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    1. They showed us our firing and stand to positions and a couple of dugouts we could take shelter in to sleep if the weather was bad

    2. It was not as well maintained as our last section had been the drainage was bad and the dugouts were a bit on the small side and did not look that well constructed

    3. Moving along them we saw dugouts with corrugated tin roofs cut into the trench sides and inside some of them we could see furniture that had been liberated from damaged dwellings

    4. Some of these dugouts had humorous signs on them saying no Hawkers or no Gypsies

    5. “Many years ago,” he answered, “everyone in this village lived by fishing or making dugouts

    6. They, he was repeatedly told, fished from dugouts, not fancy gringo boats

    7. Myers, Spears, and the Nungs waited crouched in their shallow dugouts waiting for their oncoming team mates

    8. This command post and its surrounding trenches and dugouts actually became part of our frontline positions when Task Force Smith bugged out without warning on our right flank

    9. I was afraid he might command the crocodiles to attack the dugouts, so I waved to Monkey Mother to turn back to the village

    10. Just as I got there, I saw the two dugouts approaching and jumped in pulling the cheetahs with me

    11. A few days later, all the hunters carried the dead across the river in dugouts one by one

    12. “They have huge dugouts with big sails and many oars

    13. He said their great dugouts sailed over the great blue water until they disappeared

    14. About half of the population there lives in underground houses known as dugouts

    15. More effort had been expended on the dugouts threaded along the trenches, but that was mainly because they also served as snugger, better-insulated barracks for the infantry companies assigned to man them

    16. They were swept away in the first rush, before most of them even realized they were under attack, and the infantry platoons sheltering in those dugouts for warmth had only a very little more warning

    17. Others fled back into the dugouts from which they’d come, only to discover the horrific depth of their error when scout snipers tossed grenades in behind them and turned their protection into charnel houses

    18. The only overhead protection was in the dugouts spaced along the trenches at regular intervals, and many of the defenders retreated into them … which was exactly what their enemies had wanted

    19. And as they’d hacked entrenchments and dugouts out of the frozen earth, they’d also improved their quarters

    20. Every one of those dugouts had its own crude chimney, and earthen walls and sandbags designed to be bulletproof also tended to be wind and weather proof, which had led to a significant decrease in subsequent frostbite casualties

    21. His men’s bunkers and dugouts couldn’t stand up to that sort of punishment for very long

    22. Even if they could, the heretics wouldn’t be shelling them this way unless they intended to come calling in person, and men who were crouched in dugouts were men unable to man the parapets of their works

    23. Out of their dugouts, without even the protection of slit trenches, they were naked before the lash of shrapnel and sizzling steel splinters as the enemy’s shells and mortar bombs exacted the penalty always demanded of troops who broke under fire

    24. Others dove into bunkers or dugouts, repeating the same instinctive mistake the St

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