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    1. The meal of miniature dumplings riding on a sea of onion pea soup was cooked in a large black pot

    2. The dumplings had disappeared over the brim and lay soggy and forlorn

    3. "Had I known you were coming I would have cooked you hot soup and dumplings," he said with a grin

    4. Colling asked Zinsmann where one might obtain black market sausage, and the next day, he informed Colling that lunch would be prepared by some women he knew, and would consist of Weissewurst, dumplings and sauerkraut, accompanied by beer and white wine, topped off with assorted Viennese pastries, if Sergeant Cooley could provide a kilo of sugar – all for only thirty cartons of cigarettes

    5. She sat down at the table, while Angie shared out a meal of ackee and saltfish with fried dumplings

    6. "Chicken and dumplings was a specialty, I guess

    7. Should we let the dumplings bake?” She stands at the end of the lounge watching Kaite and Ren fast asleep under the leaves

    8. They chose to remain in Prague and eat roast pork and dumplings and drink Pilsner or green wine in the tavern while singing songs and debating everything from the Beatles to Smetana, the Jews in Palestine, homosexual tendencies of Alexander the Great and Hans Christian Andersen, Fidel Castro, the chances of Richard Nixon winning the U

    9. Amy prefers to eat vegetarian, and in deference to that her grandmother has also laid out some cheese sandwiches and mushroom soup with dumplings

    10. Reshape the dumplings and place them into the prepared, large saucepan with

    11. Serve with potato dumplings or spaetzle, red cabbage and apple puree

    12. Serve with spaetzle, potatoes or potato dumplings and red cabbage

    13. When the water is boiling, carefully slide in the dumplings, one at a time

    14. While the dumplings are boiling, mix the breadcrumbs with some caster sugar,

    15. Serve the bread crumbs on top of the plum dumplings

    16. The dumplings should be done in about 20 minutes and should have the

    17. The Kids love these yeast dumplings sweet, with stewed fruit or vanilla sauce,

    18. And while she wandered about the deserted garden and was desolate, Robertlet and Ditti, safe in their grandmother's house, were having the most beautiful dumplings every day for dinner that seemed to fit into each part of them as warmly and neatly as though they were bits of their own bodies come back, after having been artificially separated, to fill them with a delicious hot contentment, and their grandmother was saying to them at regular intervals with a raised forefinger: "My children, never forget that you are Germans

    19. 20 minutes before serving place the dumplings in the top of the casserole 6

    20. I had dumplings served in a bamboo box and a pot of jasmine tea

    21. I had shrimp balls and steamed cabbage dumplings wrapped in leaves in a bamboo basket

    22. Saltfish and dumplings are pushed through a grill bolted on the café counter along with a chipped mug of strong tea swill

    23. “Yea! And I’ll have your Ballocks as Dumplings in my Soup before I eat your thieving Cock!”

    24. The A Chang Meat Dumpling Restaurant (Chinese Taipei) prepared 685 kg (1,510 lb 2 oz) of dumplings at Changhua County Stadium in Changhua City, Changhua County, Chinese Taipei, on 18 November 2012

    25. Her hands had flown all around about and down, gentling this, holding that, throwing baseballs, swinging bright croquet mallets, seeding black earth, or fixing covers over dumplings, ragouts, and children wildly strewn by slumber

    26. Choice of foods will depend upon individual taste, but straightforward products (corned beef in preference to beef stew and dumplings) will keep better and can be used in a greater variety of ways

    27. They had dumplings too; small, but substantial, symmetrically globular, and indestructible dumplings

    28. "Nothing but curd dumplings, there's none of the roast beef left

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    Synonyme für "dumplings"

    dumpling dumplings