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    palaver Beispielsätze


    1. ‘Well, when this wedding palaver is all over with, maybe I can come over and see you both sometime

    2. He will arrange a day for palaver, und you must make your submission to him in native custom

    3. Also that plenty of powder had been distributed in the town, and the spies thought they had undermined the Palace and Palaver Square in case of emergency

    4. On Sunday evening, a palaver was held in the palace, the chiefs being hastily summoned, and it was thought that this was a ruse to get them together to endeavour to slip away in the night, get clear, collect their forces and attempt an attack on Kumassi when most of the troops had been withdrawn

    5. The King had been told to appear at 8 o'clock, with all his chiefs, on the palaver ground

    6. The palaver then commenced

    7. Their palaver did not last long, and priests and executioners cleared to the bush, though in strict justice, it seemed a pity some at least were not hung to the adjoining fetish trees, as carrion for the vultures they could provide food for no longer

    8. Pushing through the forest there were few animals to be seen; occasionally a rustling among the bushes announced some lordly snake on the prowl, or a chatter and cracking overhead denoted that a solemn palaver of monkeys had been disturbed

    9. The prompt action of Governor Maxwell at the final palaver settled the matter - diplomacy had conquered brute force and cunning

    10. Sim and Clive, with Trent now in attendance, were having a palaver in Sim’s palatial office

    11. In Neolithic times, the Druids held palaver on the island of Anglessely

    12. Thus was hatched a plan to lure their rivals into palaver with the pretense that Upaya had been snared via Kama’s love-mantra

    13. The whole palaver was foolish and Pine knew it

    14. "The men that is now is only all palaver and what they can get out

    15. "What's the use of all this palaver the last thousand nights when it's time to act? Even if there was a sudden flood of femininity in the provinces with no lint on them and their seams straight, what would we do with them?"

    16. "There, he is beginning with some more of his silly palaver!" Raskolnikoff growled to himself

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    Synonyme für "palaver"

    empty talk empty words hot air palaver rhetoric blandishment cajolery blarney cajole coax inveigle sweet-talk wheedle blab blabber chatter clack gabble gibber maunder piffle prate prattle tattle tittle-tattle twaddle