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    int Beispielsätze


    1. A slick blue and white Lear Jet with bold letters spelling out “REX DUPAR INT” on the side was being refueled

    2. iii) int main ( void ) :- Generally every program has a function called main

    3. when we declared that a, b, and result were of type int

    4. int and a have in the following declaration:

    5. Where int is the type name (the class) and a is the variable name (the object)

    6. We then convert this string to an integer using int and then store it in the variable guess

    7. Actually, the int is a class but all you need to know right now is that you can use it to convert a string to an integer (assuming the string contains a valid integer in the text)

    8. note that the same is similar to for (int i : IntArray) in Java 1

    9. When you use a variable i and assign a value to it, say integer 5 to it, you can think of it as creating an object (instance) i of class (type) int

    10. An analogy is that you can have variables of type int which translates to saying that variables that store integers are variables which are instances (objects) of the int class

    11. Note that even integers are treated as objects (of the int class)

    12. Int J Toxicol 2001;20(Suppl1):47-55

    13. Inhibitors of bacterial growth in urine: what is the role of betaines? Int J Antimicrob

    14. But I’ll be in touch tomorrow, and if you get any more int

    15. Staff Sergeant ‘Dusty’ Miller of the Int

    16. “As you can imagine, we’ve been scouring the briefing books and Int

    17. Enter some text for the Int val which will appear in the text field

    18. -(solid), chilled -- cut int

    19. hammer, and it needs a new fl int, but I can repair it tomorrow, if

    20. ---you did these on Int Hard-pack, but now you do it steeper-n-cruddier

    21. stressed on this po int a gain and a ga in


    23. Inde e d, a fa int hypnopæ dic pre judice in fa vour of size wa s unive rsa l

    24. He fe lt the fa int a nswe ring pre ssure of he r ha nd

    25. " And ra pidly, with a series of ritua l gestures, he uncoiled two wires conne cte d to the porta ble ba tte ry buckle d round his wa ist; plugge d the m sim ulta ne ously into the side s of his a lum inum ha t; touche d a spring on the crown–a nd a nte nnæ shot up into the a ir; touche d a nothe r spring on the pe a k of the brim –a nd, like a ja ck-in-the -box, out jum pe d a m icrophone a nd hung the re , quive ring, six inche s in front of his nose ; pulle d down a pa ir of re ce ive rs ove r his e a rs; pre sse d a switch on the le ft side of the ha t-a nd from within ca m e a fa int wa spy buzzing; turne d a knob on the right–a nd the buzzing wa s inte rrupte d by a ste thoscopic whe e ze a nd ca ckle , by hiccoughs a nd sudde n sque a ks

    26. Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther 331:94–104

    27. Int J Chron Obstruct

    28. Void test (int a)

    29. Void test (int a, int b)

    30. Interior of the Cathedral, 734 (Int

    31. Simon, 735 (Int

    32. Herr Rintz, Architect, 744 (Int

    33. Alfred Wellisch, Architect, 744 (Int

    34. James Brooks, Architect, 736 (Int

    35. Sedding, Architect, 737 (Int

    36. Thorp, Architect, 740 (Int

    37. Webb, Architect, 740 (Int

    38. Norman Shaw, Architect, 734 (Int

    39. Interior of the Hofkirche, with Tomb of Maximilian I, 735 (Int

    40. Christopher & White, Architects, 743 (Int

    41. Phillips Figgis, Architect, 733 (Int

    42. Piers of the Cathedral Portico, 739 (Int

    43. Auditorium of the Palace of the Trocadéro, 732 (Int

    44. Painting by Puvis de Chavannes in the Grand Hall of the Sorbonne, 743 (Int

    45. Formigé, Architect, 735 (Int

    46. Prioleau Warren, Architect, 737 (Int

    47. Congress Hall and Chamber of Deputies, 738 (Int

    48. Consino, 733, 734 (Int

    49. Interior of the Recoletu Church, 735 (Int

    50. Official Residence of the Intendente, 734 (Int

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