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    1. In your vanguard leadership, transform traditional missions funding systems that may demobilize African Americans

    2. Denying that injustices happened or failing to see how they remain unnoticed in missions systems will continue to demobilize you from fulfilling your vanguard mission

    3. Unfortunately, the paternalistic missionary system continued to demobilize the Jamaicans after their emancipation

    4. From there, I trace how these problems recycled through the centuries, played out in the late 1800s in America, and still demobilize today

    5. During the past 150 years, white social scientists came up with two unbiblical concepts of “culture” that demobilize African Americans to this day

    6. 30 However, Scripture and history bear witness to how power struggles among Christians demobilize us all

    7. Balance divided perspectives of this history and diagnose hidden systemic problems and spiritual strongholds that still demobilize

    8. ‘’Well, I expect that we will have to demobilize many units once this war is formally over

    9. Like the United States, they had to massively demobilize their forces, but showed more common sense than Washington and put in reserve most of their surplus military equipment, ready to be used in case another war came, instead of scrapping planes and vehicles by the tens of thousands

    1. Will God lead you to pioneer new structures and strategically design your mobilization? Or will you creatively consult exiting ministries that are demobilized by structural limitations? Perhaps you may lead a combination of both

    2. Understand how this racial divide demobilized American missionaries so you can strategically lead the masses

    3. The Congress on Africa demobilized more than just Episcopal Methodists

    4. Yet Melton and Proctor’s liberal legacies demobilized blacks worldwide and still undermine Christ’s Commission to this day

    1. His winning game plan includes you breaking free early from demobilizing issues to go hard in the course that He graciously lays out for you

    2. Yet, after their unbelieving parents died in the wilderness, this generation’s success in the new land exposed them to demobilizing temptations

    3. Why would we want to reform missions under the same demobilizing prejudice and power issues which the first Protestant reformation left intact and passed down to us to all? Why would we think working within our present Christian structures will suddenly mobilize African Americans for missions if they have failed to do so for the past 200 years of our modern missions movement? You possess more opportunity, in my opinion, to mobilize African Americans through spiritual revolution not reformation

    4. This divide created systemic demobilizing issues for African Americans

    5. Be careful to recognize demobilizing structures that are founded on ambitions to govern churches at home, which may detour you from fulfilling Christ’s Commission

    6. As a case study of how these demobilizing traits became implemented in mission structures, consider William Carey’s system that began in England after the Revolutionary War

    7. About 50 years later, the “Baptist War” in Jamaica provides an insightful example of how missionaries’ good intentions became demobilizing in paternalistic and race-divided structures

    8. I present the background to why some historians identify these same missionary demobilizing problems when analyzing the Tuskegee Syphilis Study

    9. Reading prominent African-American theologians and sociologists’ documentations about the demobilizing effects of white racism saddens me the most

    10. Would you want to risk your life in Africa to earn whites’ respect only to be treated as a second-class citizen upon your return? Can you feel the demobilizing weight of hidden problems in uplift missions ideology? Obviously, unbiblical ideas about culture-evolution created this flawed missions ideology so uplift failed to mobilize African Americans extensively

    11. Did He prevent African Americans from teaching demobilizing uplift ideology in Africa like white missionaries had done in the States? For instance, about the same time that white missions agencies stopped sending out African Americans in the 1920s, because of racial prejudice and to accommodate imperialistic colonialism, these agencies organized to instill “missionary spirit” ideology to uplift Africans

    12. Perhaps God prevented African Americans from joining in with whites to repeat uplift’s demobilizing prejudice in Africa

    13. The worst demobilizing spiritual attacks in black history occurred after World War II

    14. I provide a brief overview of their demobilizing effects

    15. By contrasting the doctrinal choices of Drew and Proctor, I expose the demobilizing consequences of choosing to believe white liberals’ attacks on the Bible

    16. In addition, African Americans who maintain survival mentalities in missions set demobilizing limits on themselves, as well

    17. If black middle- class members assume complete responsibility for mobilizing blacks or project negative images on the lower class masses, then they risk demobilizing themselves

    18. Recognizing how often white Christians fail to see structures, get a clear picture of demobilizing structures that you must navigate and revolutionize to mobilize the masses

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    Synonyme für "demobilize"

    demob demobilise demobilize inactivate disable subdue debilitate incapacitate disarm