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    rapier Beispielsätze


    1. She was very conscious of the fact that a thirty two inch, razor sharp, bronze rapier was still on his belt

    2. “Your friend prefer saber or rapier?”

    3. It is not a blunt instrument but a rapier to remove the cancer inside a community without destroying the community

    4. He had taken off pistols and rapier and had

    5. Ariella scanned along the rack of swords until she found what she was looking for, a light, thin, long bladed rapier

    6. She grabbed the rapier and followed the others out into the courtyard

    7. The rapier felt good in her hand

    8. She lowered the tip of her rapier, right foot forward as she had been taught, her left hand outstretched behind her to help her balance, the classic stance of a fencer

    9. She still favoured the light rapier that she used back in Lightharbour but there was an edge to her fighting now

    10. Ariella drew her rapier; the cold metal felt reassuring in her hand

    11. “Halt!” he called, raising a long rapier and pointing it at Karlov’s chest

    12. The Highwayman raised his thin rapier above his head and waved it once to each side

    13. Their main cultural motivation was upwards mobility gained by the rapier

    14. With his gleaming rapier pointed at Andrew the man in white shouted, “How dare you enter where others cannot! You will pay for your reckless indiscretion!” Andrew raised a magnificent shield to protect himself from the oncoming attack when the man unexpectedly dropped his sword and grabbed the shield

    15. I say this lest thou shouldst imagine that because we have been drubbed in this affray we have therefore suffered any indignity; for the arms those men carried, with which they pounded us, were nothing more than their stakes, and not one of them, so far as I remember, carried rapier, sword, or dagger

    16. Whips out his rapier, cries, 'A rat, a rat!'

    17. And so saying, he seized the staff he had driven into the ground, and leaving one half of it fixed there, showed it to be a sheath that concealed a tolerably long rapier; and, what may be called its hilt being planted in the ground, he swiftly, coolly, and deliberately threw himself upon it, and in an instant the bloody point and half the steel blade appeared at his back, the unhappy man falling to the earth bathed in his blood, and transfixed by his own weapon

    18. They were about to draw out the rapier, but the priest who was standing by objected to its being withdrawn before he had confessed him, as the instant of its withdrawal would be that of this death

    19. Basilio and Quiteria having thus joined hands, the priest, deeply moved and with tears in his eyes, pronounced the blessing upon them, and implored heaven to grant an easy passage to the soul of the newly wedded man, who, the instant he received the blessing, started nimbly to his feet and with unparalleled effrontery pulled out the rapier that had been sheathed in his body

    20. The beadle, who was just then standing on the threshold in the middle of the left doorway, under the "Dancing Marianne," with feather cap, and rapier dangling against his calves, came in, more majestic than a cardinal, and as shining as a saint on a holy pyx

    21. It was a short blunt affair compared to Withel 's hair-thin rapier

    22. Steered by his rapier, he glides to the door, his wild harp slung behind him

    23. handling a rapier in a duel

    24. My small Size was some Advantage, as was the Swaying of the Ship—now somewhat diminish’d, as if the Squall were passing—but there was no Question that in an open Field he should cut me down in one deft Stroke, the Point of his Rapier seeking my Heart as ’twere some Homing Pigeon and my Heart its Coop

    25. “Have Mercy upon my Soul!” cried the Booby, his Rapier lost; but now I leapt in for the Kill and slasht his fat, red Neck

    26. The fencing has gone on for some time; suddenly one of the combatants, feeling himself wounded and understanding that the matter is no joke but concerns his life, throws down his rapier, and seizing the first cudgel that comes to hand begins to brandish it

    27. Then let us imagine that the combatant who so sensibly employed the best and simplest means to attain his end was at the same time influenced by traditions of chivalry and, desiring to conceal the facts of the case, insisted that he had gained his victory with the rapier according to all the rules of art

    28. The fencer who demanded a contest according to the rules of fencing was the French army; his opponent who threw away the rapier and snatched up the cudgel was the Russian people; those who try to explain the matter according to the rules of fencing are the historians who have described the event

    29. Napoleon felt this, and from the time he took up the correct fencing attitude in Moscow and instead of his opponent’s rapier saw a cudgel raised above his head, he did not cease to complain to Kutuzov and to the Emperor Alexander that the war was being carried on contrary to all the rules- as if there were any rules for killing people

    30. And it is well for a people who do not- as the French did in 1813- salute according to all the rules of art, and, presenting the hilt of their rapier gracefully and politely, hand it to their magnanimous conqueror, but at the moment of trial, without asking what rules others have adopted in similar cases, simply and easily pick up the first cudgel that comes to hand and strike with it till the feeling of resentment and revenge in their soul yields to a feeling of contempt and compassion

    31. “Draw sword on me, on the other hand,” Florian went on, covering the pommel of his rapier with his palm, “and you’ll have no problems at all

    32. At his side hung a long rapier no thicker than a pencil, in a scabbard of gray silk

    33. It is said that in her hand a rapier is a living thing, and that she can fence more skillfully than any man

    34. Captain Morgan had seen him in action, leaping about the deck like a supple animal while his rapier flicked out in lithe tongues of silver fire

    35. Henry Morgan went to the Palace of the Governor to establish his quarters, and there, in the doorway, stood Don Juan Perez de Guzman, with a naked rapier in his hand

    36. The gray-clad rapier lay on the floor beside him

    37. It was as though she had plucked his rapier from its scabbard and scratched his face with it while he stood helpless before her

    38. In the Hall of Audience he threw off his pistols, but the gray rapier remained at his side

    39. Napoleon felt this, and from the time he took up the correct fencing attitude in Moscow and instead of his opponent’s rapier saw a cudgel raised above his head, he did not cease to complain to Kutúzov and to the Emperor Alexander that the war was being carried on contrary to all the rules—as if there were any rules for killing people

    40. And it is well for a people who do not—as the French did in 1813—salute according to all the rules of art, and, presenting the hilt of their rapier gracefully and politely, hand it to their magnanimous conqueror, but at the moment of trial, without asking what rules others have adopted in similar cases, simply and easily pick up the first cudgel that comes to hand and strike with it till the feeling of resentment and revenge in their soul yields to a feeling of contempt and compassion

    41. A rapier swung at his side, and, as he stood, he flicked at it with the glove in his bare hand

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