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    Verwenden Sie „niggardliness“ in einem Satz

    niggardliness Beispielsätze


    1. But, as the niggardliness continue, they

    2. Niggardliness in this respect is meanness,

    3. After all, where envy reigns virtue cannot live, and where there is niggardliness there can be no liberality

    4. I produced the little Money that I had, whereupon, with supreme Niggardliness and Reluctance, she went to a lockt Cabinet, withdrew two small Packets, and presently press’d ’em into my sweating Palm

    5. The Crew had been small to start—Slavers oft’ had small Crews owing both to the Niggardliness of their Owners and to their Conviction that many Tars would dye anyway of Distempers in Guinea, whereupon they could be replaced by others from the Castle of the Trading Company—and it had been e’en more reduced by the Loss of Cocklyn, Llewelyn, and Thomas

    6. The first thing they noticed was the unmistakable parsimony and niggardliness of Semyon Ivanovitch

    7. With a niggardliness that bordered on madness, he had believed that he could hide his treasure forever by shutting it up in the sealed room

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    Synonyme für "niggardliness"

    closeness meanness minginess niggardliness niggardness parsimoniousness parsimony tightfistedness tightness