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    1. It would certainly be some kind of trick with hidden wicks and special fuel, but he'd seen people spit fire so he figured there would be some way to perform that circus stunt also

    2. "Can’t wait to see this stunt," Wrigley said

    3. She gave the young man a moment to relinquish the sleeve still tight in his fingers then stated clearly and loud enough for his mates and anyone one else out at that time to hear, “You will keep a civil tongue in your foul little mouth, or there's more where that came from! Don't even begin to tell any one else about 'manners!' I don't know from whose foolish talk you picked up that misapplied epithet, but you will do well to remember this: you and your little friends are not even civilized humans yet and until you learn to treat others as you would be treated, I pity you the knocks and bruises in store for you, and not just at the hands of a 'woman' next time;” she glared at them one at a time, “Now get on back to your homes and don't even think of repeating such a foolish stunt!” she added

    4. years, but your stunt with the trains last time was very impressive

    5. Roman’s Story Continued: “The stunt with the trains”

    6. He was undoubtedly dead, eaten by a carnivore after Alfred's stupid stunt with the shuttlecraft scared him off into the wilds

    7. This stunt did not win points for Alfred with her

    8. "Pounds, shillings and pence were what she was after, and by this ridiculous stunt, pounds, shillings and pence is what she hoped to get

    9. Of all the expedients that can well be contrived to stunt the natural growth of a new colony, that of an exclusive company is undoubtedly the most effectual

    10. It tends to make government subservient to the interest of monopoly, and consequently to stunt the natural growth of some parts, at least, of the surplus produce of the country, to what is barely sufficient for answering the demand of the company,

    11. The monopoly of the company can tend only to stunt the natural growth of that part of the surplus produce which, in the case of a free trade, would be exported to Europe

    12. That of the servants tends to stunt the natural growth of every part of the produce in which they choose to deal; of what is destined for home consumption, as well as of what is destined for exportation; and consequently to degrade the cultivation of the whole country, and to reduce the number of its inhabitants

    13. “Have you completely lost it?” shouted Lucy, “You could’ve been killed pulling a stupid stunt like that!”

    14. And she must know that this little stunt will have blown her cover

    15. He was the chosen one to fight against evil for the world and destroy or detain the ones that would cause suffering or stunt the natural growth of the races

    16. Even as he read, he was thinking up his next stunt

    17. Off the record, I blame the instructor, who tried some hare-brained stunt and bit off a little more than he could chew

    18. Actually, if Mike (or – Shannon, if that really was his name) had been able to pull off such a stunt right under the nose of someone as crafty as Sylvia, more power to him

    19. Herminia knew of Edward: he was the politician who sent cops out after dealers in a big reelection publicity stunt, she’d said as much on the drive up

    20. What about third parties? Some are among the worst possible choices for president, including the likes of racists like Buchanan and Larouche, the openly amoral like Ron Paul, conspiracy theorists like Ross Perot and Cynthia McKinney, or celebrity stunt candidates like Roseanne Barr

    21. All we had to do was unload, and have a nap, and think up our next stunt

    22. “A device that I hope will stunt an

    23. College kids milled around the square in hordes, and Manda had to jump out of the way of a boy who came flying over the stone steps in the middle of a skateboard stunt

    24. “I heard about your stunt with George”

    25. that Brian was, in fact, his stunt double

    26. Vic’s little stunt had had the desired effect

    27. “It was a stunt by Vic, they have him and the girl is no more

    28. possible and maintained throughout the stunt while continuing to

    29. I've since figured out that her little stunt was a test to see how I would react when

    30. “Your little stunt has caused a bit of a problem for us Jesse my boy” he said, “What do you suggest I do about that problem?” he asked his voice icy

    31. To his credit, perhaps because he knew I already had dirt on him, he never told Lew Spencer or my AZ colleagues about my stunt

    32. also understands that a shortage of cash needed at critical times wil stunt the growth of a

    33. a typical socialist stunt

    34. We pulled every stupid, mindless stunt in the books, from filling our two-story dormitory halls with straw from a construction site to putting work-site signs and flashing lights throughout the building

    35. “The other major issue with the stunt you pulled is that if anyone had seen you all would be lost

