towards the discharge of the national debt, the greater part of those taxes might not be of long continuance, and the public revenue of Great Britain might soon be reduced to what was necessary for maintaining a moderate
29. Every day that we spent in Kumassi, also brought to light fresh evidences of the continuance of the practice, though the people had been warned, under pain of fearful penalties, not to give any information to the white men
30. These abridged extracts from the Bangkok Post newspaper give an indication of the likely continuance of intransigence by both Countries
31. In the oldest parts of his brain, Man is a competitor with all others of his kind, for the acquisition of those resources that ensure the continuance of life and well-being
32. your ways: see you are angry, for we have sinned; In those is continuance, and we shall be saved
33. from salvation is nothing less than the continuance
34. And have no continuance; because the Elect One stands before the Lord of Spirits,
35. And have no continuance; because the Elect One stands before the Lord of Spirits
36. The continuance of their sycophantic behavior is as commonplace as it is inappropriate to the changed time and circumstance
37. The Catholic Church represented the shadowy continuance of the empire
38. Succession ensures longevity and continuance; it is what keeps our society stable
39. ' Entrance into the Father's kingdom is wholly free, but progress -- growth in grace -- is essential to continuance therein
40. All too often one's own mind tends to justify continuance in the path of error when once it is entered upon
41. members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there
42. Having decided upon reaching the pier that any further continuance of her journey would infringe upon her other commitments and risk her being caught in the storm she watched approach from the west, Faye had returned to the hotel without passing another soul on the entire beach during her expedition
43. Feltus laughed at the remarks, for he knew the clever doctor would surely misread his insinuations given that he had several times asked for a continuance while he gathered more information
44. that there cannot be public confidence in the continuance in office now
45. help the community to thrive, are assisting in the continuance of
46. Nonetheless, Muhammad’s continuance of animal sacrifice, and his countenance in throwing stones at the devil at Mecca, and such other pre-Islamic rituals, should leave one pondering whether his opposition to idolatry was a matter of conviction or a strategy to give a cause of action to Islam
47. What if the Musalman imposters, prompted by their religious obligation, crossed the Hindu Rubicon and tried to Islamize India by force? Maybe in all probability, it would have proved counterproductive in the land of the sanaatana dharma for such a Muslim tabliq would have forged the Hindu unity to the detriment of Islamic continuance in Aryavarta
48. As for the Hindus, don’t they love the continuance of the Indo-Islamic culture, exemplified by the Hindustani music that is resplendent with the Bismillah Khans, Bade Ghulam Ali Khans, Begum Akthars and others? What a void the Indian romantic hearts would have been sans those ghazals, qawwalis and mujras that ooze so much eroticism? Can one ever come across any Hindu youths in the North Indian campuses, who had not by hearted some sher shairie or the other? Don’t the Hindus toast the Abdul Hamids who sacrificed their lives fighting for the country, and the Abdul Kalams who design missiles to deter Pakistan from attacking the Mother India? Needless to say, the Hindu-Muslim amity depends on the Muslim willingness to address the Hindu national concerns and the Hindu understanding of the Muslim religious fears
49. of Selfless Action-is one on which Arjun could not see the continuance of
50. The rare potency of the Sativa high comes from the continuance of the original strain, which was supposedly blessed by ancient gods