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    loomed Beispielsätze


    1. It's huge head loomed above the deck, two tiny eyes stared down on short, impossibly-jointed tentacles

    2. The stones loomed in the half light, deep shadows clouding their bases

    3. The great schedule boards loomed over the cathedral-like space

    4. Majestic mountain peaks loomed far to the north

    5. Hayrides and caroling expeditions had suddenly loomed into her vision

    6. It had been built as the stables of Oliar’s castle, the ruins of which loomed behind the house and fields on the other side of the street

    7. " The experience of the voices loomed before her, he’d learned his lesson, and he wouldn't go around shooting her up, anymore

    8. were quite impressive, and the Cathedral loomed

    9. There was no doubt that Johnson and his NN loomed on

    10. Ahead of them, the Gorian Mountain loomed, its snowy peaks hidden by a dense layer of smoke

    11. loomed the huge castle complex, dominated by an

    12. Here they had a good view of the western sky and of the hill which loomed like a mountain only ten miles away

    13. It loomed like a mountain in front of them, a mountain that they had to climb; there was no way around it

    14. Washington, which loomed over Pittsburgh

    15. The nearer my deadlines loomed, the more monsters Amadeus would spot in my precisely arranged and precariously teetering stacks of papers

    16. In the centre of the forest, Salverford prison loomed, powerful and imposing

    17. Relief washed over him, but as he turned back, he saw that the darkness still loomed just behind him, threatening to stretch its ebony fingers out to seize him once more

    18. The creature loomed over the casket in which Jimmy still lay, its scaly face reminding him of a B-movie monster

    19. They bought it, Bond and Bat Mitzvah day loomed closer

    20. It loomed over the landscape, dominating every view

    21. He loomed broader and a foot taller than her

    22. A dark shape loomed behind him, and a dagger appeared at his throat

    23. By day, the towering building that housed the Maze loomed silent and lifeless

    24. The soul construct loomed, its bulky dun-colored body crusted with snow and gore

    25. The gate loomed before her, solid, black, and sturdily sealed

    26. As the first rat loomed out of the thick undergrowth, Darkburst managed to struggle to his feet

    27. Making his way over to the door, he took care not to bang the table that unexpectedly loomed out of the darkness at him

    28. That possibility loomed very large and very real to him now

    29. It loomed over them, with a heavy mist obscuring tongues of glacier on its heights

    30. For years, Leon had lusted over his brother’s millions, but in each scheme to slip away with some, Gordon loomed as too potent a figure – until he developed the Plan

    31. The can already felt more than half empty, and the Syclers still loomed ahead for as far as he could see

    32. As the date of his trial loomed ever closer, his loyalty to his attorney had begun to waver

    33. Just then, another boat suddenly loomed ahead on a colli-

    34. Gareth noted that his Father would always seek counsel from Arthur, an elder of the court, when he doubted himself or when an important decision loomed

    35. The spaceport loomed below them

    36. Ahead, only moments away, at the end of a fire-damaged pier, loomed a cluster of pilings

    37. The gate to the ‘drome loomed up

    38. That reminded Colling that the issue of his desertion still loomed ahead, but he did not mention his concern

    39. Maintenon gritted his teeth as a horse-cab full of citizens loomed in front of the motorcar

    40. He loomed huge above me, twice my height or more, and I shrunk down before him

    41. Once in the classroom, everyone was aware of one period that loomed over the school day: French period

    42. Their airships loomed

    43. Eventually, mountains loomed in front of us, and we turned west between a high mountain and a higher volcano to pick our way through a treacherous pass which took us above the tree line for a very cold while and then back down to another valley, which we also followed south

    44. Cloud loomed over him, his expression

    45. loomed over the cobbled plaza like the monstrous underbelly of a

    46. face of the workspace, she loomed over his swollen body in a wary

    47. He suggested that perhaps they did not hold this line because the very large volcano, which loomed over the far side of the river, was smoking and rumbling

    48. An awe-inspiring void loomed for thousands of

    49. Unfortunately for Roger, other problems loomed ahead that would mar a peaceful transition into his new living conditions and further strain the emotional convulsion he had suffered

    50. A door loomed at the top of the stairs

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