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    natural selection

    1. This response is a natural selection

    2. This branching genealogical tree he began to develop was derived from a process he called natural selection

    3. This, specifically, is the theory of natural selection, meaning that those who are best are competing for those limited resources will ‘be selected naturally’ to continue on with their development over time

    4. “You know, maybe Darwin did tune into the NFL and NBA back then, huh? This whole natural selection idea seems to fit very well with what we might call ‘equality of opportunity

    5. This opposes undirected processes such as natural selection, which is held by Evolutionists

    6. outcome of natural selection

    7. "How about natural selection and

    8. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life (referred to simply as "Origin of Species"), (Bantam Books, 1999)

    9. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, (Bantam Books, 1999), 158

    10. Or how about Darwin, whose theory of evolution , involving random mutations leading to a process of natural selection to the survival of the fittest may tell us a few things about minor changes in birds and moths, but tells us absolutely nothing about the origin and descent of man

    11. After all, our planet has witnessed the extinction of a variety of species over the centuries whether insect, reptile or mammal replaced by others through the processes of Biological Evolution and Natural Selection

    12. Envy is an important aspect of natural selection because it

    13. natural selection” and that ten thousand years ago in our stone

    14. that anger is a necessary part of natural selection because it:

    15. alive because as part of natural selection we needed to worry

    16. Man’s best guess to date is that they evolved, through a process called natural selection

    17. Or is it just the natural selection process that weeds out the unwary?

    18. Man’s ingenious surmise which turned into a theory of evolution that included the vehicle of “natural selection” seems to have answered, to “science’s” satisfaction, how all life-forms have arisen from a relatively common environment

    19. In the first edition of The Origin of Species, where he wrote he had observed bears floating for hours in the water with their mouths open eating insects floating on the surface, said: "I see no obstacle to a race of bears becoming, by natural selection, more and more aquatic in their structure and habits, with an increasingly large mouth, to produce a monstrous beast like a whale "

    20. If I were an Administrator, then such a caste system would seem like the next obvious step in human evolution—although this manmade step would, strictly speaking, fail to be evolution by natural selection

    21. So, in terms of evolution by natural selection, how could this have happened? One possibility is that female yucca moths that laid eggs inside flowers that they pollinated produced more offspring that survived and also reproduced

    22. Natural Selection - numbers selected by the player instead of a computer-

    23. lysis: using the Internet as his "petri dish" and the harsh scru-tiny of the hacker community as a form of natural selection,

    24. replace it with a process of natural selection, but I cannot imagine the black holes

    25. Darwin's day - he referred to "natural selection" when he published "On the Origin of

    26. of natural selection then reign

    27. As hard as it might be to believe when you look in the mirror, we are the result of natural selection, not some cosmic throw of the dice

    28. He devised the thought that natural selection had

    29. natural selection; both have their truths

    30. that have emerged over millions of years of natural selection

    31. conceptions of Darwinism intimate that natural selection has worked

    32. As for procreation being unhindered, I would suggest you haven’t been to a bar and seen natural selection in process

    33. amphibial domains – overtly seized from centuries of free reign and natural selection

    34. The stories of punishment for the unbelievers, the songs for battles so fierce the ground itself was reborn, the poetry of natural selection? Don’t you remember the testimony? That is what the rest of us perceived as your desire

    35. Thus, it is no wonder that the Christian salvation had become the natural selection for the Hindu fringes, if only seduced with the right inducements from the Catholic Church

    36. And just for U wii are introducing Zii-TNA by Morganics; let us do the supernatural selection of the phittest-4-u

    37. natural selection has some merit; but inasmuch as it is the nature of all of animal kind to reproduce

    38. evolution process he dubbed “natural selection

    39. Nor does the theory of organic evolution by way of involuntary natural selection cancel out or

    40. various species of organic life having slowly evolved into existence by way of "natural selection

    41. how the struggle for existence bears on Natural Selection

    42. Furthermore, I am convinced that Natural Selection

    43. The Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection or the

    44. be a prick, and you would think that natural selection would weed them

    45. Did they only come out to eat the dead? What did natural selection have to say about that? That they would soon develop a taste for us? Eat us in our sleep? I shivered at the thought

    46. We can’t see beyond this purpose, because there was no natural selection making us evolve beyond this purpose

    47. The dynamic of experiential feed-back enabled them to adapt to their environment so quickly and so well, that the laws of natural selection no longer applied to them

    48. and interfering with natural selection in the body

    49. Fire destroyed the process of natural selection of Nature which all other living creatures live by

    50. Another famous myth created by Darwin’s book: The Evolution of Species: is his model and hypothesis of Natural Selection

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