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    mekong river Beispielsätze

    mekong river

    1. Next he headed out of town to the Mekong River, where he boarded a small junk

    2. Halfway across he met a local with a donkey and cart who took him the rest of the way back to the Mekong River

    3. Bear wrote about the stupidity of some politicians, stating what he would do if he could get hold of the buggers that gave the Communist Government in Vietnam one hundred and sixty million dollars to build another bridge across the Mekong River

    4. Limited offensives were launched to maintain contact with the rice-growing regions of the northwest and along the Mekong River and Route 5, the Republic's overland connections to South Vietnam

    5. Mekong river, normally massive it was shrunken to a quarter of it’s width at

    6. Where we crossed the Mekong river was a heavily brigand infested area,

    7. The fighting had been fierce and as Nguyen made his way through the dense vegetation, he headed in the direction of the Mekong riverbanks, stepping over fallen decapitated corpses, some Vietnamese, but mainly dead Khmer Rouge

    8. In 1996 a report appeared on his desk about a four man survey team who had been plotting and mapping along a small branch of the Mekong River, they’d reported spotting a woman stood on the embankment and, as nothing was supposed to be there, and as they pulled their boat to the bank to investigate, the women ran off

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