    36. He was especially fond of a small red biplane designed for stunt flying and performed amazing maneuvers near our home that equaled those of the best pilots in the world

    37. This man, this stunt biker is being sent here as a Bolshevik spy

    38. stunt man show; this year it's an ice skating show

    39. “I thought you were going to kill me with that stunt

    40. Most just backed off and took pictures, probably thinking it was some kind of stunt by one of the casinos

    41. “Uh … I’m a stunt double … for a lot of child actors

    42. Wisdom hated Xavier for the stunt he pulled in the car

    43. “And you expect us to swallow that horse-spit after the stunt you pulled at the wishing well?” asked Jai

    44. “What the hell’s going on? How dare you guys barge into my office and pull this stunt?” Alistair’s face had turned a bright red and he was fuming

    45. Bithia holds the baby up into the air and announces: “Behold! This child is a gift from Isis!” The guards say nothing, knowing their station, but think something along the lines of, “Oh shit, here she goes again with some crazy new stunt to piss off her father

    46. That stunt with the box has certainly put people on edge

    47. “I stunt in anything I put on

    48. He’d ruined that with the little stunt he’d pulled in the tunnels

    49. Both his mother and father had been stunt flyers in touring air shows and circuses of the l920s

    50. That was no publicity stunt

    1. back into the stunted trees which edged the open area next to the

    2. stunted bushes and hedgerows in the vicinity, and could sense that

    3. stunted trees that dotted the coastline

    4. carefully through the thicket of stunted trees and gorse bushes that

    5. To the east of the cross-roads lay a track barely visible that wound over hummock and stony outcrop, twisting and turning though stunted bush and nodding button grass for many kilomiles until finally reaching the mighty outcrop called 'Rocky Mount'

    6. beneath the meagre shelter of a stunted oak

    7. They were probably not unlike that stunted breed which was common all over Scotland thirty or forty years ago, and which is now so much mended through the greater part of the low country, not so much by a change of the breed, though that expedient has been employed in some places, as by a more plentiful method of feeding them

    8. In the Eastlands, the dark skies nearly held back all tree and plant life and stunted those that could survive the harsh conditions

    9. She led him through a tangled patch of undergrowth, stopping abruptly at a stunted bush

    10. ―Love‖ oftentimes devolves into Lust in the minds of the (emotionally) stunted who are unable to understand what to make of it

    11. What sets our Nickelodeon Generation apart (in some manner) from prior generations is a troubling disregard for parental authenticity; a legacy passed down to them by their emotionally and morally stunted Boomer Parents whose puerile adolescence and (the) mixed messages conveyed to their offsprings have all but erased the traditional boundaries that formerly defined the (proper) role(s) of parent and child

    12. His (own) twisted sense of self-righteousness has stunted the Evolution of Character that is normally required to promote healing on all levels

    13. Nevertheless, this remarkable decision should demand closer scrutiny by reasonable men and women over the question of competency as such vaguely defined standards may apply to certain individuals of ―limited‖ intelligence or stunted emotional development that (supposedly) renders their ability to make sound judgment problematical; yet for all intent and purposes, however, seem sufficiently capable of leading normal, productive lives; and whose marginal ―deficiencies‖ are not considered in any manner an impediment to the legal requirements respective of property and person

    14. He wheeled it into place in the shade provided by a pair of stunted trees and set the horse free to graze in a nearby patch of grass

    15. use her wings-even previous mutations were stunted by the device

    16. In the instant the musician played the last note, his fermata was stunted

    17. the family have "YouKe blood" (1875), because the family has stunted growth, poor behavior and criminal record

    18. According to you one got stunted in his

    19. It was his opinion that the curriculum of the time stunted students’ capacity for

    20. Gradually, they approached a small island fringed with stunted bushes and with

    21. And the stunted F flat outlook

    22. and physical harm, including disease and stunted growth, often have

    23. She saw a few stunted trees a short distance away and on closer inspection, found three upright stones next to one another under the trees

    24. He was small, stunted, and awkward, and when he spoke to

    25. to a more modest angle, and the limbs of bushes and stunted

    26. At the far edge of the copse grew a stunted oak

    27. Their moral growth has become stunted

    28. The ogre took it and placed it next to the table; among the soup bowls and a stunted vase holding a branch of artificial flowers with effort

