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    1. The Swan Posture (Swanasana) As its name indicates, it is a graceful exercise and will, therefore, especially appeal to women readers, although its benefits also to male sufferers from backache can hardly be over-estimated

    2. Your muscles in the lower half of the back will be strengthened so sufferers from lumbago will also find the Bull Posture of great value

    3. It is an invaluable exercise for sufferers from these complaints because it allows full expansion of the lungs while doing deep breathing and at the same time the inverted position helps to drain congested cavities

    4. It is also highly beneficial to arthritis sufferers to eat one or two finely grated raw potatoes, including the skin, every day

    5. I mentioned this position of the hands earlier in connection with the Bull Posture for sciatica but sufferers from arthritis and rheumatism in the shoulders will also greatly benefit from this simple arm exercise

    6. Sufferers from all stomach and internal complaints would do well to practice the art of clean eating

    7. Ozzie had endured enough helplessness when a first year at school – that’s when he and Chas had become the pals they were … equal sufferers at the hands of the older boys

    8. Usually migraine sufferers can feel a migraine coming on a good while before it hits them

    9. In the end stages some sufferers hallucinated, often convinced that they were recovering

    10. United Nations edict that would eliminate the use of inhalers for asthma sufferers

    11. sufferers name to media: what unethical behavior?

    12. The EPA is now considering complying with a United Nations edict that would eliminate the use of inhalers for asthma sufferers

    13. application of it, to all who are under it; wherever that is not bona fide done, War is made upon the sufferers

    14. Adult migraine sufferers should watch for migraine symptoms in their

    15. sufferers also pay for their pain in lost income

    16. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been used to discover that the brain stems of migraine sufferers are more sensitive to certain stimulations than people without migraines

    17. effects of migraines for many sufferers

    18. For many migraine sufferers, noise is a headache

    19. Migraine sufferers are turning to non-pharmacological options to reduce the number of headaches they

    20. In a study of hydrocephalus sufferers carried out by the University of Sheffield, Professor John lorber discovered that there is no relation between the volume of brain tissue and IQ Of the 253 subjects in the study, 9 were found to have approximately only 5% of the normal amount of brain tissue despite this, 4 had IQ’s of above 100, the national average, and another 2 had IQ’s of above 126, while one of the subjects proved to be as intelligent as those studying him, he had a first-class degree in Mathematics

    21. sufferers of sleep apnea and snoring and it was

    22. apnea sufferers tend to have very mild symptoms and will not even realize

    23. cases of sufferers using this type of sleep apnea treatment it has been

    24. of snoring, which is one of the many reasons that snoring sufferers are urged

    25. This is an important case study on the psychological make-up of this specific group of sufferers

    26. Lower back exercises can be a big help to sufferers of pain in the lumbar or lower back regions

    27. However sufferers do seem to manage to keep the pain under control to a level where it doesn’t interfere too much with their day-to-day living

    28. The calming effect of meditation on the mind has a positive impact for depression sufferers

    29. The townspeople remembered the water and the wine, and now that he was supposed to have healed the nobleman's son at so great a distance, they came to him, not only bringing the sick and afflicted but also sending messengers requesting that he heal sufferers at a distance

    30. Surrounding this pool was a structure of five porches under which a large group of sufferers lingered in quest of healing

    31. He had brought Jesus to the pool thinking that the sight of the assembled sufferers would make such an appeal to the Master's compassion that he would be moved to perform a miracle of healing, and thereby would all Jerusalem be astounded and presently be won to believe in the gospel of the kingdom

    32. should be considered long-term chronic sufferers of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    33. Both sufferers noticed this, especially the trained nurse

    34. Most psychiatrists say that there is a trigger somewhere that brings on the effects of post traumatic stress that starts sufferers to be drawn into destructive behavior

    35. Sufferers with en bloc lose days; they don’t know what they did or what happened while they were under the influence even when people remind them or tell them what occurred

    36. Bloom mentions that many OCD sufferers will accept their change in

    37. professionals would really tell sufferers of depression to cut back

    38. many OCD sufferers deal with their condition

    39. Since it is a member of the citrus family, migraine and arthritis sufferers may notice a worsening of their symptoms which are often sensitive to citrus

    40. Because they are socially immature, MID sufferers often

    41. sufferers have suicidal ideation, or try to commit suicide at

    42. Few sufferers, it is said, live past the age of twenty-six

    43. of Vitamin E and 500 mg of Vitamin C increased peak flow capacity by 18 percent in a trial of 17 asthma sufferers (treadmill testing with peak flow lung function tests)

    44. suffered for only one night whereas the poor are always the sufferers

    45. the reason antihistamine medication is often used by allergy sufferers

    46. only for indigestion sufferers who have been diagnosed with hypochlorhydria

    47. Among CFS sufferers who have a form of low blood pressure

    48. Magnesium levels have been reported to be low in CFS sufferers

    49. Hay fever sufferers interested

    50. Quercetin is an increasingly popular treatment for hay fever even though only limited preliminary clinical research has suggested that it is beneficial to hay fever sufferers

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