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    preliminary exam Beispielsätze

    preliminary exam

    1. He scanned current affairs as if it were a preliminary exam, conscious of the clothes he wore

    2. In the pharmaceutical laboratory the preliminary examination revealed an immense amount of high technology equipment and sophisticated processes

    3. And the orders of the Roman captain were obeyed; they took Jesus to the home of Annas for his preliminary examination

    4. The nurse ignored the comment and completed the preliminary exam

    5. Wordlessly, she completed the preliminary examination and began writing

    6. His expression gave no indication as to the results of his preliminary examination of the body, but there seemed to be a satisfaction in the manner in which he looked over his pince-nez at the constables who eagerly awaited his explanation

    7. A preliminary examination

    8. Here are copies of her preliminary examinations and medical scans on me

    9. Preliminary examination suggests that Paula Gibbons’ left breast had been sliced off only recently, perhaps no more than a day or two before her body was dumped

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