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    musically Beispielsätze


    1. Could it have been the tricks of their tired minds? Or was there truly a pair of musically inclined bears before them?

    2. That the musical odors indigenous to the culture of his day may very well have produced that desired effect is problematical in our own musically erratic times, however

    3. Each of the fifteen chapter titles musically encapsulates various addictions, but I never mentioned music itself as a habit

    4. That’s no fun and we’re all about fun!” She laughed musically

    5. heaven is integrated racially and musically) inhabit the place, and walk

    6. But I now digress musically and laterally

    7. This does not explain the source of your gift if neither of your parents is musically inclined

    8. He hummed the song in his mind, some musically tortured thing about loving and losing

    9. And as this piece of yours aims at nothing more than to destroy the authority and influence which books of chivalry have in the world and with the public, there is no need for you to go a-begging for aphorisms from philosophers, precepts from Holy Scripture, fables from poets, speeches from orators, or miracles from saints; but merely to take care that your style and diction run musically, pleasantly, and plainly, with clear, proper, and well-placed words, setting forth your purpose to the best of your power, and putting your ideas intelligibly, without

    10. With crackling blows of axes sounding musically driven by strong arms, Riven deep by the sharp tongues of the axes, there in the redwood

    11. Her voice was musically precise

    12. The laughter and talking rose and fell in the dark night air, pleasant, homely, carefree sounds, gutturally soft, musically shrill

    13. Musically, I tried to pitch “Poisoned Rose,” where Willie Nelson or Charlie Rich might have conceivably sung it in the vaudeville of my dreams, but I’m not sure either of them would have cared for a song about so toxic a desire

    14. Musically, I had just the opening melody that Allen’s playing immediately rendered more graceful, but I was shocked by both the passion of the music and the unguarded, unvarnished anger of the lyrics that Allen proposed for the bridge in a series of uncomfortable questions

    15. He opened it briefly and closed it when he saw nothing inside but clockwork, but opened it again when it pinged musically

    16. Grace studied the cakes, and doubted that it was a real thing so much as a common metaphor used by the musically minded for those who were not

    17. Mother turned towards the church and crossed herself three times ; her lips were trembling, the deep bell chimed musically and regularly from the belfry

    18. Grushenka ran out of the house, laughing musically

    19. A joyful "Oh!" ringing musically through the room interrupted her in the middle of a sentence

    20. But he grows deaf, cannot hear, and begins to write invented, unfinished works, which are consequently often meaningless and musically unintelligible

    21. There is something that is absolutely unintelligible musically

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