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    day of rest

    1. truly a day of rest and reflections

    2. A day of rest and chocolate

    3. The only sense of belonging felt by some of the sinners was the longing for their mothers afterwards as we made sure that they understood their wickedness in making their fellow innocent cadets suffer on Sunday afternoons since God had ordained the seventh day as a day of rest, a command which had now been broken with their communist tendencies of sleeping in church

    4. Sunday is a day of rest and this really was one

    5. This last day has something extra in addition to the day of rest, in which God sees his work; He decides it is already finished and there is a truce, and we read again that God made the earth and the heavens, neither more nor less

    6. - God told me that today is a day of rest, that we should not work

    7. But in her day of rest

    8. When He gave the Law to the Israelites, He commanded that they have a day of rest (Ex

    9. What is the day of rest? It is an experiential day of Being, of hopefully residing in the true self

    10. It's my day of rest

    11. The day of rest

    12. " While Jesus, at this period of his earth life, did not actually require this day of rest, he conformed to this plan because he knew it was best for his human associates

    13. Your goal will be to complete all of the My Flab to Fab Fitness Training Workout routines in the course of the week and you should try to have at least one day of rest in between each weight training session

    14. 5 John Mark was thrilled by the memory of this day with Jesus in the hills, but he never forgot the Master's final admonition, spoken just as they were about to return to the Gethsemane camp, when he said: "Well, John, we have had a good visit, a real day of rest, but see to it that you tell no man the things which I told you

    15. So he had gotten himself a day of rest

    16. She did not even take a day of rest after the long trip

    17. “Today is a Saturday, Sabbath, a mandatory day of rest in the Jewish religion

    18. I bring that up because Sunday is a day of rest – at least that is what this chapter is all about

    19. Take a day of rest with them, Jenny

    20. It could mean going to church that day, but I also think it should encourage us to make Sunday truly a day of rest

    21. be designated as a day of rest

    22. "And once a week," the warden went on, "all my children will get a complete day of rest

    23. So, they just recently started the day of rest

    24. ” That means, “Remember to take a day of rest

    25. Creation Week, God took time to rest and He hallowed the day of rest which we now call

    26. As I stated before, He built a day of rest into the week when He

    27. 2- Write a constructive text explaining through it the reasons which lead the disobedient into the fire in the Day of Restriction

    28. It was Friday, the weekend, and his customary day of rest from his demanding duties, but he came promptly as requested

    29. “Leisure is spiritual, when a day of rest becomes a day of play

    30. We do not merely need a day of rest or a retirement due to exhaustion, but a lifestyle that is restorative

    31. In Christianity the day of rest is Sunday

    32. from a full day of resting

    33. The Friday was our Sabbath, our day of rest and recuperation

    34. each week as a day of rest

    35. They needed a day of rest

    36. Chevalier called a halt to it all, ordering a day of rest for everyone

    37. Chevalier sat beside her, “Don"t worry, I called a day of rest

    38. THE PRIESTS SAID SUNDAY was a day of rest, but it had never been so for Gwenda

    39. On Sunday, January 10 I knew it was time for a day of rest, my first day off-duty since the kidnapping had occurred

    40. The sergeant, true to his promise, allowed them a day of rest here, and they made the most of the hot water for washing their clothes and themselves

    41. They had stayed for their day of rest in a rubber- smoking shed: she had developed fever during the day's march and one of the two Japanese guards they had at that time had carried her for much of the day

    42. Presently Mrs Warner, who at one time had been an elementary schoolmistress, started a class for the children, and school became a regular institution on their day of rest

    43. Sometimes on a holiday or day of rest Olenin spent the whole day at home

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