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    strivings Beispielsätze


    1. But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the

    2. They had increasingly become the followers of men, not the Word as the Apostle Paul had warned against many times, and their strivings divided the very strength of the movement into warring factions that weakened the core around which they orbited

    3. great strivings, and it shall stand in peril of failing, nevertheless it shall not then fall, but shall be restored again to his beginning

    4. Of all the leaders of the Herodian dynasty, he alone in all his strivings gave primacy to the Jewish nation and its future, and became the most illustrious Jewish politician of his generation

    5. 17 As for the voice which you heard speak and that you saw not to go out from the heads but from the midst of the body of it this is the interpretation: 18 That after the time of that kingdom there shall arise great strivings and it shall stand in peril of failing nevertheless it shall not then fall but shall be restored again to his beginning

    6. 5 Why are there strivings and anger and division and war among you? 6 Have we not one God and one Christ? Is not the Spirit of grace which was poured out on us one? Is not our calling one in Christ? 7 Why do we tear apart and rend asunder the members of Christ and make sedition against our body and come to such a degree of madness that we forget we are members one of another? Remember the words of our Lord Jesus 8 for he said Woe to that man; it were good for him if he had never been born rather than that he should cause one of my elect to offend

    7. Intellectual strivings may reveal the facts of life, but the gospel of the kingdom unfolds the truths of being

    8. The weather is better again, and there has been a pause in our strivings

    9. (a) We must bless God for the strivings of His spirit with us, and the admonitions and checks of our own consciences

    10. The same was with our emotions, feelings and strivings,

    11. "I saw this, within the first minute of my contemplation of the patient; for, in her restless strivings she had turned over on her face on the edge of the bed, had drawn the end of the scarf into her mouth, and was in danger of suffocation

    12. In a sort of nightmare he struggled with the strange uncanny thing that seemed to hold his hands, turn all muscular strivings to water, and laugh at him all the time; while other travellers, forming up in a line behind, waited with impatience, making suggestions of more or less value and comments of more or less stringency and point

    13. All her inward labor, her dissatisfaction with herself, her sufferings, her strivings after goodness, her meekness, love, and self-sacrifice- all this now shone in those radiant eyes, in her delicate smile, and in every trait of her gentle face

    14. For all its enormous range of space, climate, and physical appearance, and for all the internal squabbles, contentions, and strivings, Texas has a tight cohesiveness perhaps stronger than any other section of America

    15. "On the contrary, these festivities signal a sad but, let us hope, temporary phenomenon,—the disloyalty of France to its former great historic rôle: the country, which once called the whole world to break the fetters of despotism and offered its fraternal aid to every nation that revolted for the sake of its freedom, now burns incense before the Russian government, which systematically trigs the normal, organic, and vital growth of the national life, and mercilessly crushes, without stopping at anything, all the strivings of Russian society toward the light, toward freedom, and toward independence

    16. You hear the strange, loud sounds, and admire the gymnastic exercises performed by his fingers; and you see that the performer wishes to impress upon you that the sounds he is producing express various poetic strivings of the soul

    17. All her inward labor, her dissatisfaction with herself, her sufferings, her strivings after goodness, her meekness, love, and self-sacrifice—all this now shone in those radiant eyes, in her delicate smile, and in every trait of her gentle face

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