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    1. This is the silence of absolute, total quarantine

    2. The flight from Gengee took little more than five weeks and it was now stored in a refrigerated room under the strictest quarantine while it was studied

    3. It held the map-space linkage to the crystals in hard quarantine on Biology Base

    4. She had three fabricators now to feed the crystal into as it cleared quarantine

    5. To dream that someone or something is in quarantine indicates that someone is in desperate need of your help but is afraid to ask

    6. It took the people three days to reach the supposed Mecca, which then turned out to be a nothing but a plague spot of yellow fever, quarantine enforced, with no shelter or rest for their weary bodies

    7. He said he had been worried that the other horse might have to go into quarantine with the resulting expenses eating up their meager profit, but that Sylvia had somehow worked magic and managed to get new documents delivered to the boat

    8. No quarantine restrictions apply like in the old days

    9. You see, the colony doubles as quarantine to protect the Empire from us

    10. “Well, that is where they send you if they think you are carrying a contagious disease, so that means we will have to go through quarantine and disinfection,” was my reply

    11. “If I recall right, since we were on a non-Imperial world for a while we will have to be kept in quarantine for forty-eight hours, but it is at least a week to the capital from here

    12. The only treatment was strict quarantine for the homes of the afflicted, or the whole town if it was widespread

    13. The cumulative effect of these decisions has been to quarantine traditional religion from public life

    14. “Furthermore, there are two races that are kept in quarantine in Warded reserves in Xervia by the Grand Council

    15. nearby and in quarantine for years

    16. Atlanta Under Quarantine, the headlines read at the top of the screen as medical specialists in special suits attend the dying “breaking and bleeding” in airtight plastic inflatable rooms that they’ve been herded into

    17. At least the quarantine teams had time to seal off the area before it spread to the rest of the planet

    18. When birds are imported from another country, they are required to undergo a period of isolation called quarantine

    19. Budgies sold in local pet stores are most likely bred in the United States, so quarantine is unnecessary

    20. We couldn’t even hold their hands to comfort them because of the quarantine

    21. “Then you need to quarantine the animal testing lab,” Sam urgently suggested

    22. called it a quarantine and received the permission of the Organization of American States to strengthen a claim of legality

    23. On October 22, six days after seeing the spy plane photos, Kennedy announced the discovery in an address to the nation in which he also announced the quarantine of Cuba

    24. 'Stop right there!' the Quarantine Unit leader yelled and raised his gun

    25. Then he raised his hands as he realised that a total of 14 rather heavily armed quarantine guards were pointing their guns at him

    26. However, the leader of the Quarantine Unit explains that a third individual exited the Shuttle while he and 13 guards were watching it, and somehow, this individual managed to … acquire a Ray Gun from one of the guards and … sort of stun the entire Quarantine Unit

    27. “Is this why they have kept you in quarantine from the others?”

    28. “Then I will be forced to quarantine you,” Kitara said

    29. Tammas was still in quarantine a full week after “the Crisis at Vulcan,” as the

    30. The force field that kept Tammas in quarantine came down, and his Doctor, a

    31. The government immediately made all the necessary arrangements to control the outbreak through implementing an order to quarantine and isolate all those whom it had affected

    32. They continued to treat the stricken old woman in this way for quite some time and concealed the matter of her illness for fear that the authorities might hear about it and place her in quarantine

    33. Yet, it pleased Al’lah to let the gendarme sleep a little also, before the train’s arrival at the quarantine and sterilisation area, so his master, Aslan, stayed asleep too, blissfully unaware! Then, the train departed and continued on its way without the officer and his men having carried out the required procedures

    34. Immediately, he called the gendarme wondering why he had failed to wake him as requested, ‘Oh, my son! Why didn’t you awake me when the train stopped at the quarantine centre as I told you?’ Feeling afraid and confused, the gendarme replied, ‘Oh, Sir… oh, Sir! I swear by God, that I fell asleep Sir

    35. He and Nyreea would certainly not be witnessing this had they not violated the quarantine, as what they witnessed here would be below the horizon of ShantyTown, and with hill country in between

