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    Verwenden Sie „sills“ in einem Satz

    sills Beispielsätze


    1. ’ I think it was Beverly Sills, the opera singer, who said, ‘There are no shortcuts to any place worth going

    2. Some mumbled to themselves and stared into the glass show cases that contained a fine collection of stuffed birds while others perched themselves on the thick window sills and watched the late afternoon sun shimmer across the light green of new leaves

    3. He picked up his sword from the weapons closet and sat down in one of the wide window sills to watch the make-up artists do their work on the other members of the cast

    4. No problem—he would at least paint the sills, possibly replace cracked panes

    5. I want to replace a few broken panes in the sash—the double-hung—and paint the sills

    6. Even with dragging the ladder from window to window he accomplished a great deal, and by the time she arrived home Wednesday afternoon he proudly showed Charly the results, paint still curing on a few sills but the storm sash installed regardless

    7. There were plants and flowers in the window sills, their blooms and greenery flowing over the sides of their baskets, and still more plants hanging from hooks in the ceiling or set on the long, high shelf which ran continuously around the whole room, with foliage and leaves randomly cascading down towards the floor in a picturesque manner

    8. A most cheerful, trim little house, with a nice tiled path up to the door, and pots of geraniums on its sills

    9. A white, two-storey weatherboard, with flower boxes adorning the window sills and a beautiful garden, it was charming

    10. They can be placed on shelves, on fireplace mantles, on window sills or even hidden in that fake plant you got as a house warming

    11. Outside on the street, a blizzard was raging, the last trolley buses, passengerless, depot bound, driving through the snow and on up to the end of the line, the swipe of wet snowflakes settling on the roofs and sills, the domes and doorways, all laid down before the storm and the promise it brought, ahead and behind and all around, the business of the first winter having returned

    12. I recline by the sills of the exquisite flexible doors,

    13. The shutters of the town are drawn, but between slats, over sills, a thousand eyes peer out

    14. And she sometimes was a gentleman and himself trustworthy, he trusted every scoundrel who came along wondered if he’d ever learn to distinguish between planking and sills

    15. Up close, she could see how the barn had come off the sills and foundation in places

    16. There was a stack of interfaced doorway facades leaned against the north wall of the stage, like the sills and doors through which Roy and I had plunged the day before

    17. All the dry wood, the banisters, the front porch, the sills

    18. He saw the door sills pass on either side

    19. The columns, lintels, sills, belts, finials and mouldings are to be close hammered work, with carving where indicated on the drawings

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    belle miriam silverman beverly sills sills