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    ecclesiastic Beispielsätze


    1. The rights, the privileges, the personal liberty of every individual ecclesiastic, who is upon good terms with his own order, are, even in the most despotic governments, more respected than those of any other person of nearly equal rank and fortune

    2. Often, spiritualities, property or revenue of the church or of an ecclesiastic in his or her official capacity

    3. Doctrines can also be systems of thought to which uncertain religious believers cling: they prefer ecclesiastic rule rather than Sonship to God

    4. eclesiástico, -a ecclesiastic, of the church

    5. So did his apprentice and two female servants, so we can be fairly sure that they won’t point us to the ecclesiastic authorities

    6. Here was the ecclesiastic coming up again with a vengeance in all the characteristic anti-Christian qualities; and I was so much stirred by his readiness to believe what he thinks is the very worst of poor, distracted Mrs

    7. “The ecclesiastic examiners

    8. He was driven on, and other carriages came whirling by in quick succession; the Minister, the State-Projector, the Farmer-General, the Doctor, the Lawyer, the Ecclesiastic, the Grand Opera, the Comedy, the whole Fancy Ball in a bright continuous flow, came whirling by

    9. The duchess and the duke came out to the door of the room to receive him, and with them a grave ecclesiastic, one of those who rule noblemen's houses; one of those who, not being born magnates themselves, never know how to teach those who are how to behave as such; one of those who would have the greatness of great folk measured by their own narrowness of mind; one of those who, when they try to introduce economy into the household they rule, lead it into meanness

    10. "Perhaps, brother," said the ecclesiastic, "you are that Sancho Panza that is mentioned, to whom your master has promised an island?"

    11. "For," said the ecclesiastic in a paternal tone, "you rather neglected your duties; you were rarely seen at divine worship

    12. But during his demonstration the cider often spurted right into their faces, and then the ecclesiastic, with a thick laugh, never missed this joke—

    13. The ecclesiastic contented himself with uttering a groan, and the chemist went on—

    14. "Sir!" replied the ecclesiastic, with such angry eyes that the druggist was intimidated by them

    15. "What!" cried the ecclesiastic, "prayer! Why, aren't you a Christian?"

    16. "But, good heaven!" cried the ecclesiastic, "how do you expect an individual who is married to keep the secrets of the confessional, for example?"

    17. The ecclesiastic passed the holy water sprinkler to his neighbour

    18. He speaks, or rather preaches, from the point of view, not of the ecclesiastic, but of the layman, although, as a good Catholic, he is willing to acknowledge that in certain respects the Empire must submit to the Church

    19. A dozen of his old friends had risen to senior rank in the last two decades, and he doubted their recommendations hurt his prospects with their ecclesiastic superiors, either

    20. The aged ecclesiastic had turned his face towards me

    21. Fortunately, I had a definite clew, for there was a particular picture in his sketch-book which showed him taking lunch with a certain ecclesiastic at Rosario

    22. He was not alone at the time, but there was a friend, an American named James Colver, who remained in the boat and did not meet this ecclesiastic

    23. A less brutal man by nature—and one who seemed to have taken Dialydd Mab’s promises to heart—Symmyns had managed to mitigate the worst of Dezmynd and Lohgyn’s natural inclinations, if only by convincing Father Trynt that their ecclesiastic superiors would frown on a march which killed two-thirds of the prisoners en route

    24. He had the smooth accent and exquisite manners only to be expected from one of the Temple Lands’ great ecclesiastic dynasties and they’d served him well over the years

    25. Clyntahn had enough swords to hold over Earl Thirsk’s head without a daughter whose ecclesiastic superiors could order her to Zion at any moment

    26. All clergy of the Church of God Awaiting are affiliated with one or more of the great ecclesiastic orders, but not all are members of those orders

    27. (Note: there are no female priests in the Church of God Awaiting, but women may attain high ecclesiastic rank in one of the orders

    28. The ecclesiastic contented himself with uttering a groan, and the

    29. "Sir!" replied the ecclesiastic, with such angry eyes that the

    30. "What!" cried the ecclesiastic, "prayer! Why, aren't you a

    31. In this age there exist people who do not distinguish between the very great Saint Bernard and the Saint Bernard denominated of the poor Catholics, a certain good ecclesiastic who lived in the thirteenth century

    32. Has Catholicism been doing anything else with its prohibition of the reading of the Gospel, and with its demand for unreasoning obedience to the ecclesiastic guides and the infallible Pope? Does Catholicism preach anything different from what the Russian Church preaches? We have here the same external cult, the same relics, miracles, and statues, the miracle-working Notre-Dames, and processions

    33. A man of our time need but buy himself a Gospel for three kopeks and read Christ's clear words to the woman of Samaria, which are not subject to any other interpretation, about the Father needing no worshippers in Jerusalem, neither in this mountain, nor in that, worshippers in spirit and in truth, or the words about a Christian's being obliged to pray, not in temples, as the pagans do, and in the sight of all, but in secret, that is, in his closet, or that a disciple of Christ must not call any one father or teacher,—a man needs but read these words, to become convinced that no ecclesiastic pastors, who call themselves teachers in opposition to Christ's teaching, and who quarrel among themselves, form an authority, and that that which the churchmen teach us is not Christianity

    34. And after that we send to them about two dozen missionaries, who prattle some hypocritical ecclesiastic absurdities and, in the shape of incontrovertible proofs of the impossibility of applying the Christian truths to life, adduce these our experiments at the Christianization of the savages

    35. " In discussing the significance of the Sermon on the Mount, and especially its non-resistance to evil, the author, who is not obliged, like the ecclesiastic writers, to conceal its meaning, says: "Christ actually preached complete communism and anarchy; but we must know how to look upon Christ in His historical and psychologic significance

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    Synonyme für "ecclesiastic"

    churchman cleric divine ecclesiastic ecclesiastical priest parson theologian