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    droopy Beispielsätze


    1. Lieutenant Imdrun was a very needy soul, and represented himself as a slight man with a forlorn face and droopy eyes

    2. 99, a young guy in droopy red shorts and a Shaq basketball shirt over a white T-shirt drifted slowly towards me

    3. hard not to feel sympathy for the poor thing when he looked up at you with his big, droopy

    4. He had a droopy grey moustache, and a weary look on his face

    5. The pudgy sharpie between awake and sleep yawns droopy eyed in your arms before settling into a comfortable position looking up at you in thanks for the transportation

    6. He tried to rise, his eyes droopy and his head

    7. He wore an expression of mock boredom, even adding droopy eyes, as he looked at captain Nal standing at ease before him

    8. dangling, eyes teary and droopy and he was loose-jawed

    9. He tilted his head slightly and studied his friend’s face—large forehead, the droopy eyes, the long nose, strong mouth, and prominent chin

    10. A tree with droopy branches and shriveled leaves teeters over the frail stalks of grass that cover the yard

    11. Andersen, one of those no-nonsense Planned Parenthoods with her four-color diagrams on SEXUAL REPRODUCTION IN THE HUMAN SPECIES which to tell you the truth look like your average Tommie and Tillie standing naked with their hands at their sides in a tanning salon except he’s got this droopy little pudding nestled between his legs and she’s got all this dotted plumbing like little elephant ears blooming between hers and they both have these dotted lines down the center of their bodies like they were fuselage diagrams for a balsa-wood airplane and all the time Mrs

    12. Mind you, the craziest food antics I saw was the droopy eyed overly friendly

    13. He was a burly, ape-man who sported a droopy 'tache

    14. Make droopy lips more cheerful by covering the lip corners with concealer

    15. Smiled at the hand waves of the schoolchildren returning home, with their off-white apron-like school uniforms, their dusty, worn-out shoes and droopy socks, their heads shaven for the prevention of lice and expense

    16. She had a white scarf tied so tightly around her neck, it looked like she was being garroted, an effect enhanced by the fact that her long, droopy face was now purpling with rage

    17. Egg kicked the ground, his face as droopy as his big straw hat

    18. She gasped, drew back, and Walter stared at her with his droopy eyelids hanging over his shiny grey eyes

    19. He looks like this brown rat, scarcely bigger than that kid who got squashed, with hardly a hair to his head, a big old nose, and these droopy moustaches

    20. A short ancient gentleman with a droopy mustache was running towards them

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