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    originates Beispielsätze


    1. The Father originates, the Son reveals, and the Spirit executes

    2. The one that originates is not greater than the one that executes

    3. originates and exists only by virtue of a force which

    4. also appears due to the lack of self-‐love, which originates from past

    5. In contrast, everything that originates from neediness or fears is the indication of lack of structure and typically does not last

    6. It originates and it dies when the economic transactions really happen

    7. With the act of the validation among corporations extinguished the Virtual Coin “Real” for who pays and it originates for who receives

    8. The majority of scripture we looked at so far originates from the Old Testament, but what does the bible say, in the NEW TESTAMENT?

    9. Most disease originates from discord between the mind and body

    10. ' And I said to him: 'Tell me: what it is that is falling out on the Earth that the Earth is in such evil plight and shaken, lest perchance I shall perish with it?' And thereon there was a great commotion on the Earth, and a voice was heard from Heaven, and I fell on my face; And Enoch my grandfather came and stood by me, and said to me: 'Why have you cried to me with a bitter cry and weeping And a command has gone out from the presence of the Lord concerning those who dwell on the Earth that their ruin is accomplished because they have learnt all the secrets of the angels, and all the violence of the demons, and all their powers, the most secret ones, and all the power of those who practice sorcery, and the power of witchcraft, and the power of those who make molten images for the whole Earth, and how silver is produced from the dust of the Earth, and how soft metal originates in the Earth; For lead and tin are not produced from the Earth like the first; It is a fountain that produces them, and an angel stands in it, and that angel is pre-eminent

    11. energy that originates from the unseen dimensions of the universe

    12. Illusion originates as a conflict between

    13. Cartesian deception that opposes and prevents this knowledge, yet the meditation originates from

    14. ' And I said to him: 'Tell me: what it is that is falling out on the Earth that the Earth is in such evil plight and shaken lest perchance I shall perish with it?' And thereon there was a great commotion on the Earth and a voice was heard from Heaven and I fell on my face; And Enoch my grandfather came and stood by me and said to me: 'Why have you cried to me with a bitter cry and weeping And a command has gone out from the presence of the Lord concerning those who dwell on the Earth that their ruin is accomplished because they have learnt all the secrets of the angels and all the violence of the demons and all their powers the most secret ones and all the power of those who practice sorcery and the power of witchcraft and the power of those who make molten images for the whole Earth and how silver is produced from the dust of the Earth and how soft metal originates in the Earth; For lead and tin are not produced from the Earth like the first; It is a fountain that produces them and an angel stands in it and that angel is pre-eminent

    15. "And they who believed from the twelfth mountain which was white are the following: they are as infant children in whose hearts no evil originates; nor did they know what wickedness is but always remained as children

    16. Snow originates from the water vapor that is condensed into clouds

    17. Water originates from a composition of hydrogen and oxygen

    18. When we use two eyes to look at repressed hatred, which originates

    19. bodies something that originates within each one of us?

    20. We have always been told, instead, that the body is where sin originates,

    21. But this does not prove that everything you hear and see on television originates inside the receiver

    22. desire to kill the father originates

    23. qi’ which mainly originates from the Sun) Hence, the torso of the magma

    24. Everything originates in Heaven, and the Great Heaven makes no mistakes

    25. Knowledge originates in science; wisdom, in true philosophy; truth, in the religious experience of spiritual living

    26. "It originates in the pencilled area

    27. This is where the title of the movie originates

    28. This is where the title of the movie originates and we all need laughs to survive the daily challenges in the workplace

    29. “They are from the 34th century, where the Time Patrol originates from

    30. As you may have noticed already, there is some very high technology in use at this conference, thanks to the generous support of the Global Council, the society from the 34th century where the Time Patrol originates

    31. � My friend Nancy actually originates from the year 2012, but was kidnapped by two of our own scientists and was used as a guinea pig for experiments in time travel

    32. Some common definitions include criteria such as metabolism, growth, reproduction; and responses to stimuli or adaptation to the environment, that originates within the organism

    33. locker, which contains a sweatshirt (where the smell originates) and,

    34. Past life regressions bring a lot of subconscious flotsam and jetsam up to the conscious mind, which is necessary because everything originates in the conscious mind, and can only be controlled or dispelled by the conscious mind; but first the conscious mind has to be made aware of it

    35. “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force

    36. Maybe this is where the expression ‘off your trolley’ originates

    37. This word originates from Shambala

    38. The body cannot do sin without permission from the soul, fornication between a man and woman who are not married to each other originates in man's soul

    39. The Buddhist shrine of Pagoda originates from the Indian Stupas then spread along the trade routes to China

    40. The concept of the holy war, declared, fought and won by Yahweh, God of Israel, originates in traditions of the God as a divine warrior which are found in the Hebrew Bible

    41. Ayat Allah’s is different from Muhammad because his line of blood originates from the missing Imam of Sheism

    42. A plant that originates in Africa, khella, is also considered

    43. explorer of the meaning of life that originates in a cosmic goal

    44. All of our hatred and anger originates and germinates on this unhealthy pillar and they damage life, ourselves and others on and on, into eternity

    45. original thought originates in the spirit realm, Sam, not in the carnal realm

    46. It originates in the German region of

    47. Leipzig is the city in Germany where this dish originates

    48. that the white seminal fluid originates

    49. nel wheel, and it is from here that the blood originates

    50. Because karma originates

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