Verwenden Sie „drudgery“ in einem Satz
drudgery Beispielsätze
1. The gadgets for entertainment, which for most people his age were a must, all equated in expense to every hour and minute of drudgery at that factory
2. I also knew that most jobs are routine; mainly drudgery, punctuated by short moments of thrills and accomplishment
3. It was a sweet welcome relief from the drudgery of the day
4. drudgery, we should have far saner teaching and much
5. drudgery and horror the past six years would bring before it all
6. Having abolished much of the drudgery in the laundry room, P&G decided that it was time to march into the kitchen
7. This is so out of character for them that it seems almost impossible, but apparently they even assist in the most mundane and distasteful of labors with as much stoic military discipline as any commander could ask! Imagine Dark Dragons expending their flame in flaring latrine pits! I would have thought that any of them would gladly die before submitting to such malodorous drudgery, but our witnesses have seen it with their own eyes, and reported that it was accomplished with no more griping and complaint than one would expect from any other soldiers!
8. They are not prepared to suffer the drudgery of marriage without reward
9. People pay lip service to the idea that we’re all aware—that each one of us is the centre of his or her universe—but that’s often hard to reconcile with the way that most of the peasants conduct their drudgery
10. with all the drudgery of the past and fear of Tobias finding her
11. Faced with the drudgery of engineering labs, Maxwell's Equation, and Laplace Transforms, I needed that fictional escape more than ever!
12. dealing with the drudgery of office management
13. Elevate the drudgery of your daily toil to the high levels of a fine art through the increasing realization that you minister to God in the persons whom he indwells by his spirit which has descended to live within the hearts of men, thereby seeking to transform their minds and lead their souls to the knowledge of the Paradise Father of all these bestowed gifts of the divine spirit
14. was doomed to an existence of household drudgery
15. And yet, realizing that the drudgery of the toil was self-defeating, they delved into easy ways for a cozy life
16. But the Pict was little calculated to seriously regard teachings which bade him forgive his enemy and abandon the warpath for the ways of honest drudgery
17. Thus each individual should have a work ethic instilled but should not be overburdened with so many tasks that they are a drudgery and the children have no time for play
18. only that, the long-term effect of this drudgery can only be burnout, perhaps not at first but over time
19. people you care about a means of their escaping the drudgery of insecure,
20. But if there’s one gratifying thing about the drudgery of redundant
21. possess super powers why bother with the drudgery of life? Why
22. His sister later wrote: “For many years one of my most vivid recollections is seeing him between horizontal bars, widening his chest by regular, monotonous motion – drudgery indeed
23. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful
24. Whatever, if not for the love of that girl and the warmth of my cousin, there was no way I could’ve continued with the drudgery of my job, and years later, when all were critical of my brother for having given up a job that didn’t suit his aptitude, I wanted to know how many had had to endure the like hardships at the start of their careers; the problem with us is that we tend to judge others without an iota of an idea of their compelling circumstances; well, my brother made the grade in a job that went well with his genius
25. Nonetheless, in the Islamic Paradise, for the poor who tend to be better Musalmans than their well-heeled brethren, it’s a different amorous game altogether! However, the only hitch is that it is a lifelong wait of drudgery for them to reach the ‘Hereafter’
26. So, their religious conversion should’ve enabled them to gloss over the drudgery of ‘here’ aided by the hope the ‘hereafter’ would have embedded in their belief
27. It seems as though the psyche of the Musalmans is that of the front-benchers at the cinemas, who visualize the unreal on the reel as the real in life to relieve themselves of the drudgery of the reality though momentarily
28. “Black and white gray's the world to the drudgery of the defeated
29. When it is the same partner, home, family and daily drudgery, you cannot expect bursting libido and burning passion all the time as shown in movies and TVs
30. What was once a pleasurable job at the Rodell Winery & Gifts shop had now become almost drudgery
31. Vicki has learned nothing except a little cooking and other domestic drudgery, only of use if you have a house to drudge in and a husband to drudge for; of those pursuits that bring in money and make you independent and cause you to flourish and keep green and lusty she knows nothing
32. But drudgery and a lost youth do not make your life less, but more dreary
33. All that has been choked out of her by the miserable daily drudgery
34. What would the man, her smug husband there, say if he were made to help in the soul-killing work a woman is expected to do as a matter of course? Yet why shouldn't he help her bear her burdens? Why shouldn't he take them on his stronger shoulders? Don't give me the trite answer that it is because he has his own work to do--we know his work, the man's work, at its hardest full of satisfactions and pleasures, and hopes and ambitions, besides coming to an end every day at a certain hour, while she grows old in hopeless, hideous, never-ending drudgery
35. drudgery of sainthood?” Euther rambled on in this fashion for some
36. A task without a vision is only drudgery,
37. The man engaged in physical drudgery is not likely to have the same high
38. Living should be creative: not an enslaved drudgery chained to the tools you use
39. Science has managed to poison the idea of questioning itself into a dead, boring mechanical drudgery; and has successfully killed all questioning itself
40. He waited till I drank the brew, a small respite from drudgery
41. Without intensity love never takes off … it always remains a slavery, a drudgery
42. Brainwashing their children from birth into a life of pure drudgery
43. That is a cultural norm of physical slavery, physical drudgery, physical work and boredom
44. I am a break in their drudgery
45. And thought it boring drudgery to chip away at some huge log?… yet was persuaded to do it anyways? And then after it was built, and he was initiated into a new world of exploration, travel, freedom… and his father reminds him of how obstinate he was at making such a canoe: would he thank his father for insisting on such a task?
46. suffer the drudgery of marriage without reward
47. In Livingstone's case, his boyhood desire to escape the drudgery and dangers of the cotton
48. housekeeping need not be a drudgery
49. What drudgery!" Then, when he was at the door, "By the way, do you know the news?"
50. drudgery, the result of which was never equal to the author's labour, and that to avoid this he had in the First Part availed himself of the device of novels, like "The Ill-advised Curiosity," and "The Captive Captain,"