    29. Deforestation had caused the swamps, and attempts to drain them had made everything worse, creating barren, infertile wastelands of inedible grass and stunted melaleucas

    30. been sand, rocks and a few stunted shrubs, now the land was fairer

    31. Her favorite subject was, of course, English, and she hoped to become a writer someday, but was forever bogged down by her appearance, and that in turn stunted her growth

    32. He shook his head, glancing at the stunted trees, at the marching woods below, a green mass which seemed to send out tendrils straggling up the sides of the cliffs

    33. The mighty arms spread wide as the beast plunged, stupefyingly quick for all his vast bulk and stunted legs

    34. Too much (and this seems the tendency these days) and you stifle the child and instil fear into him or her – development can be stunted

    35. And at last among the lichen-grown ruins of their city only a single shape lurked, a stunted abhorrent perversion of nature

    36. The sun had set and darkness was gathering over the plain, lightened a little by the stars that made stunted ghosts out of the cactus growths

    37. There were several varieties of citrus fruit and a few stunted apples

    38. We are patients in Maya‘s Asylum ……… Thumb through any magazine, flip through the channels of the TV, go wherever there are people, and you‘ll see nothing but a morbidly juvenile, fear-infected, stunted, runtish race over which Maya reigns supreme and unchallenged ‗and Jed seems to think Maya will win a lot of the time……… ‗You think you‘re on top of something, but the only thing to be on top of is Maya, and she‘s on top of you like a house on a mouse……

    39. The Hyrkanians are dark and generally tall and slender, though a squat slant-eyed type is more and more common among them, resulting from mixture with a curious race of intelligent, though stunted, aborigines, conquered by them among the mountains east of Vilayet, on their westward drift

    40. creepers and stunted ferns on the forest floor

    41. Moving closer, making use of the long dry grasses and stunted bushes for cover, Siri peered over the vegetation

    42. form was stunted by the

    43. Lest their growth become stunted

    44. Emotional aspects and spiritual concerns have been muted and stunted in today's world

    45. to buy a tree and see it stunted and shrivelled

    46. and distant that the child grows up with a stunted emotional

    47. a year, not much grows there except some hardy bushes, and a few stunted trees

    48. stunted, bushy acacia to the sheets of rock below

    49. The sale was imminent, but possibly that idea’s all in the air now; a stunted process

    50. Thirty two years of marriage serve well to establish understanding between a couple and Barbara rolled with the blows as her husband’s mood, stunted conversation over the meal

    1. stunting the chain reaction of the process

    2. You here stunting in an

    3. The trick will be to keep them safe without stunting or stifling their development

    4. 7 It is true that many of the objectionable stunting influences and other cramping features of these olden Jewish homes have been virtually eliminated from many of the better-regulated modern homes

    5. At the mature age of an adult have we continued this principle of safety to a level where it is stifling our development? Have we turned a virtue into a vice? Have we become so obsessive and excessive with safety and security that it is stunting our growth? Are we truly free when life is dominated by safety and security?

    6. Shutting down, stunting, distorting and destroying their growth potential

    7. The different colors spoke of the various soils and minerals that the tree’s roots encountered, some harsh and stunting, some rich and nourishing

    8. “That’s a myth about cigarettes stunting your growth,” he said as I opened the front door

    9. More outbreaks are reported, and some people start to suggest that the fungus on the plant is stunting the growth of the new soybeans

    10. But even this stunting of human life is not the worst

    1. and indolent snags of wool on skeleton stunts of elm,

    2. The former seek to provide an effective foundation (moral and spiritual as well as material), essential to their future well-being while the latter (unwittingly) engender a paralysis of will that stunts their children‘s emotional and intellectual development

    3. He joined Susan and their three youngest, living in different hotels, upsetting staff wherever they went, pulling their usual uncooperative and confrontationist stunts whenever challenged with requests that did not suit them

