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    solidity Beispielsätze


    1. The Victorian solidity of brick and stone was finally giving way to

    2. Little by little, masses and forms started to regain a relative solidity, and all was soon shrouded in a deep purple twilight

    3. the solidity of land giving way beneath your soles,

    4. The famous television gardener always said that the great oak leant the estate an air of permanence and solidity; that it was a link with the past of this small but great house; that it was history and should stand, like himself, as a symbol of greatness and stability forever

    5. that the great oak leant the estate an air of permanence and solidity;

    6. The gun in his hand is alternately heavy and light, a thing of solidity and vapour

    7. The house is substantial, essentially Devonian in its Victorian solidity and state of grand decline

    8. Typical Earth design, he thought: all hard angles, to give the impression of solidity and robustness – reassurance that this vessel can withstand the most extreme conditions space can offer it

    9. The matter that was rushing into her from all around was moving too fast to see, but she was obviously gaining solidity very rapidly

    10. ” Ria told him as she regained full visual solidity and her vertical position

    11. “I’ll say it offers solidity!” Mark chuckled

    12. She waited until she had taken her first sip and felt its heat and solidity create a link of hospitality between them before she spoke once more, aloud rather than simply in the mind

    13. He closed his eyes briefly at the memory of the mountain folk and their solidity which had in the end availed them nothing, before turning his thoughts to other possible projects

    14. Simon could feel the strength, the solidity of his presence, like a wall to stand against in the fiercest storm

    15. Then, suddenly, he stooped down, took two more steps and melted into the solidity of the cliff

    16. The findings in physics contradict the everyday notions of the world — its concrete reality and the existence of space, time, mass and solidity

    17. Haisch asks, ‘Is matter an illusion? Is the universe floating on a vast sea of light, whose invisible power provides the resistance that gives to matter its feeling of solidity? The mystics seemed to have already known the answer

    18. have based their solidity and effectiveness on the secret persuasion that the

    19. has mass Its apparent weight and solidity arise from the interactions of the

    20. same The images I saw were wonderfully sharp and clear and had the solidity

    21. You're filled with an overwhelming, head-staving urge to flee from this damnable solidity we call the ground?”

    22. and objects could retain the appearance of solidity and definite location - and of

    23. It merely appeared to possess separateness and solidity

    24. The conclusion is that there is absolutely no solidity or separation, as

    25. Recognizing this moment-to-moment birth and death of the mind allows us to penetrate the illusion of solidity which potentiates the fear of death

    26. They don’t have the solidity or the

    27. The cat’s solidity weakened and it became a true hologram and then faded out

    28. Here you can see how the metaphor slides from an economic free market tone to farmer's market shading to geographical field solidity; one metaphor, market; three tones: free, farmer's, local; but multiple ethical inferences and emotional responses

    29. turned towards Urit and the image of the DID slowly began printing itself into solidity

    30. This was both the solidity and spirituality he had been searching for

    31. ” The doors to IM whispered to a fusing solidity, as Urit abandoned himself to the blue behind his closed eyes where all he could see 637

    32. I think she must have heard through her servant of the number and texture of those pink and blue silk handkerchiefs, of his amazing piles of new and costly shirts, of the obvious solidity of the silver on everything of his that has a back or a stopper or a handle or a knob

    33. terms are the properties of solidity, liquidity, heat and movement

    34. reinforcing our sense of the solidity and objectivity of things,

    35. It was a testament to their solidity that they were still there, a little worn and dented, but there none the less

    36. It has a solidity and reality that is way beyond the experience of the ego

    37. The solidity of the canvas-wrapped

    38. She was immobile as she stared at the bared teeth that were before her, heard the claws ripping at the earth as it sought traction, solidity and smelt the soil that rose from the ground as it launched itself toward her

    39. Checking out the pyramid's solidity and its energy-collecting ability

    40. mostly empty space – and whatever solidity it has seems more to resemble a hologram

    41. apparent solidity, the universe is at heart a phantasm, a gigantic and splendidly detailed

    42. world had turned from hard solidity into shimmering mirage

    43. The solidity of the earth (things that change slowly) when

    44. The contrast of more solidity than the sea is another clue and understanding related to the holographic nature of this universe

    45. and the apparent solidity and stability of objects, bodies and the flow of time and energy are merely

    46. The contrast of more solidity than the sea is another clue and understanding related to the

    47. The fact that we have two flat pictures on our two retinas to help us, and that we can focus at different planes, would not suffice to account for our knowledge of the solidity and shape of the objective world, were these senses not associated with another sense all important in ideas of form, the sense of touch

    48. In this way by degrees he acquires those ideas of roughness and smoothness, hardness and softness, solidity, &c

    49. And who is to say they may not be right? This is certainly the impression one gets from their beautiful painting, with its lightness of texture and avoidance of solidity

    50. Their use of line is also much more restrained than with us, and it is seldom used to accentuate the solidity of things, but chiefly to support the boundaries of masses and suggest detail

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    Synonyme für "solidity"

    solidity solidness congestion concentration reduction condensation consistency thickness