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    1. In case of toothache, gum bleeding, ulcers of the gum and cheek, white patches etc

    2. was chewing American gum

    3. She was cute beyond belief, especially in the way her nose twitched as she chewed gum

    4. 'Mint?' Sticky minty chewing gum had been pressed into my hair and head

    5. Terry searched his mind's incomplete catalogue of sporting bubble gum cards, but there didn't seem to be anything filed under the name of Nudger

    6. This time Terry had no trouble locating the bubble gum card, the tee shirt and the video, and he snapped out of his vacant trance with a sense of welcome relief

    7. no, don't think so", replied Terry, after a few seconds rummaging through bubble gum cards filled with the faces of the rich and famous

    8. paper, gum bottles, maps of India, water bottles and tiffin boxes

    9. the way her nose twitched as she chewed gum

    10. This time Terry had no trouble locating the bubble gum card, the

    11. rummaging through bubble gum cards filled with the faces of the

    12. second or two and then picked the gum off my crotch

    13. ” He pulled out a stick of gum

    14. or pencil or calculator in front of him, only the blank desk that he scraped the gum

    15. watermelon shampoo in her hair, and the cinnamon gum she had chewed at some

    16. “You know the rules about gum in my office Johnny

    17. The gum flew

    18. He scraped the gum off of the chairs and thought of her lips

    19. It would whisper until one cool night the gum hardened and fell away allowing the poster to flip flop and continue whispering to any official Post Office notice it came across

    20. The two tracksuit-wearing youths, having dispensed with their chewing gum, sidled up to Danny and Ben

    21. therefore, gum senega was allowed to be imported (contrary to the general dispositions of the act of navigation) from any part of Europe

    22. 37, the exportation of gum senega, from his majesty's dominions in Africa, was confined to Great Britain, and was subjected to all the same restrictions, regulations, forfeitures, and penalties, as that of the enumerated commodities of the British colonies in America and the West Indies

    23. The gum that held it in place was strong but she managed to slowly pull the entire strip clear

    24. Willows and gum trees, others that

    25. busy reaching for that lighter, gum, and the condensed list

    26. I’d pop the gum into my mouth, giving me the oral gratification

    27. bubble gum chewing switchboard running Niki at the Herald, this specimen was a geeky

    28. �Bring her up here,� the kid kookaburras shouted, sitting in the gum tree

    29. Pirate cringed and as he closed his eyes he saw a picture of a huge gum tree

    30. It was not the gum tree in the backyard

    31. He closed his eyes and there again was the picture of the gum tree

    32. �The kid kookaburras told us,� his parents answered, pointing at the gum tree where the kookaburras were sitting and watching

    33. Perfectly content and with a big smile on her face she watched Pirate and the kid kookaburras playing in the gum tree

    34. I mix pitch, gum, and wild honey, over the fire

    35. A mixture of berry juice and tree gum composed the traditional war paint

    36. They can also be useful in Coughs, Colds and Bronchitis and for Teeth and Gum Infections

    37. She takes the chewing gum out of her mouth and tries to hand it to the shop owner

    38. Still holding the chewing gum out in front of her

    39. Janice snapped her gum

    40. Prevent the build-up of bacteria around the gum

    41. The idea here is to reduce the pressure on the system as a whole thereby reducing the strain or loading on the local gum defence (immune) system

    42. This involves the focus of cleaning of a little ditch called a sulcus which is situated between the tooth and the gum around each tooth

    43. This little ditch is the place where Gum Disease begins

    44. As the damage progresses it becomes more and more noticeable with the gum tissue receding back causing the tooth to look longer as more of its root surface is exposed

    45. about chewing gum, baling wire, and duct tape

    46. What’s the opposite of a hate crime—a love crime? What is that? Kosmo says this is just a way to gum up our values and our system of justice

    47. Nan and Di had been picking spruce gum with Faith and Una in the manse woods and the four of them were now sitting on a fallen pine by the brook, all, it must be admitted, chewing rather vigorously

    48. The Ingleside twins were not allowed to chew spruce gum anywhere but in the seclusion of Rainbow Valley, but Faith and Una were unrestricted by such rules of etiquette and cheerfully chewed it everywhere, at home and abroad, to the very proper horror of the Glen

