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    mind-set Beispielsätze


    1. With this sort of mind-set, retiring, changing jobs, or moving to a smaller place are not likely to significantly reduce stress levels – the stress will be there whether it is imposed externally, or whether you have to manufacture it

    2. Don't be afraid to explore the mind-sets of the different kinds of women you will meet online; rise to the

    3. to, as they’re already in that buying mind-set

    4. “But we need someone with experience of the military mind-set, someone who can give us an insight into just how they think

    5. In the warped mind-set that constitutes modern day liberalism, begging is now acceptable and encouraged behavior

    6. The Gathandrians paid them less heed but she understood their importance in the Lammassers’ mind-set and would do well not to forget it

    7. ” (Italics mine) Out of this mind-set developed the concept of racial preferences (affirmative action) and other anti-individualist schemes

    8. To change the hearts of people who are used to previous traditions and mind-sets takes time, experience, and the rule of law

    9. An ambitious title to say the least, however he had the creativity and entrepreneurial mind-set to figure out that if he aimed high and came up short, he would still have enough to accomplish his original target of paying for his three years at university and perhaps a little bit left over for the 'social' aspect of university life

    10. semiology, so that by empathizing with others one can get a sense of their mind-set

    11. That’s a rare sexual mind-set


    13. ideas for action, breaking out of old mind-sets

    14. Our mind-set is “if God said it, we believe

    15. a slice of the combative mind-set of Paul’s critics:

    16. “The initial mind-set you’re after is to become aware that you are the recipient of a non-physically oriented experience, which you can control if you discard descriptions, and keep your thoughts focused on the new circumstance

    17. “The initial mind-set you’re after is to become aware that you are the recipient of a non-physically oriented experience, which you can control if you discard language descriptions, and keep your thoughts focused on the new circumstance

    18. “Jim, you’ve got certain skills and a mind-set that fits in perfectly with what we’re trying to

    19. Convinced about her man’s reading of the situation, Sandhya sought to analyze her mate’s mind-set, ‘It’s clear that Sathyam’s love is of no avail to her and he hasn’t got the vigor to dispel the euphoric clouds from her lovesick eyes

    20. It is this mind-set of the Musalmans that made the word of a believing woman unequal to that of the male believer in the Islamic evidentiary value system! Nonetheless, Muslim women are wont not to complain about this and such gender biases of Islamic socio-religious practice and precepts

    21. And the outcome could well be the harbinger of change in the Islamic community conditioned for so long by the medieval mind-set of the mullahs

    22. While religion is meant to mend man’s soul and as human psychology tends his mind-set, it is imperative to probe into the psycho-cultural underpinnings of the Islamic upbringing, for which we have I’m Ok – You’re OK (Avon Books, New York) of Thomas A

    23. Maybe, because of this abnormality in such a religiously conditioned Muslim mind-set, ‘the others’ too cannot be faulted for misconstruing their indifferent, if not hostile, behavior

    24. Thus, it can be said that the Musalmans are the victims of a mind-set conditioned by the proclivities of their prophet, vicissitudes of his life, attitudes of his detractors and the credulity of his followers, which the mechanism of their umma perpetuates

    25. As one cannot farm in a desert, fundamentalism wouldn’t have been the mind-set of the Musalmans without the masjid-madrasa cultivation of it, and it helps the umma to realize that the Satan that misguides the believers comes in the guise of child psychology

    26. It is to be noted that to the umma-molded Musalman mind-set anything that is non-Islamic amounts to un-Islamic

    27. And it is in this mind-set that the Hindus are increasingly becoming sensitive to the omissions and commissions of the Indian Musalmans; more so, the Mohammedan excuse for family planning under Islamic pretexts makes them wary of the Muslim intentions

    28. It’s time the Indian Musalmans contemplate whether they could hero-worship the marauders of the Hindu mandirs (Aurangazeb, the despoiler of the Kashi Viswanath temple, the next most revered after Somnath, has a Muslim approval rating of 39%) and in the same vein condemn those that pulled down the decrepit Babri masjid! Well, all this won’t be amusing to the Hindus; the mind-set of double standards is troublesome even in the majority community but it would be eminently unwise for the minorities to develop the proclivity of reading the Indian history from the Pakistani text books

    29. However, it may be interesting to speculate about he pathological separatist urge that bedevils the Muslim mind-set; in Muhammad’s fight against the idolaters, it was his compulsion to co-opt ‘the God’ of the Jews to gain authenticity for Islam, and so he had averred that ‘the God’ revealed to him what He had earlier revealed to Moses and other prophets, Jesus included

    30. And in them lie the alleviation of the inherent dangers of the separatist dogma that bedevils the mind-set of the Musalman

    31. By pairing that same winning mind-set with a very effective weight loss program, I am sure I will rapidly become as slim as I would love to be

    32. 81 This quote needs to be read as “him or her”, “he or she”, et cetera; for this change of mind-set can happen

    33. Despite all the wondrous changes that might occur within one’s mind-set following a

    34. dated mind-sets, without this key the doors of the third attention will not open!

    35. with the national mind-set's cowboy cha-cha, a memorized

    36. scatterbrained and endured her husband"s infidelities with the mind-set of tit for tat

    37. years as a truck driver may be true, but it can also create a mind-set in the other

    38. Once that mind-set is established, it puts you in the posture of trying to modify the

    39. I wasn’t working on it but two days when you showed up, and the day that you visited,” I suppressed the smile that wanted to form in remembrance of that day, “I didn’t exactly have the mind-set to tell you

    40. This implies considering the technique that the details was obtained, the mind-set that it was given as well as what can support it

    41. duction of strict super-conscious mind-sets that block free manifesta-

    42. isting cultural traditions and cultural mind-sets

    43. of “mind-setting” character; they use the “three “yes” method at homi-

    44. to two factors: the frequency of mind-setting phrase repeated delivery

    45. — choral praying or singing of a song that contains mind-setting

    46. The most essential factor for you to have is a positive mind-set and strategy

    47. The first step was to understand the mind-set of Lester Manning

    48. It’s part of the same mind-set—if I can use the term ‘mind’ in reference to him—which lets him recognize how threats to someone’s loved ones can be used to keep her in line without fully appreciating—or worrying about—the ultimate consequences of how much pure, distilled hatred that generates

    49. ” At the beginning of trends, the prevailing mind-set from the public is usually that the trend is somehow wrong

    50. It is also possible that managing existing positions may require a slightly different mind-set than initiating new positions

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