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    quietude Beispielsätze


    1. difference within the quietude, as with the spectral shades of the void, caused Smith to

    2. Silence was bliss, was the summation of every force and vitality known to the universal mind, but the inevitably subtle tonal difference within the quietude, as with the spectral shades of the void, caused Smith to vacillate

    3. consonant starved, the quietude of the bed-sit,

    4. To this Shafter sent a further, terse demand for unconditional surrender, at which the Sunday quietude was broken by a scattering volley and a shell from the Spaniards, as they defiantly dragged down the white flag

    5. The subjective life is as important as the daily round, and periods of quietude for inner activity are essential for a balanced life

    6. The acid remark on the way back still disturbed his quietude

    7. I have need to busy my heart with quietude

    8. During the highest stage of concentration, when there is a total and absolute restraint the Spirit ‘dwells established in its own nature…pure, isolated and free…pure consciousness without limitations of space and time, without any inner or external object in which it can be reflected, reduced to motionlessness and to the silence of a quietude raised to its highest level

    9. The morning’s pandemonium had settled into quietude

    10. It is a great blessing to see that hesychasm, or sacred quietude, is being recognized as necessary for the renewal of the Church, and for its pastoral work in the world

    11. The significance of the rediscovery of the value of sacred quietude, of the message of the desert, is indeed great

    12. help you, to tel you what he saw and heard himself, when he groped for as he lived profoundly in quietude and

    13. The objective is to have external quietude penetrate into the soul, for without inner silence and peace, external quiet is of no avail

    14. "The second part of the drama unfolded to the quietude of the mortuary where the spirit hovered over its covered naked earthly body laid on a cold stainless steel gurney

    15. sense of serenity in the quietude of Khe Iem’s thought

    16. With heavy worrisome steps, Johnny walked into the quietude of the jailhouse

    17. Paul could feel his brother-in-law’s large frame dwarfing him in the stale air of the quietude

    18. The quietude of the streets near the Thames frightened Rad and Anne so much that they

    19. And being in this state, you would never believe that all of this can appear as quietude and immobility to someone else (in another system of Perception)

    20. Being in a separated, isolated state, you cannot perceive either yourself or the Planet as one integral living Entity which is in a balanced, creative quietude

    21. Benson informed WebMD in the aforementioned article by Davis, "There was a striking quietude across the entire brain which was documented through MRI

    22. The areas of the brain that became active from that quietude were those that control metabolism, heart rate, etc

    23. Quietude of custody, rather, befitting their station in that house, the vigilant watch of shepherds and of angels about a crib in Bethlehem of Juda long ago

    24. It is remarkable, that persons who speculate the most boldly often conform with the most perfect quietude to the external regulations of society

    25. Her face, so long familiar to the towns-people, showed the marble quietude which they were accustomed to behold there

    26. Sometimes when Dorothea was in company, there seemed to be as complete an air of repose about her as if she had been a picture of Santa Barbara looking out from her tower into the clear air; but these intervals of quietude made the energy of her speech and emotion the more remarked when some outward appeal had touched her

    27. He spoke to her after the play, was received with the usual quietude which seemed to him beautiful as clear depths of water, and obtained leave to visit her the next day; when he was bent on telling her that he adored her, and on asking her to marry him

    28. Bulstrode, in giving orders to the housekeeper for the accommodation of the guest, had a resolute air of quietude

    29. She still said nothing; but under that quietude was hidden an intense effect: she was in such entire disgust with her husband that she wished she had never seen him

    30. She looked ill, but had recovered her usual quietude of manner, and Lydgate had feared to disturb her by any questions

    31. The trivial operations of the heart are burnt away in quietude

    32. So, almost every twenty-four hours, when the watches of the night were set, and the band on deck sentinelled the slumbers of the band below; and when if a rope was to be hauled upon the forecastle, the sailors flung it not rudely down, as by day, but with some cautiousness dropt it to its place for fear of disturbing their slumbering shipmates; when this sort of steady quietude would begin to prevail, habitually, the silent steersman would watch the cabin-scuttle; and ere long the old man would emerge, gripping at the iron banister, to help his crippled way

    33. When the last echo of his sultan's step has died away, and Starbuck, the first Emir, has every reason to suppose that he is seated, then Starbuck rouses from his quietude, takes a few turns along the planks, and, after a grave peep into the binnacle, says, with some touch of pleasantness, "Dinner, Mr

    34. At such times, under an abated sun; afloat all day upon smooth, slow heaving swells; seated in his boat, light as a birch canoe; and so sociably mixing with the soft waves themselves, that like hearth-stone cats they purr against the gunwale; these are the times of dreamy quietude, when beholding the tranquil beauty and brilliancy of the ocean's skin, one forgets the tiger heart that pants beneath it; and would not willingly remember, that this velvet paw but conceals a remorseless fang

    35. No wonder there had been some among the hunters who namelessly transported and allured by all this serenity, had ventured to assail it; but had fatally found that quietude but the vesture of tornadoes

    36. Elvira had grown into her spinsterhood without rebellion and with the quietude of mind conferred by an even disposition

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    Synonyme für "quietude"

    quietness quietude tranquility tranquillity relief calmness satisfaction peace quiet ease