    49. "Here's some gum for you, Mary," she said, with a little repentant catch in her voice, thrusting all her four knots into Mary's hands, "and I'm glad you have such a pretty muff

    50. patches, gum, medications or hypnotism, will find the answer to permanent

    1. carried in the soft embrace of my pink gummed teeth,

    2. Most of it is used clothing, books, small audio devices with dead chips, sticky pieces of candy on playing cards, gummed up erasers and out-of-date crib sheets

    3. He then used a small circle of gummed paper to seal the letter, then tore it open

    4. “The egg must have gummed up the inner mechanism of the Machine

    5. gummed envelope flap with his chocolate covered tongue

    6. The overbearing, oppressive and clumsily gummed up together 'legal' conglomerate is entirely justified and necessary, considering the astounding number of swindlers, murderers, psychopaths, rapists, gangs, STD’s, daredevils, protostar hoppers, insanely violent religious organizations, and sinister plots to destroy and annihilate every single living thing in the system

    7. Here and there between the pages are gummed little pictures of Madonnas and 'piteous Christs

    8. When the presents had been given, and Joey found himself staggering beneath a waistcoat Vicki had knitted him, and a pair of pink bed-socks Frau von Lindeberg had knitted him, and an empty photograph frame from Papa Lindeberg, and an empty purse from the son, and a plate piled miscellaneously with apples and nuts and brown cakes with pictures gummed on to them, he observed Frau von Lindeberg take her husband aside into the remotest corner of the room and there whisper with him earnestly and long

    9. I was haunted by the image of the eight beds waiting in my garret for me, and of certain portions of the wall from which the paper was torn--the summer before, probably, by one or more of the eight struggling in the first onslaughts of asphyxia--and had not been gummed on again

    10. I have found that the most popular stickers are gummed die-

    11. So you checked out the generator and found the lines all, what, gummed up, with microorganisms, sediment?”

    12. It was intentionally gummed up

    13. Granny Carnation gummed her pipe

    14. It's obvious that years back I had pasted two gummed labels on my Underwood

    15. Hers is a great greenhouse where brutes grow outsize, force-fed by unnatural airs, enter Nora's on Friday with clean linen, sog out with the wet wash-soiled bedclothes Monday, feeling as if you had meantime inspired, painted, and lived through all Bosch's Temptations, Hells, Judgments, and Dooms! Live at Nora's and you reside in a great warm giant's cheek, deliciously gummed and morseled hourly

    16. Then all its apertures sealed: the saber-cut mouth, the slitted nostrils, the cold eyes gummed shut so that its skin was faceless

    17. She wanted to babble: ‘Oh, I see you, I see you! I was only fooling about invisible boys! You’re right there!’ But she swallowed her gall and gummed it tight

    18. Hers is a great greenhouse where brutes grow outsize, force-fed by unnatural airs: enter Nora’s on Friday with clean linen, sog out with the wet-wash-soiled bedclothes Monday, feeling as if you had meantime inspired, painted, and lived through all Bosch’s Temptations, Hells, Judgments, and Dooms! Live at Nora’s and you reside in a great warm giant’s cheek, deliciously gummed and morseled hourly

    19. What next from the statue in the cold sizzling chair? The old old man's one eye gummed itself

    20. I had gummed some banknotes into the binding of my New Testament—the only book authorised in the convict prison

    21. The recipes are printed on gummed slips [5×3"] for easy pasting in your cook book

    1. If Sergeant Chance Burke could choose between a stakeout and pulling out his own teeth, he’d be gumming three meals a day

    2. Do you really have to spend your days gumming up envelopes? Not for that did you win all those scholarships and things at Eton and Oxford, and study Goethe and the minor German prophets so diligently here

    3. She leaned her small gray head back, dozing, gumming her red-sticky mouth, and glancing at him with half-secretive, lazy eyes

    1. and her teeth cut her gums and grow,

    2. The old man nodded and said something that would have been hard to understand even if he had teeth in his gums

    3. We’ve been on the road for over an hour now - time for something to nibble, perhaps? When the children were small I got into the habit of taking wine gums on journeys – they’re easy to eat and non-messy

    4. ‘Wine gums! I can’t remember the last time I had one of those

    5. Blood gushed from his nose and showed on his gums above his teeth

    6. their necks and vocal cords, smacking their gums together as they choked down the

