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    Verwenden Sie „skylight“ in einem Satz

    skylight Beispielsätze


    1. They did not have to wait till he was in full sunlight, the systems would work with skylight or under clouds, but would not work for forty hours of darkness, half of the globe was without data service at any one time

    2. A false stained-glass skylight lit the landing

    3. He put his boot through the skylight and dropped the wire down into the library

    4. skylight in the place was blown off and away, and that was how the wind

    5. Inside the RV, Stanley snorted himself awake and lay looking up at the overhead skylight

    6. Stanley turned his head slightly, forehead furrowing as he studied the skylight

    7. But they shifted constantly, as though the perspex skylight was covered with countless small fat worms wriggling across its surface

    8. And he landed in a skylight

    9. Somehow, the walls of the lab stretched like rubber and blocked off the skylight

    10. The skylight high in the

    11. A huge round skylight was centered in the ceiling, four stories above

    12. Ahead of you, Neptune’s glowing grin begins to bleed, Kaite’s face being pulled from the other side, teeth budding exposing skylight flesh breaking over the bridge of her nose, down an invisible chin and covering forehead

    13. Shadows move across your lids, birds flock over your skylight, you can see them through the frosted glass sheets

    14. Conan glanced up at a skylight under which he was passing and caught the blurred glimmer of stars

    15. You’d have a skylight but the manager of the building probably won’t be pleased

    16. I could have a skylight put into the place I live now, but the people above me would be furious

    17. find a skylight like that in this city

    18. Darkness was rapidly filling in the squares of my skylight when a knock interrupted my

    19. queen stayed seated, her eyes fixed on the hole in the skylight, watching snowflakes

    20. thrown at the skylight and two more panes were smashed

    21. Reaching up, she released the catches to the skylight, opening it fully

    22. Ann looked around her critically once they were up in the attic: four skylight windows covered by wooden panels faced the four cardinal points, making for decent observation positions, while a small table and chair sat in a corner, with a pile of parchments and two large bound, leather-covered books resting on the table, along with pens, an ink bottle and a primitive sextant

    23. Although he was already pretty much convinced, Jean hurried anyway to the skylight opening on the eastern side of the sloping roof of his house and opened wide the wooden panel covering it, putting in place a wooden stick to hold it open

    24. At the far end of the room was a ladder leading to a skylight

    25. A Cheshire Cat grin spread across their faces, the first trace of emotion from any of them, and they pointed their guns up at the stained glass skylight

    26. Camera flashbulbs and screaming guests drown out gunshots as the ground bound police watched them rush through the shattered skylight toward a zeppelin flying overhead

    27. Millie entered and found the massive hangar dark, lit only by moonlight coming from the open skylight above

    28. “Your right wrist is your rudder, aim for the skylight on the count of three,” Molly said

    29. Millie was about to ask a question when Molly hit a button on both of their watches and the two dames rushed skyward at a dizzying pace, zipping out the skylight and into the night sky toward downtown Chicago

    30. Pressing a button on the side of the door, she opens the skylight

    31. It was a bright sunny morning, and the sun’s rays were spraying down through the skylight

    32. The light is coming from a single skylight

    33. They flew out the skylight into the night above the machine room as the cocoon wiggled in the shards of glass

    34. The worker took its goggles off and looked at the clouds that were in the sky above the skylight

    35. He knew that in a short matter of time, the afternoon sun would shine directly through the skylight and for about two hours a day, a dramatic and fantastic display of dancing, spectral lights would surround the top of the statue as the two treasures bounced sunlight off each other, and created it a holy bright aura

    36. I open a slit in the window and, by winding a handle I open the skylight: I want a through draught

    37. The curtain fell away to reveal a dazzling skylight

    38. Slender columns rose to the twenty-foot ceiling, which had a skylight through which, to JD and Murphy’s intense relief, allowed a bit of moonlight to pass

    39. As they turned the corner, the skylight was revealed to have been divided into sixteen panes, its pale light illuminating the ballroom in all its desiccated glory

    40. I made my way through the dimness to the brightness of the skylight alcove

    41. I heard the scrape of a shoe on stone and I turned to see my father and Rocco step into the light given off by the skylight high above

    42. Above him was a skylight which he had also failed to notice earlier

    43. He looked up at the skylight again

    44. Scott spied one that looked woven from the same kind of bamboo used for the skylight

    45. It is in the form of a half orange, of enormous dimensions, and well lighted, though no light penetrates it save that which is admitted by a window, or rather round skylight, at the top; and it was from this that the emperor examined the building

    46. A Roman gentleman stood by his side and explained to him the skilful construction and ingenuity of the vast fabric and its wonderful architecture, and when they had left the skylight he said to the emperor,

    47. 'A thousand times, your Sacred Majesty, the impulse came upon me to seize your Majesty in my arms and fling myself down from yonder skylight, so as to leave behind me in the world a name that would last for ever

    48. The little monkey had crept by the skylight of one garret, along the roof, into the skylight of the other, and it was with the utmost difficulty I could coax her out again

    49. waves, but sorrier still was the sight on its deck, where, lashed with ropes to prevent their being washed overboard, some human corpses still lay! I counted four of them—four men, one still standing at the helm—then a woman, halfway out of a skylight on the afterdeck, holding a child in her arms

    50. Jaggers's room was lighted by a skylight only, and was a most dismal place; the skylight, eccentrically pitched like a broken head, and the distorted adjoining houses looking as if they had twisted themselves to peep down at me through it

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    fanlight skylight