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    1. What is distilled out is that unique combination of interacting chemical compounds that have combined in the presence of that universal solvent H2O, water

    2. Swirling and mingling with the water turning it into red, making it impossible to pry apart the blood and the H2O

    3. Note that molecules like water, H2O, could represent some newer, more complex relationships occurring in modern life

    4. ing from the volcanoes, water and faulting of the tectonic plates would cause intense heat, causing the water (H2O) to evaporate, creating oxygen levels to rise, as well as CO (carbon monoxide) and CO2 (carbon

    5. the water (H2O) encompassing the surface of the earth

    6. CO2 and H2O are called molecules because they are a group of atoms

    7. with the molecular frequency of H2O, so only water was moved,” Ket added

    8. We can take a sphere and place within it, two parts hydrogen with one part oxygen (H2O), and we will not produce water Escaping Hell©

    9. the beginning of the Earth’s creation, caused when liquefied H2O

    10. “That is what is left of people who have had all their H2O removed,” Tammas

    11. There were caverns below the water table, filled with thousands of miles of underground tunnels that had been forged at the beginning of the Earth’s creation, caused when liquefied H2O molecules were buried under the molten hot lava as the Earth’s crust began to cool and steam pressure was released, giving way to open spaces in the magma

    12. So Oxygen atoms combine to form Oxygen and different atoms of elements, for example, Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms, combine (as compounds) in a complex chemical reaction to form water molecules (H2O)

    13. Now if we hold ice in our hand it feels solid, because ice is made of frozen water consisting of hydrogen and oxygen (H2O), which are atoms/molecules tightly configured

    14. As we have discussed atom-energy changes in structure and function as we observe with (H2O) were tightly packed atoms (atom-energy) form the structure and function of ice, ice that you can walk on and skate on

    15. The application of the energy of heat activates the ice’s atoms so that their energy becomes less stable loosening the binding of their atom configuration and changing the structure and function of ice into the structure and form of liquid water (H2O)

    16. We can clearly observe the structure and functions of ice, and water, as the wavelengths of light are absorbed and reflected into and from the atom-energies of these different structures and functions of H2O

    17. o Is the engine overheated due to no h2o flow?

    18. She was fond of wearing a cowgirl outfit and a straw hat emblazoned with the Goldwater campaign’s AuH2O slogan (Au is the periodic symbol for gold; H2O the symbol for water)

    19. Police! Some H2O for a gent fainted

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    Synonyme für "h2o"

    h2o water