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    prided Beispielsätze


    1. She prided herself

    2. Kara signed herself out of the records office and the two women walked in silence along the street towards the little café – one of the larger chains that prided itself on the quality of its coffee, Kara noted with dismay

    3. people he had only just met, and indeed prided himself on his ability

    4. He prided himself on the flavors he could imagine from them, and was interested in souls with highly developed culinary senses

    5. They prided themselves on the professions they pursued without regret, nor with any feelings of personal sacrifice or loss of womanly opportunity

    6. Big Ed prided himself on knowing all of our names because authoritarian figures have more power when they know your name

    7. everything she had always prided herself against

    8. The door, as always, was open; she prided herself on always

    9. If present attitudes are any indication of contemporary society‘s harsh assessment of its past, our society should not expect much sympathy from future generations that can only wonder how a society that called itself civilized and prided itself on its ―evolving standards of decency‖ could have condoned such barbarous practices

    10. Sylvia always prided herself on her ability to identify people’s character

    11. Johnson prided himself on being a responsible person and he saw that giving Mia away was evading his responsibility

    12. always looked for good workers and prided himself on hiring those persons whom he thought would work out in the best interests of

    13. He prided himself on conquering white females; something his grandfather could not lay hands on—combining sizzling Kamasutra experiments with artistic and sensitive foreplays

    14. They prided themselves on openness and freedom of choice

    15. Businessmen didn’t stay there with their families; they visited and stayed for a few days; software people there were young couples and childfree; but musicians lived there and prided themselves on their houses

    16. She worked herself up to GS-9 lab technician and prided herself on being the first woman to supervise men there, back when that was “unusual

    17. Not that he prided himself on a deep

    18. He prided himself on his

    19. His comments were all slanted toward moving what I prided as my objectivity to a more liberal viewpoint

    20. He prided himself on what a stroke of genius it

    21. He prided himself in thinking he was the

    22. He wrought the victory with his arm and scattered those who prided themselves in their opinions

    23. The cheese too was potent, a local blending, he assumed, not one he recognised, but every village he had ever travelled through always prided itself on the distinctiveness of its own local cheeses

    24. Casey Jones had prided himself in making such fast time, that he’d named his locomotive “The Cannonball

    25. The pub prided itself on the table service and diners would come from miles around to enjoy the traditional meals and pleasant ambiance that resulted from an elegant décor and soft carpets underfoot

    26. “Time was when I prided myself on being and being called a British subject

    27. One day she was polishing a set of two sterling-silver tankards that she prided having in her possession and realized that apart from her wedding ring they were the only two valuable material things that she possessed

    28. One of the things he prided

    29. ―Inside the movie theatre, I prided myself on not being afraid of anything (or not much at least)

    30. The Greek prided himself on his smarts and felt the equal of any man in the game of wits

    31. Bill had always prided himself on his self-control

    32. prided himself, maybe foolishly, that he was one step ahead, and

    33. Her skin had a youthful glow to it and she prided herself in the way her new cloths fitted her

    34. Stellar Interstellar prided itself on the confidentiality with which it conducted its clients’ business

    35. Riz prided himself at being the best, so arriving a week before anyone else was nothing new

    36. He prided himself on seeing a greater picture than other people, an encompassing understanding of humanity

    37. ” After all, not everyone could be as perfect and proper as the British who had prided themselves upon these characteristics for generations

    38. I have always prided myself on being a fighter, and

    39. It was something I always prided myself on

    40. They prided themselves on maintaining, unblemished by alcohol, the fastest of responses

    41. shopkeepers who prided themselves on running clean, honest businesses

    42. Undoubtedly, poor preparations by a military force that prided itself on thoroughness was a major factor that contributed to failure

    43. He prided himself with the production figures of the German armaments industry, which he had boosted to an amazing extent; preferring to overlook the fact that the enemy's armaments figures were immensely higher

    44. Pierre and Susan prided themselves in being open-minded, tolerant people, but the way their daughter’s career as a field agent of the Time Patrol was turning was not much to their liking

    45. prided himself on his ability to blend in with the natives of the planet he was visiting

    46. Earlier, perhaps, Arjun had prided himself on the excellence of his skill

    47. The agency prided itself in reliability and low cost

    48. Terrorists seen as heroes among the disenfranchised, prided themselves on suicide missions, giving their lives happily as ‘patriots’ who hoped their acts of murder and destruction would force the powers-that-be to return their ‘homeland’ to their own people

    49. Even in a city that prided itself on its pleasing architecture, the temple’s majestic appearance stood out like a sore thumb

    50. They believed that they were the descendants of Satan himself and prided themselves on being evil

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