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    1. See also about Reg Alcock cited on the web:

    2. Also about Reg Alcock cited on the web:

    3. The guys in the Orderly Room figured that the reg

    4. There’s no reg

    5. This was on orders of a TAC reg that paid off almost daily as the man in mobile control assisted pilots with emergencies by calmly reading instructions from a handbook; or told them to take it around if their landing pattern was too dangerous; or frantically fired a flare and yelled into the radio if someone was on final approach without lowering their landing gear

    6. I didn’t make dessert, as Reg and Lynn brought it

    7. I’ve fixed up with Reg Bateman for our package tour holiday in Kitzbühel, in Austria

    8. ’ Wat has memorised the brochure that Reg Bateman has given him: ‘Few ski resorts have the charisma of this iconic resort, with its celebrated downhill slopes,’ he repeats

    9. “ Dunno Reg ” replied the other man

    10. I Care is an initiative of the LHC Foundation Trust, Reg

    11. Reg was still very much a scary goblin-like creature with fangs and claws and red eyes, yet in recent years he had somehow succeeded in making himself far more frightening

    12. He was the embodiment of fear, so much so that hundreds of film scripts were being pitched to Reg on a daily basis, all of which requesting he fill the inimitable role of the Grim Reaper

    13. Thinking himself too short for the role, Reg had yet to reply to any of the filmmakers

    14. This all happens, of course, in another dimension where Reg is not dead by the end of this novel

    15. Reg had only earned the status of a Kroonum judge because of the illegal wrangling and bribery performed by the Algreenian Fog-Specters

    16. The Specters did not want Reg to become a film star, so they filled his mind with all sorts of ideas to cause low self-esteem

    17. For the success of the Specter's revenge plot it was imperative that Reg stay in the courtroom

    18. Reg had been promised several million dollars worth of invisible money that he would never see, literally or figuratively

    19. Reg eventually accepted his calling as an actor

    20. Reg did not at first reply

    21. Whenever someone says something lengthy or above his intelligence level, as in whenever someone speaks at all, Reg is forced to observe the words as automatically printed out to him by his desperately needed Smart-into-Dumb Translator

    22. This gadget also provides Reg with a suitably intelligent example reply that he does not always choose to follow

    23. They are only able to move what Reg instructs them to, otherwise they would have just tossed a grenade or two in my general direction and retired to the afterlife

    24. Reg took one look at the plate and threw it against the wall

    25. “What the hell is water?” asked Reg

    26. Reg consulted some important documents that had been placed in front of him

    27. “We have room for that in the underground warehouse?” asked Reg incredulously

    28. “I see,” lied Reg

    29. The last paragraph had been translated to read “We made more room by combining science and magic!” Reg had been left cold by this translation

    30. Reg told the Translator to dumb things down a few times until finally the last paragraph merely read “Magic!” He was pleased with this all-encompassing explanation of how the crowded warehouse had been able to store such a detailed damage report

    31. Reg consulted the damage report for several minutes, during which he was brought a new plate of Crabbit meat

    32. Rip backed his chair away, not wishing to undergo any more third degree burns should Reg suddenly have a violent outburst

    33. “Hmm,” began Reg, “it seems the ship struck the planet in a way that maximized the potential amount of damage

    34. Reg cleared his throat

    35. “You are seeing the Specters,” said Reg

    36. “I’ll allow it,” said Reg, as his translator explained the word 'psychotropic' via pictorials of humanoid creatures ingesting fungus while viewing strange visions of melting colored lights

    37. “If he’d visited that layer more often,” said Reg, “he would have drowned

    38. Reg took a bite from his plate

    39. Before he could speak even a single word, Reg poured his drink over Nickbas' head

    40. “What was that?” asked Reg

    41. Reg frantically flipped through a bunch of files he had stored underneath his skeletal perch

    42. Reg showed the photo to the courtroom

    43. “Are you sure this was the beard?” asked Reg

    44. “So you said the beard was thrown away?” asked Reg

    45. “Where did this trash end up?” asked Reg

    46. “So we can use them to kill Reg, who is ridiculously undeserving of being the king of Lincra

    47. “Yeah, but Reg is tough

    48. Reg had hunted Crabbits from nearly every world they inhabited

    49. With all of his endless hunting expeditions and plans for general extermination, Reg had done so much damage to the Crabbit species that the image of his face had been naturally downloaded into their collective consciousness and transmitted across distant galaxies to all other living Crabbits

    50. That way should any of them be unfortunate enough to cross paths with Reg they will at least be given a heads-up about the whole matter

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