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    gravitational constant Beispielsätze

    gravitational constant

    1. At this point we have to discuss G - the gravitational constant

    2. = equal to gravitational constant G, when it is multiplied by the mass M1 and the mass M2 after which

    3. gravitational constant produces the force of gravity when this gets divided by the square of the radius

    4. multiplying of these factors with the gravitational constant produces the force of gravity when this gets

    5. must be the gravitational constant that fills the space that the radius holds

    6. gravitational constant can hide

    7. Newtonians went and filled that space reserved for the gravitational constant having a measured value

    8. Gravitational constant as a calculated factor then it is apparent that one must know to where such gravity

    9. Then the gravitational constant is what is resisting the collapse of the Universe

    10. is a force, then where is the force taking the pulling…if it is a gravitational constant applying through out

    11. mass of both bodies ( M + m) in terms of the gravitational constant (G)

    12. 4π2a3 = P2G (M + m) indicates that the circle in which the planet orbits (4π2a3) is the result of (=) the position of the body (P2) positioned by the mass of both bodies (M + m) in terms of the gravitational constant (G)

    13. and translate that to the concept that “proves” the planet position allocations is derived from the mass of the sun and the mass of the individual planet relevant to the gravitational constant

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