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    cypriot Beispielsätze


    1. At the auction that first day, she’d attracted higher bids than anyone, including one Cypriot who was a skilled woodcarver

    2. Cypriot households have no knowledge of dog training

    3. This puppy was brought to an animal shelter by a Cypriot family because it was

    4. In order to prevent the extinction of the Cypriot donkeys, the government

    5. Demands on the Cypriot Animal Protection Act

    6. "Major Dracos is a Greek Cypriot and an American citizen

    7. folk who’d bought a house in the Cypriot hills

    8. Historically both sides (Turk Cypriot and Greek Cypriot) have

    9. for the Trust, he was every inch a Cypriot, born and bred in

    10. The Marksons had contacted the Cypriot

    11. The young Cypriot detective looked with interest at the corpse, opened up for autopsy

    12. Captain Philipopoulos was a nervous wreck as his ship was being tied down to a quay of the Cypriot port of Limassol

    13. 8bn euros from a raid on Cypriot savings accounts

    14. This had to be approved by the Cypriot parliament; they overwhelmingly rejected the package with 36 MPs voting against it, 19 abstaining and none in favour

    15. In the Cypriot example, it turns out that Cyprus has attracted money through its lower taxes and wealthy Russians hold between a third and half of all Cypriot deposits

    16. Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades is holding the emergency meeting of party leaders and the central bank governor in Nicosia to “examine alternative plans to address the situation that may arise following… the parliamentary vote”, his office said

    17. I had learned to talk the Cypriot dialect, which differs slightly from ordinary Greek and was learning new things which were shocking, confusing and incorrect and was mouthing swearwords whose meanings I did not understand

    18. While the chants were being intoned, Petros, the new Patriarch to be, a Cypriot by his birth, forty seven years of age, the youngest priest to ascend the throne of Alexandria, started on foot in the midst of his priests and bishops to walk, simply clad in an unadorned cassock, the short distance from the Patriarchate to the Church

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