    4. They probably have something to do with the daredevil stunts the Dauntless are famous for

    5. Cara mutters something about crazy Dauntless stunts, but runs after me, and Fernando, Marcus, and Christina follow

    6. No more apologizing for Cornelia Marshall! _I_ shall hold MY head up after this, believe ME--though I MAY talk things over with you as usual just to relieve my feelings if the Merediths do any more startling stunts

    7. stunts to try and consolidate the fading support for the Company

    8. He didn’t pay much lip service to the press, most of his good deeds had been twisted and paraded as mere publicity stunts

    9. Mines over that and Lilly's would be if the modelling agency didn't make her wear the designer dresses out as publicity stunts

    10. I'd gotten more comfortable doing stunts like that the past couple of years

    11. She stunts till near tipping point over the dunes jerking you and the girls back and forth

    12. Then the fire figures began to jump by the bushes, doing stunts and antics, which made me laugh so much as if I were in a circus

    13. Children should be kept out of harm’s way; there’s no need for them to be involved in daredevil-type stunts at this time

    14. Children or children figures in your life should avoid daredevil-type stunts

    15. Even Blondie laughed when some of Rachel’s stunts were at her expense

    16. The Museum of Hoaxes: A Collection of Pranks, Stunts, Deceptions, and Other Wonderful Stories Contrived for the Public from the Middle Ages to the New Millennium, E

    17. Chuckling as she read the message a second time, she saw that the role, while very physical and involving a lot of combat skills and stunts, called for little actual acting skills, which actually made her a logical candidate for the role

    18. ‘’Well, she will need more than simple looks to land that role, Channing: it is a very physical role, with plenty of risky stunts and combat scenes

    19. Now death results from some of the stunts

    20. pression of the event stunts our growth

    21. That actress, however, had inflamed his interest right from the start with her crazy stunts and mind blowing action scenes

    22. Tanya pulled off some fantastic manoeuvres and she outclassed the enemy pilots with her magnificent stunts and she shot them out of the sky

    23. They thought one of my gymnastic stunts went wrong

    24. had performed on the episode where they attended Sea Park, and whether Garcia had actually done his own stunts

    25. “And he did all of his own stunts

    26. He and the killer whales invented never before seen stunts on the spot

    27. And here is the real deal; if we are sitting here dreaming up stunts like this, what’s stopping someone else who really is intent on getting a message like that out from doing such a thing?”

    28. “If I can’t do the stunts, then I take it out of the story

    29. The messengers announced that Broog, the legendary disguise-artist best remembered for his baffling yet insanely entertaining publicity stunts, was found lifeless in his summer cabin on Grelk, the planet made of tar pits

    30. “Yes, I agree; Eros has lost its passion and become childish, banal, and stupid, and is only interested in stunts and stamina

    31. This conversation led to others, and within seconds the two women were reminiscing about their college days and some of the stunts they’d pulled there…

    32. This was just the latest in a litany of stunts her mom was known to pull

    33. The four watched a show, were a Thai man puts his head in a large crocodile’s mouth and doing, what by most would be considered suicidal, stunts

    34. Unfortunately, all unquestioning obedience, respect and worship of authority stunts, strangles, limits, and destroys the sense of wonder

    35. when he was going to pull one of his stunts on her

    36. The gentle parabolic curved landing and lit-off required for every single one of these acrobatic stunts is not flying: the tiny part of the trick that makes it seem they are flying an illusion

    37. carefully carrying out their stunts

    38. When the plants are about three inches tall, it is time to thin them out as overcrowding only stunts growth

    39. The contestant (or team) that manages to complete all of the stunts, including finishing the final stunt in the fastest time, wins the $50,000 prize

    40. Shift schedules, fund allocations, project juggling, out-and-out looting of other projects… he’d never pulled so many stunts in his life

    41. Most of life had seemed like that to him—pranks, stunts, getting revenge for past wrongs

    42. You need Toria to pull off these stunts

    43. In fact, when the market was performing its recent stunts, I was sitting by the pool, confident that my option strategies would be unaffected

    44. Anne enjoyed it thoroughly in all its phases—the stimulating class rivalry, the making and deepening of new and helpful friendships, the gay little social stunts, the doings of the various societies of which she was a member, the widening of horizons and interests

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    stunt arrest retard dwarf check skit sketch performance