    36. should lift the quarantine in about six weeks - well now with these

    37. “Do you have a relative in the quarantine ward?” she asked

    38. speed and shoot Sean up towards the quarantine ward

    39. and Sean entered the quarantine ward, armed and prepared to fulfill his

    40. “This is quarantine! You can’t be in here!” she shouted as she walked

    41. “Yes, quarantine for 20 square miles,” the soldier replied clutching his

    42. anyone out of the quarantine area but the motorists seemed to have

    43. Carlos knew that, she had been taken into quarantine as well

    44. Saul directed those two soldiers, along with the boy and the two already transported to Washington, to be moved to Atlanta where a special quarantine and research center was being set up

    45. They have good reasons for putting her in quarantine

    46. Stocking your tank slowly and ALWAYS using a quarantine tank will pay

    47. quarantine is not expensive, just another step in the aquarium acclimation process

    48. Following a strict quarantine protocol will go a long way to ensuring your success within this hobby

    49. Fill the quarantine tank with water from the main tank and then turn everything on in the

    50. Yes, you should quarantine your coral before introducing it the display tank

    1. The avatar was quarantined but not destroyed

    2. A sixth of our crystal is quarantined and it's probably simpler and safer in the long run to just recycle all of it rather than try to sort it out

    3. The quick bomb screens have already moved into the quarantined stuff

    4. The thorough screens should be done with the running stuff in an hour and the quarantined by late tomorrow

    5. The readouts said that the avatar that attacked her was quarantined successfully in known crystals on the Biology Base, no space in those crystals was receiving grants

    6. I understand you don’t want your horse quarantined

    7. When she brought attention to it, film was confiscated, X-rays were retaken with less voltage, and she was quarantined

    8. This kid is going to have to be quarantined for a long time, if we ever reach him

    9. The nanoscanners put together a 3D image of a large, grey, squid-looking alien animal quarantined inside of this huge underwater mountain

    10. The sick were isolated in a quarantined building with one English nurse taking care of them

    11. State governments also require that birds (including parrots) entering the state be quarantined if they don't carry health certificates declaring they aren't carriers

    12. Many tried then to have the Jupiter and Saturn systems quarantined indefinitely, to supposedly protect Earth from ‘space contamination’

    13. Consequently, many escaped the camp where they were being quarantined and have

    14. quarantined planet ever since the Evans incident, I don’t see how bringing her back with me could cause any paradoxes

    15. Police tape quarantined off a small section near the back of the park, along the tree line, which lead to a few acres of thick woods

    16. Carter jumped out of his car and rushed up to the quarantined house, dodging reporters

    17. In the interests of the health of unaffected citizens the patient had to report to the sanatorium where he would be quarantined, and cared for

    18. They went into her room and took her out to the vehicle which was to transport them to the sanatorium where she would be quarantined

    19. set of doors opened and he entered the quarantined room he had been

    20. The entire mall was quarantined

    21. of plans executing possible recovery, whether the region quarantined, and let the

    22. Just that health situation has erupted, rabies of some sort, and those infected were currently quarantined

    23. not been quarantined can bring on an outbreak in a seemingly healthy tank

    24. warehouse, and have the warehouse quarantined

    25. They quarantined me for a while before sending me home

    26. currently quarantined on the base while being briefed on a supposedly simulated scenario

    27. shielded and quarantined, the NEST engineers would then attempt to deactivate it

    28. would belong quarantined in the terrain park

    29. In short nothing that you would ever want in your body! If a nurse drops a vial of the flu vaccine and it shatters, say in a school gym, the entire building, by written protocol, is to be evacuated and quarantined until a chemical hazmat crew has cleaned the spill up and deemed it safe to reenter the building

    30. Before you were quarantined, what was it like?

    31. MARY3: But was she allowed to talk to you? Aren’t you still quarantined?

    32. Paralyzed, quarantined, lonely as the last star, and now denied her full humanity by Stephen Chinn’s Machiavellian program

    33. The rest of the afternoon he quarantined himself in his room

    34. The ship would be quarantined, it would hoist the yellow flag and sail in a state of emergency

    1. The population waited for quarantines and white- suited specialists with giant mobile labs but they didn’t come

    1. “Do you have a permit for that Greeg?” questioned a genuinely concerned member of the strictly volunteer Rounding Up of Greegs and Quarantining them in Zoos Where They Belong Society

    2. They are quarantining all bite victims,” he replied

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    Synonyme für "quarantine"

    quarantine set apart keep apart isolate partition assign