    7. and rip it out of his gums

    8. mother’s arms, whereupon he firmly clamped his gums around Nerissa’s swollen nipple

    9. “Whoa tiger calm yourself or you will bloody explode I am only taking the piss I know your one of the best shots in the battalion and that you have just killed three Turks so stop flapping your gums

    10. In a few days, the teeth blossomed from pink gums and smiles returned

    11. “Shut up George you want to try carrying this barbed wire like me and Billy Boy then you would have something to flap your gums about

    12. A slightly runny nose, inflamed gums or a swollen flea bite may point to the introduction of an infection and may indicate the need for the proactive use of Echinacea

    13. But now his heart felt lighter because Soffen was showing signs of recovery; her gums no longer so pale, her breathing no longer so laboured

    14. “Over the lips and past the gums, look out stomach, here it comes,” and I tossed it off to gasps and chuckles

    15. jaw, they lined his gums with new corn

    16. Build-up of bacterial plaque around the gums

    17. This particular relationship has implications for our psychological and emotional health as well as the health of the jaws, teeth and gums

    18. I was there with him, vamped appropriately, my eyes swirling dangerously, my fangs ripping at my tender gums

    19. His large teeth resembled the tusks of a warthog warrior as they sliced his gums open and he hissed at me, bringing his face close to mine, holding the back of my head, my hair twisted in his claws

    20. He tried to cry out but his teeth were full of rocks, slivers of them fighting their way up from his throat, over his gums and through his lips into the stifling air

    21. mother grinned so widely that even her gums were revealed and

    22. Bellack’s burning eyes followed him back into the room; he would punish him later for flapping his gums about Athene’s mother …when something suitable sprang to mind

    23. His eyes met hers; he could feel the pounding in his fangs as they extended down his gums

    24. After a brief minute of smiles and meaningless chit-chat, he presented a shy young woman with piebald gums, tiny teeth and a nervous smile

    25. A strange metallic taste soured the back of my tongue, and my gums were bleeding

    26. Addicts usually test the potency of the product by gauging the anaesthetic effect caused by rubbing the powder on their gums – the bigger buyers always apply the aluminium foil test

    27. Blackfin came over and lifted my eyelids, pulling back my lips to stare at my gums as if I were a sick horse

    28. They were thin and yellowish and covered with dirty sores, and most seemed to have teeth missing or bloody gums

    29. and some warm wine gums, and out comes the trashy

    30. teeth and gums, danger of falling onto the ground and seizures

    31. ” Marina began to laugh out of control, exposing every single tooth in her wide mouth and her yellow gums

    32. ” He smiled pleasantly, revealing his gums

    33. ‘I went to the dentist’s the other day and he said ‘Your teeth are alright, but your gums have gotta come out

    34. To chew with gums that once held teeth

    35. hips, knees, neck, gums

    36. For the neck and gums they used a tiny instrument with several points, directly connected to the mains

    37. I had never seen such discoloured gums before but as Grandad placed his mouth around the pipe, they were displayed to their horrendous full

    38. Its gums, but not its fangs

    39. little bourbon on the inside of his mouth and gums to help

    40. Weston Price, in his quest for the source of healthy teeth and gums, discovered many traditional diets that produced strong, healthy children and every single one of them contained bread in some form

    41. Jacques gazed absently around the bustling restaurant, chewed his gums, nodded and smiled to some acquaintances then blurted out far too loudly

    42. A healthy diet protects teeth from decay and provides the minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients essential for healthy teeth and gums

    43. Gums require a hygienist for check up

    44. ’ She rubbed herself down as if brushing off an army of tiny ants, with her lips pulled back revealing her gums

    45. Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums (gingivae), usually caused by bacteria

    46. flavonoids by themselves may reduce inflammation of the gums

    47. showing his toothless gums

    48. check his gums to see if they're red or swollen?"

    49. It was surrounded by tall stands of spotted gums and Humphrey was pleased to see that the tent sites were well clear of the big trees

    50. It festered with the cloying scent of someone who had teetered far too long at the brink of demise, whose cloudy eyes and wracked joints and bloody, toothless gums were good for nothing but pain and malaise

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    Synonyme für "gum"

    gingiva gum chewing gum gum tree gumwood glue mucilage mumble pitch tree sap