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    poisonous snake Beispielsätze

    poisonous snake

    1. Perhaps one of his men had shot him accidently, or maybe he had come upon a poisonous snake and it had bitten him

    2. Is it a realistic interpretation to believe that a multitude of poisonous snakes suddenly and unaccountably appeared en masse in a desert environment where scarce resources should have naturally limited their numbers? According to some accounts, the plagues of Moses, followed by the Exodus, could have been brought on by an environmental disturbance

    3. The bulge burst, and the heads of dozens of poisonous snakes twisted out

    4. That’s if he’s not killed first by poisonous snakes or any of the other predators, who say to you now that they won’t kill, but among themselves have a different story

    5. It also details the challenges that his family had while searching for fossils, such as bandits, desert conditions, disease, houses burning down, lions and poisonous snakes

    6. ‘Are they! A banded krait is one of the most poisonous snakes in the

    7. from their mouths, and their tails will consist of poisonous snakes

    8. saw tens of dozens of poisonous snakes crawling all over

    9. The sword landed practically in his lap and Ahndray recoiled from it as if it were a poisonous snake

    10. the color of poisonous snakes

    11. The famous dream Nietzsche had of a poisonous snake attacking him, coming into his mouth and biting his tongue was his subconscious telling him how poisonous all his writings were and how mistaken it all was

    12. From the billions of dollars of deathsheads, the dollars of filthy profit made by and for the corrupt corporate zombies who run these filthy international centers of corporate power, greed and evil; controlled by undead corpses… all the way down the corporate ladder to children dying in the cane fields from poisonous snake bites: from poisonous snakes infesting the cane fields that are attracted to the cane fields because of the huge numbers of rats which infest the cane fields because of the sugar cane’s powerful root system which creates perfect hidey holes for them and lets them gnaw on the roots, to the recreated mass burning of tropical forests of primordial Africa of 25 million years ago which the undead have preserved and perpetuated …

    13. I couldn’t dismiss the possibility that a deadly poisonous snake might have been planted in my office on purpose

    14. The tube running around the door was hissing like a poisonous snake, bubbling with some liquid

    15. alkali in case of the bite of a Rattle-snake; and an intelligent physician of Georgia informed me, that he had applied the same stimulant in vain for the cure of the bites of poisonous snakes, but that being once stung by a Scorpion, he was instantaneously relieved by the topical use of this liquid

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