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    narrative Beispielsätze


    1. Halfway through my narrative, the door opens and a woman comes in with a tray of coffee

    2. His lack of respect for God impacted others for bad - Look at the narrative

    3. It is controversial, but it just seems to fit with the biblical narrative

    4. A smile touching my lips, I gaze at him, his head bowed as he continues his narrative

    5. The old man stopped his narrative, frowning

    6. narrative, but Tom wondered if this was more to do with Fred’s

    7. ’ Grant agreed when he had finished his narrative

    8. narrative), of her introduction to the Beauchamp

    9. many more times in the course of my narrative

    10. Now that we’ve arrived to this point in the narrative where I

    11. Is feeling anxiety with time caused or released By the full narrative glimpse?

    12. However, at this point in the narrative, it will suffice to say

    13. I am aware of myself without thinking about the story or narrative of myself

    14. Our attention is used to focusing automatically on the thoughts and perceptions that arise in our minds, and automatically attends to our ongoing story or narrative

    15. It is important to have times when you disengage from this narrative

    16. It is a story or narrative, with scenery, players, plot lines, winners, losers, happiness, and sorrow, all set in motion, and kept in motion by our minds

    17. And as I write this narrative

    18. Its adherents are those Christians and Jews, who believe that God created the Earth in six 24-hour days, taking a literal interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative as a basis for their beliefs

    19. Had it really occurred to him that Raiya was truly in love with Roidon? Torbin had told himself – created the logical narrative – that it was merely infatuation with a young-looking man who possessed an undeniable charisma

    20. Sicarius’s face remained unreadable throughout her narrative

    21. Whether the narrative is true or not, it has now become accepted history, and anyone who deviates from it is deemed mad

    22. Especially when politicians are behind the writing of it, as they massage the narrative in order to look good for they are not ones to admit to their many mistakes… unless circumstances force them to, and then they hide behind their “spin doctors

    23. What would happen if you did not have the correct knowledge of the past because the past has been falsely rewritten—a narrative that now says that your husband (or wife) likes their eggs fried in peanut butter (how horrible)? You will be blind-sided, because that is now what you believe! Your perception was now wrong

    24. Note that the above narrative doesn't convey all the complicated logistics of finding mechanics, driving here and there, following each other on the highway, and cell-phone negotiations

    25. Here is a strong narrative of that

    26. As Hermann came to the end of his narrative, Colling realized that he did not know the man’s last name, and on asking, discovered that it was Breitmann

    27. Within this narrative, I also hope to convince you that the name of a Mesopotamian “God-Most-High” known as EL, as revealed through discoveries in archaeology is the same as that implied in the name of the high priest of Salem in the biblical story of Abraham, M-EL-chizedek (see also ch

    28. A new reading of the time line of history would make the explosion of Thera and the Exodus, as described in the Hebrew Torah and the Christian Old Testament, concurrent events, justifying a new, realistic, first-person narrative of the Exodus

    29. Therefore they made a free interpretation of the narrative and end in this confusing idea of solid skies and fixed stars in the firmament, beyond the abode of God and the angels that would be a theme rather focused on the philosophical

    30. When Elam concluded his narrative the priest was silent for a moment, as if he was clarifying his thoughts, and then said:

    31. It is a lot of information to receive in one day and also if it was given to the observer in seven sessions, we could consider that the narrative was told in seven days

    32. Maybe that was the case because God probably desired to generate the need to divide the narrative by days, because there is a reason for the seven days -from a religious point of view- which we will discuss below

    33. Cecile began the narrative, using all her training to keep her voice steady

    34. (There’s more history not relevant to this narrative

    35. Whenever we choose to engage in someone else's narrative about being a victim, we enable them to avoid looking honestly at themselves, which is the first step in healing their own karma

    36. First, there is the literal sense of a narrative – taking a passage at face value

    37. Maggie removed the little one from her lap, stood, and joined Nicolas in front of the fire where she waited self-consciously as Nicolas picked up the narrative

    38. Admittedly, I'd heard the narrative many times before regarding who'd stolen the

    39. To better understand and enjoy the city more, it would be fitting to know its historical background before starting the chronological narrative of the visit

    40. THE BOOK OF RUTH (A narrative from the Helenistic Era, from the written histories of the Judges, written in the Helenistic Era

    41. Halfway into the narrative we read the following verse: “Cain said to Abel, his brother

    42. expansion of meaning given to Torah explains how the text can be complete when it is on the surface seemingly only historical narrative and legalistic detail

    43. Your anger, intensity, and focus on this narrative

    44. that supported the narrative that you had committed to and invested

    45. Overlord Senchak continued the narrative as the Illusion played on for another five seconds

    46. Narrative,( Nottingham, England: Inter-Varsity, 2006),22

    47. of this narrative is apparent in the Babel narrative

    48. But the general narrative still understandable, so she began to read once more

    49. Dimarico's narrative was that his party were losers in a war far to the west of Britain, stranded on the English shore

    50. This isn’t a narrative in the conventional sense

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    Synonyme für "narrative"

    narration narrative story tale yarn chronicle description history recital sequential historical