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    married man

    1. "I'm a married man," he said and pulled forward away from her, turned his stool to face her

    2. “Take this new-married man,” he said, “and put him outside in the cold, and return at daybreak

    3. No married man can well gain any settlement in either of the two last ways

    4. The boys of the town knew all about her, and there was more than one young married man who sometimes looked back wistfully to the sex sessions he had experienced in the back room of Anna’s store

    5. He was a happily married man, now made envious of a past, single, self

    6. I felt for him because he was a newly married man with a baby on the way and could have probably used every cent he had

    7. Try as they might the local policemen could not catch them and after countless fruitless attempts finally asked for our assistance as their lieutenant was a newly married man and his wife complained bitterly about the biker's lack of morals

    8. “The truth is that it was you who took George Dearling, a married man and the father of a young girl, to this house of prostitution, rather than as you would have us believe, ‘he took you,’ isn’t it?”

    9. You were in a house of prostitution with a married man who has been murdered

    10. Dissolution of the family - The family (a married man and woman and

    11. who has two small children, is having a relationship with a married man who

    12. recognizing that having a relationship with a married man generates all kinds

    13. relationship with a married man

    14. This is what a relationship with a married man can mean

    15. She takes care of an elderly married man who is gravely ill

    16. Him a married man and twice your age

    17. and shameful to her because I was living with an older, married man abroad

    18. think they're staring because I'm out with a married man

    19. never be forgotten that the married man has the opportunity of serving the

    20. He was a married man who’s children had left home and he told Matthew that the climate there at that time of year was like the summer in England

    21. married man at that

    22. Their spokesman, drawing near to him, said: "Master, Moses said that if a married man should die, leaving no children, his brother should take the wife and raise up seed for the deceased brother

    23. She confessed to be in love with a married man and to be his mistress

    24. Not that a married man like you would think about that

    25. After that, it’ll be Bassam the married man

    26. He’s an old, heavy, married man now

    27. As a liberal-minded, married man, that state of affair truly infuriated Wallace

    28. Entitled “Hope is a Cruel Mistress,” it was tale of a married man who was dating a girl on the side named Hope who was cruel

    29. The woman wanted to know if her new boss--a married man--was as taken with her as she was with him

    30. I felt a little guilty at that, but I was still a married man after all

    31. “And me a married man!”

    32. A married man tended to live longer than a single man

    33. ‘Is there any alternative path of salvation for a married man,’ Raja Rao was hearty in his comment and said to Roopa, ‘You take care of her till I take her over

    34. And for the married man, courting singles could be a hindrance, for they harp on his divorcing the wife as a prerequisite for liaison

    35. He told me about a married man whose wife

    36. He was so excited about the meeting that he even pushed the fact that Alexis was with a married man out of his mind

    37. She was with a married man and now she was engaged

    38. married man, but I somehow justified it in my mind that it was ok

    39. And why was she having a cold at Strorley? And why was he, a newly-married man, deprived of the comfort of his wife and going to spend the evening exactly as he had spent all the evenings for months past?

    40. This girl was twenty-one years old, and he was past middle age, a happily married man

    41. Still tattooed in my pathetic brain was the label, "married man

    42. One minute I'm a student having a casual relationship and then next I'm a married man and an expectant father

    43. She condemned the other woman, and said continually, "She knew he was a married man, and

    44. She was deaf to my words, and a year or two later, became deeply interested in a married man, herself

    45. With Roxanne it was different as I had to be a lot more careful because I was a married man and I had to be careful not to hurt Diana so my actions had to be more deliberate more thought out

    46. “He was a happily married man before he

    47. Show me any married man over the age of forty who isn’t terrified of his wife

    48. While Shapiro thought he was in the midst of being rejected by his wife, a sexual liaison with Judy had transformed from a married man’s fantasy to a real possibility

    49. She had not been married many weeks, when that man's brother saw her and admired her, and asked that man to lend her to him--for what are husbands among us! He was willing enough, but my sister was good and virtuous, and hated his brother with a hatred as strong as mine

    50. purposely to leave off going to the house of Anselmo, for it seemed to him, as it naturally would to all men of sense, that friends' houses ought not to be visited after marriage with the same frequency as in their masters' bachelor days: because, though true and genuine friendship cannot and should not be in any way suspicious, still a married man's honour is a thing of such delicacy that it is held liable to injury from brothers, much more from friends

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