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    stand-in Beispielsätze


    1. And from Truman’s perspective, Gordon’s boat, El Tiburón Limon was of greater importance than the selection of his half-wit brother as stand-in for the next election

    2. “Bert can lend his hat and jacket to our stand-in

    3. If Tony could wheel, the stand-in, an extra gun

    4. It was exhilarating to see such devotion, and so easy to forget that she was only the proxy, the stand-in for the real thing, the Goddess!

    5. If this then is a much foreshortened version, a parable as it were, using symbolic language to replace a much longer recitation that could not be as easily remembered, was the snake a stand-in for something else that was well understood within their historically religious tradition?

    6. Jesus obviously is the stand-in for the Prime Mover in the original trilogy, faithfully carrying “His Father’s Word” to his small portion of the globe

    7. This appalling vision of a god so uncaring eventually led to a kinder gentler representation that progressed through a chimera of previous animal versions, finally leading to a more humanlike, then more approachable human stand-in

    8. He chuckled, and told me that Mahwissa and the children were well and waiting for him with some of our relatives (and his and Carlotta’s stand-ins) near the Salmon Ordu

    9. The ones watching Theodore and Carlotta’s stand-ins had not noticed his return and followed him when he took

    10. Carlotta’s stand-in with him to visit Mahwissa and the children

    11. Carlotta’s stand-in would stay with him until they did give up

    12. The stand-in Commander shouted frantically at the horsemen as they turned tail and departed the blood-soaked pass

    13. was used as a stand-in

    14. bag of tasks that nobody else wanted, and stand-ins can sometimes entwine themselves into

    15. stand-in departed on the Friday before my return to the IT Unit

    16. They rode into Glenrowan, Took hostages at Jones’ Hotel, where they made their stand-in

    17. Barnes and Horne had spent most of the morning rounding up suitable candidates to act as stand-ins for a line-up, each resembling a homeless bum

    18. conscious of the stand-in, whose name at that moment

    19. The stand-in turned to Rafael, her expression

    20. before turning to the hovering stand-in who was eating up

    21. There was a brief interlude while a stand-in was obtained, a much larger stuffed hare that would only fit inside my hat once much of its innards were removed and it resembled a leporine concertina

    22. A dozen feet away from me, Conklin and Morales were at the doors in the middle of the car, Conklin explaining crime scene procedure even as Claire’s stand-in, Dr

    23. Her stand-in, Dr

    24. I’d seen mention of the Doomsday Group on the TV in the little stomach-turning video I’d seen of Fang and his Max stand-in but didn’t know it was more than that

    25. Did he know how much he was hurting me by advertising the new Fang gang? Was he really that cruel, to post videos of himself with his Max stand-in? Was he deliberately trying to hurt me?

    26. “She’s not your stand-in!” Fang roared

    27. “I can’t say that I enjoyed it,” Marilyn later told her movie stand-in, Evelyn Moriarty, of her assignation with Schenck

    28. In just a few months she would tell her stand-in on Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, “I want to be a star more than anything

    29. Even in scenes where she was shot from behind—where her stand-in, Evelyn Moriarty, could easily have done the work—Cukor insisted that Marilyn be present and on set to do take after take after take

    30. Marilyn’s “stand-in” Evelyn Moriarty was interviewed by Cathy Griffin on May 2, 1997, and again on June 1, 2007

    31. I said to him once : * How is it, sir, that with your great understanding, after living here ten years in monastic obedience, and in complete renunciation of your will, how is it you don't take honourable vows, so as to be still more perfect,' and he said to me thereupon, " You talk of my understand-ing,old man, but perhaps my understanding has held me in bondage and I have not kept it in submission

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