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    law-breaker Beispielsätze


    1. Perfect awareness—having passed the swell of time, I remain in history—looked at as an ass for assuming To communicate what I might—repressing some saving Grace from myself, not knowing if I deserve it—“I would Have it as it is, rather than not have it at all?”—Should A saving grace be given to thieves, tress-passers, Law-breakers—a solution is pain reduction, and life sustenance, Not pride games and social repression—the endorphins Replete of all respect find endurance through pompous Wanderings of the ego in control—the ego who would Take the blame and ends up being the only one to know Its great reward—to hide this scar, to pretend it did not 68

    2. I also believe that legalization sends a clear message to (potential) law-breakers that whenever law enforcement is perceived as ineffectual, its legalization, whatever the social consequences, is right around the corner

    3. What do you now think should be done with this law-breaker and blasphemer?" And they all answered in unison, "He is worthy of death; let him be crucified

    4. But there are law-breakers

    5. The difference is that moral law-breakers will be chiefly dealt with hereafter, when 'sin is finished,’ and the account is closed

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